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 Apr 2013 Jacqueline
Ted Hughes
He loved her and she loved him
His kisses ****** out her whole past and future or tried to
He had no other appetite
She bit him she gnawed him she ******
She wanted him complete inside her
Safe and Sure forever and ever
Their little cries fluttered  into the curtains

Her eyes wanted nothing to get away
Her looks nailed down his hands his wrists his elbows
He gripped her hard so that life
Should not drag her from that moment
He wanted all future to cease
He wanted to topple with his arms round her
Or everlasting or whatever there was
Her embrace was an immense press
To print him into her bones
His smiles were the garrets of a fairy place
Where the real world would never come
Her smiles were spider bites
So he would lie still till she felt hungry
His word were occupying armies
Her laughs were an assasin's attempts
His looks were bullets daggers of revenge
Her glances were ghosts in the corner with horrible secrets
His whispers were whips and jackboots
Her kisses were lawyers steadily writing
His caresses were the last hooks of a castaway
Her love-tricks were the grinding of locks
And their deep cries crawled over the floors
Like an animal dragging a great trap
His promises were the surgeon's gag
Her promises took the top off his skull
She would get a brooch made of it
His vows  pulled out all her sinews
He showed her how to make a love-knot
At the back of her secret drawer
Their screams stuck in the wall
Their heads fell apart into sleep like the two halves
Of a lopped melon, but love is hard to stop

In their entwined  sleep they exchanged arms and legs
In their dreams their brains took each other hostage

In the morning they wore each other's face
Is not being shattered
Into a million pieces
Is not being suicidal
Though that certainly is a part
Isn't when the pieces don't fit
Or you keep trying
But it keeps falling apart
Means not knowing what to do
With those pieces
Is being unable to meet people's eyes
Because you don't know what the hell
You're doing there either

Is 3:40 AM
Looking into the eyes
In the mirror
What do you see?
I hate you more than you'll ever know,
I hate you more than I'll ever show,
I deserve so much better than what you were,
I deserved something a thousand times more,
You are everything I ever hated,
And all this time I have just waited,
To let you know your every flaw,
Every imperfection I ever saw,
You are a liar and a user,
A calloused, abusive loser,
You were killing me from the start,
You drained my soul and broke my heart,
I hate you more than I'll ever show,
I hate you more than I even know.
 Feb 2013 Jacqueline
I'm being tortured. Being pulled apart slowly, painfully, and in all of the places that make me scream the loudest.
Satan has given me my own personal demons. My torturers.
They have ripped my skull in half.
They are experimenting on different parts of my mind. Finding where it causes me to writhe in pain.
They have started to rip the skin over my chest.
They have found my heart. They are cutting it to pieces.
They have taken my lungs. They are squeezing them..making it impossible to breathe..
yet God is barely keeping me alive. Why? Why do I feel like Job? I'm not strong. I don't have the strength to keep my blood flowing.
I feel it. They are going to snap my spine in half. Soon. So very soon.
I first saw her at a party
Skin Tight jeans and Farrah's hair
She glanced and smiled in my direction
Trouble's brewing and it ain't fair

I knew right then I had to have her
Couldn't get her off my mind
I'd take her home and I would show her
A love of the most carnal kind

Where there's smoke there's always fire
Don't be fooled between love and lust
You've got to control your hearts desire
'Cause the fires hot and you'll end up dust

Working late without no distraction
The new secretary walked on in
I knew right then that I had to have her
My mind was thinking of only sin

She had a ring upon her finger
I didn't care, I had to know
She was selling and I was buying
I had some wild seed to sow

Where there's smoke there's always fire
Don't be fooled between love and lust
You've got to control your hearts desire
'Cause the fires hot and you'll end up dust

Running practice for all the kids
Getting sweaty with soccer moms
There was one standing there right beside me
I had to have her...and get me some

I made a move and she responded
Flipped me right onto my back
I thought here she comes, it's gonna happen
Then she kicked me in the sack

Where there's smoke there's always fire
Don't be fooled between love and lust
You've got to control your hearts desire
'Cause the fires hot and you'll end up dust
 Feb 2013 Jacqueline
I have loved you. Many versions of you actually. There was the boy that danced away with my heart the first time i danced. It was a star lit night and I felt like the music was meant for just you and I. We waltzed to the strains of our heartbeats pounding in unison as you breathed in my nervous breaths and i breathed in your confidence.You knew what to say, you led me on a merry chase. I had the best first dance and you walked away without a second glance. I loved the friend that always had a hug for me too. Whenever I felt sad or alone you dropped everything and came to my rescue. You were the knight to my damsel and I was giddy when you held my hand. You held me close and kissed my hand like a gallant gentleman. Again you walked away when I was safely in my tower.
I miss the lover that stole my breath and replaced it with passion. I could only think, dream and want you. You took my mind ransom and intertwined my soul with yours. I was helpless to escape your embrace. You enchanted me with serenades and promises of forever. I vowed to be yours every day in every way. You left me at the altar. You were a misty dream that assaulted my senses. I can still feel you here. You are a part of my memories, a clinging vine that never sways with the wind. I have loved you from the start, all of you. Even now that my sanity is slipping away because I can not bear the pain, I can surely say that I have loved.
 Feb 2013 Jacqueline
dana ellen
I found your apologies along with a lighter in my pocket
the night I burned you away
Both were deep down in there.
Below the forgiveness
It was squeezed between the pieces of your broken promises
Collaged into the parts of my shattered heart
I found them folded into love letters
And engraved into the anxiety marks your lies left in me
I dug them out of the hole your deceiving left in the back of my mind
Buried right next to suspicion
I found your explanations hid beneath the mental memories of teeth
They never quite fit together
I saw them in the picture show behind my eyes
I’ve recklessly recreated to many times
I felt your callused pleads for forgiveness on my fingertips
after I pricked my pointer on your spikey “I didn’t do its”
I slipped on your confessions
nearly drowned in what could’ve been
Luckily, I realized before it was too late, that water is infinitely too deep
As is the pools of sympathy I had for you but never had for me
I used that lighter to smoke a cigarette that was packed down as well as your stories
You always exhaled like a script for the movie I’ve seen to many times called
“Please feel bad for me”
I found your I’m sorrys on the bottom my shoe
after I kicked the crap out of my “welcome to walk on me” mat
I threw away and replaced with a banner reading “please don’t come back soon”
I can’t claim I don’t know but I can say this feeling is new
Never thought you had what it takes to make me give up on you
She had a storm brewing inside her
Every pulsing vein feeling the thunder within
Flashes of light filling her darkened eyes
Her tears falling like rain down her pale cheeks

Facing destruction, she caved in...
Destroyed before her eyes could see the clouds part.
I have seen far too many friends and peers take their own life, not believing the storms of life will pass. This is dedicated to them.
I wish that you would lift my chin
with the tender underbelly of your middle knuckle
of your pointer finger
and that you would trace the line
of my strawberry lips
with the fingerprint of your thumb
softly memorizing the asymmetry
of a face not fit to model but somehow
fit to be deserving of your touch

I wish that you would brush my cheek
with the tips of your eyelashes
as they flutter to sleep next to me
your breath soft and steady
like a gentle wave expanding and receding
on the pale shore of my bare neck
whispering life into a cold shoulder
that softens at the cool warmth
of an unapologetic slumber.
The longer
We spend apart
The more empty
I feel.
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