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 Jul 2014 Jasmin Mishele
The funny things that love will make you do,
from believing in god,
to tearing you into two.
As we fight for life's ******,
which we shoot into our heart,
disregarding what ripped us apart,
all so that we can make a fresh start,
just to be a blotch on life's art.
Pure knowledge from above
The purer your soul
The purer your love
                  and dripping,
      the shower
and stand,
             as i covet

beauty and magnificence.

ardent desire,
               raises goosebumps
   my skin,
             as lust
                    lights the fires.

         rake over me
                      and i am left

we come
         together, with    
              mouths full of greed,
lips of desire,
             skin so tender....

that the touch
              of fingertips,
                   scorches and sears.

but burn, we must
             and burn, we will.

as we ravenously, take our fill

                      ­              desire.

this is our .....
      love's funeral pyre.
                      from which
the phoenix,
        each day arises...
             ...more incandescant.
to await...
          with longing
               fervent and asmolder
the next match's
                   striking to love's
                           lusterous fire.
three word exercise:
covet, greed, lust.
Give her more and more space
To be her own woman.

Give her room to grow.
Give her room.  

Independence is as solid a
Foundation to build a life upon

As any. Just make sure she sees
Your intention as is.

Dependence will drive her to think
You stopped caring.

Dependence will fool her into
Seeing it as birth. Of an ending.  

Dependence is no walls; no roof,
No floor.

Give her room to grow.
Give her *room.
 Jun 2014 Jasmin Mishele
Something made me smile
as I passed the place today
where the beech nuts used to pile
and the squirrels used to play
and the workman with the frown
that is sawn into his face
came to take the old tree down
and leave a raw and empty place.

'Let her be a wooden tombstone,
she was getting out of hand'
declared a rubber stamped official
but he didn't understand
that all her strength was in her roots
and her roots were all still there
and today I smiled and watched
her raise ******* in the air.
AKA Tree tells mankind to f**k off.
"17 bullets in his body"

I'll never forget
those words
the doctor had said
while my man was on his death bed

17 bullets

And it was the 17th of March

On our 17th anniversary
And I heard those words
At 1:07 am

17 bullets
and we were both 17 when we first laid eyes on each other
that day when you came over to our house with my brother
and it was the 17th of March

I remember.
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