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463 · Dec 2015
Personal Poison
Jasmine Horn Dec 2015
Darling, dear, I never knew
I'd encounter someone as toxic as you,
but I can't find proof that “deadly” describes you.
You make me smile; you can make me laugh,
But it can't be safe for my heart to beat this fast.
463 · Dec 2015
Running Away
Jasmine Horn Dec 2015
Well, it's never been easy.
We've all threatened to run away, and all for different reasons.

I threatened to leave when I did not receive a Barbie Jeep
Then, I entered my teens and threatened to leave
when I confused misunderstanding and mistreat.
Now, I'm slightly older, and you say to me: “Let's travel the many beautiful sights to see."

With that small invitation, running away gained a new connotation. I'm running away to find me.
359 · Dec 2015
Four seasons
Jasmine Horn Dec 2015
You always experience summer
What a happy being
I know all four seasons
beauty and darkness in each
I've learned to adapt.
I've grown.
I've thrived
While you simply bask in the sun
And flash an ignorant smile.
323 · Nov 2015
7 Long Days
Jasmine Horn Nov 2015
When I realized we would have to be a week apart,
I thought I'd again fall apart and I would lose my heart.
But, I simply lived on.
And today, you called
For the first time I didn't answer on the first ring.
I missed the sound of your voice
Especially, when I realized that this time you were the one who fell apart without me.
260 · Nov 2015
Jasmine Horn Nov 2015
In the heart of a blackened soul,
My dear you will find
A weird beating bleeding thing just like every other being apart of mankind.
However, in the soul of a blackened heart,
My dear you will find
The scars and raging memories that you left behind.

— The End —