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Along with the morning mists
The tender leaves gently  uncurl
Soak in the first rays of the Sun
Listen closely to the dew
And its translucent views
Up in the mists
Rolls the voice of the soul

  Nov 2020 Jayantee Khare
Bea Autumn
Time flies by so fast then its past

Remember special moments always last

So make some memories to treasure

Each day have and give some pleasure

So when second chances do come by

To love again say yes reach for the sky

Because I love the moments in time

When you're with me and you are mine

Cherish and relish everyday while you can

Precious are the moments when love is the plan
make every moment count
Jayantee Khare Nov 2020

In the caves,
Some moments frozen as graves...

The summer breeze
Lets them unfreeze

Holding the unison
Unfolding the cavern

The ego knelt
When the warmth is felt
Moments melt
The issue is delt

The time snoozes
The peace oozes....

Remained amiss
The warmth is bliss.....

The old dusty path
Weather beaten roads

Lead to the farm
With an old barn

The sun shines 
with a light afternoon

Orange cosmos flowers,
grow wild in the
green hills

Silvery white, slender fragrant flowers,
bloom on the Indian cork trees

The full moon glows through the night
On the old dusty path

Jayantee Khare Sep 2020
When the life
treading a tumultuous trek
in a
colours the canvas
highlights the shadows
enlightens the path
re-kindles the flame
wraps with the warmth
contents the life...
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