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Born in my native country and forced to transition into a different culture as a child. Today, I see life through a very unique perspective …
Alta Boudreau
28/F/Brooklyn, NY   
Lily Mayfield
I love to write poetry but I am going to school to become a nurse :) I love country and rock for music. Lily Mayfield …
John Patrick Robbins Aka Gonzo
Shady Pines NC    I am a published writer and fulltime editor and publisher I run Whiskey City Press. I am the author of six books I am also …
Olga Valerevna
Vladivostok    These words, I need to write them down.
Hell, Missouri    i've lost inspiration completely.
Feedback is always appreciated, thank you for reading. My blog :
New York, New York    Doctoral candidate at Columbia University
India    I think every moment of your life is a word and those words make up a poem and that my purpose is to find the …
Erin Lewis
I sing the songs of centuries I whisper the worries wound within I spin stories of unspoken secrets I tell tales of truth and treachery …
Writing is freedom from the demands of this world.
Jay Jimenez
33/M/Floating in space    Searching for love in the stardust
Pink Halverson
32/F    Writing helps connect me to my whole the product of such connections you'll find here they are pieces of myself however 'imperfect' they may seem …
Lily Mae
F/Northern Michigan    Nothing © January 2011 Lily Mae
samuel nathan
born there, lived here, maybe the other way round. enjoy it all. no time not to.
I literally say whatever's on my mind. i have no filter. poetry happens when i organize my thoughts. Some of my words are on clothes, …
erin haggerty
maine    Poetry is nothing more than an intensification or illumination of common objects and every day events until they shine with their singular nature, until we …
Kongsaeng Chris Everson
I write Zen poetry that is not like Zen poetry.
Elephants and  Coyotes
My spirit is ages older than my body could ever fathom. *** I live and breathe words. I may not be the next big thing, …
Regan Troop
A girl trying to explore every possible crease, crevice, cranny, and nook of her soul Welcome to this crevice
I am 19 years old and I love writing poetry to clear my mind. Follow me on tumbler Twitter
My poetry is the only area of my life where I am completely honest, and most of the time, it's vague or cryptic enough for …
Tombstone  Terry  Sullivan
Im a rambler A writter a bluesman. Dont spend much time in one place. The roads my home and the devil a old friend at …
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