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While you were gone, life moved on. I woke up and had time to think. The clouds of emotion that confused my mind began to clear and I had time to realize what I wanted. At first I felt confusion and pain, but through it I saw a clear vision. I know that you have a path to follow and I have one too. I missed you beside me in the morning, but I was able to cope. I enjoyed hearing from you but I needed the time. I know what I want now and I am finally sure. While you were gone I found out that my life is with you. For better or worse, that is where I will be. What ever road you take you can take it with me. I just needed time to realize I was in love. While you were gone that was time enough.
When you left me, you took my life away
and made me a laughing stock on display.
When I left you, I started breathing again;
healed of every wound, relieved of all the pain!
Dare to rise again!
you are not delicate.
when your flesh bruises, when your bones break, when your head aches, when your lover leaves, you will carry on.
there is a reason tears do not burn skin.
your muscles were made to lift your heavy heart and leaden legs.
you were made to carry on.

so when he says "i don't love you anymore," your bones will not allow you to collapse, your muscles will carry you forward. there is a reason your eyes are in the front of your head. don't look back.

you will not break.
you are not a cheap manufactured toy.
you are an exquisite human being hand-crafted by the likes of god,
heavy bones and bundled muscle
you are made of blood, sweat, and tears and you are resilient.

your heart strings are made of solid steel and though you may not have an iron grip, you learn to catch the curveballs. i promise

i know that your past sits on your shoulders, i promise that you were made to bear its weight.

so no, you will not break.
you are not delicate. you are strong, you are beautiful, you are unique.
you will not break.
you will endure
Life is a bucket of water, in so many ways. When you start out from the well the bucket is full. If you sit the bucket down it is jostled and a little water spills. Life often spills over into other things that we plan. The water in the bucket comes out cool and refreshing, but if you let it sit a while it becomes warm then it can get hot. Life is often filled with cold moments, warm moments and moments of heated passion. As water in a bucket, life will evaporate quickly. So it is best to take a big drink while you can and be careful not to spill any. Because while you can go back to the well for water, you only get one bucket of life to draw from.
All distinction is gone, and we are doomed. No representation exist, it will be over soon. Clones of each party reflects the other. Nothing is  new under the sun. Once a clear distinction existed between two factions, now they both grumble and tell lies. All are awash in money while the unwashed masses starve. No help can be found in the seat of power, the chair is one size to fit the posterior of whoever happens to sit in it at the time. Rhetoric abounds but says little as dysfunctional bureaucrats shuffle endless reams of paper from one box to the next in a pretense of accomplishment that would fool even the wisest of the Greeks. At last the utopia is in sight. All persons have one point of view whether they like it or not. Society is reduced to numbers of the haves and the have not's with the former being less than the latter but of a greater status. Reaping all of the harvest and leaving little for the unwashed masses, as they close ranks in androgynous politics that mirror the same thing.
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