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My One Lost Love

Please know that you're my one lost love
That I remember from my past
The one who seemed to get away
But I wish I could have back

The timing wasn't perfect
For the love we shared back then
Two broken hearts not ready
So now we call each other friends

Every now and then we speak
I hear the story of your life
You tell me that you fell in love
I feel an emptyness inside

I'm happy for you in my heart
And I wish for you the best
Knowing what you need the most
To move forward from the past

Our futures took two different paths
Then where we thought we'd go
I cannot change how you now feel
So I let our friendship grow

Still no matter what our futures holds
Please know these words are true
I hope one day you find again
My one lost love for you

Carl Joseph Roberts**

This is just a thank you poem
She knows who she is
I am very happy for her and will always hold a special place in my heart for the time we shared but also know and understand we have both moved on.  She came into my life and helped me when I needed it most. Touched my soul with her kindness and showed me that there are simply good, very good people out there who can love and be loved. Now I will be glad to call her my friend.
 May 2014 Jack Turner

As evening takes my hand

“For in your light I dream, as evening takes my hand”

Silently I find my thoughts illumined by your beauty;
In soft shimmers of dancing silhouettes
and patterns allowing breaths to sigh

Eyes peer into velvet skies,
visions set in motion eternally, find me
stranded within the confines of my heart…longing for you
Desperate for but a breeze, a movement of shadow,
a hope of wishes made upon the early arrival
of this crested view

Lonely among the sycamore, towering soldiers
lined at fielded boundaries, claiming wisdom
as they too reach for your smile

“And I yearn the knowledge of your distant view”

Do you think, do you feel, do you dream of me
from balconies high above hibiscus footpaths,
candle lit in passing moments which flicker…enchant

Drinking from a porcelain cup caressed by your hand,
a touch my body pleads, soft fingers on smooth surroundings,
ripples following moonlight sonatas,
days of spring blooms and whimsical showers,
flooding affections to wash over me…
carry me home

This moon, suspended in charcoal heavens
upon a beaded blanket of perfect pearls,
beckons our dreams in simultaneous fashion

*“Does your heart share this moon tonight…with me”
at dinner
the kid asks Dad:
“Dad, do caterpillars
taste good to eat?”

“Be quiet,” says Dad
“I’ve told you many times
never talk crude”

“Yeah, Jason,” interjects
Dad’s darling little girl
“Never talk crude”

“Yeah, but I only asked cos
I just saw Dad eat
his salad
and the wriggling caterpillar;
and Dad even licked his lips
straight after”

Dad orders the kid
straight up to bed –
and not to come down
till morning

Seconds later
Jason hollers
from upstairs:
“Dad, can you bring me
a glass of water?”

Dad screams:
“Shut up and sleep!”

A minute later
Jason hollers again:
“Dad, can you bring me
a glass of water?”

“One more word from you,”
screams Dad
“and I’ll come up there
and spank you!”

And swift comes Jason’s reply:
*“Dad, when you come up to spank me
can you bring me a glass of water?”
poem based on a couple of jokes from online
I lay down in my bed
It's been a long day
I pull my knee's inward
and let out a sigh

I stare at the ring on my finger
the one you gave to me
I hold it and twist it in my fingers
until i have examined every color, every butterfly.

I close my eyes and clench my necklace
I trace the shape of the turtle with my figertips
I feel the silver in my hands
and remember when it was in yours

When I close my eyes a tear runs down my cheek
A tear of joy and sadness
Your sweet memory dances in my mind
Your love pierces through my heart

I miss you, I love you
exhaustion overwhelms me
I am ready to dream of you
Until I finally get to see you

Sweet dreams my love.
This week is really hitting me hard. I can not wait to see him again. It has been way to long. I love you.
A poet in love
Is a match soaked
In gasoline.

follow my writing!

it will kick you in the diaphragm.
 Apr 2014 Jack Turner
I just want, to peacefully sleep
enveloped in your arms
I don't even want to see
just want to be out of harm
      Staying here, forever in safety
      inhaling your scent, it's home
      you'll whisper so sweet and quietly
      I won't ever feel alone
Tenderly wrapped around me
I can feel the warmth of your love
whispering 'It's me and you only'
it feels like rays from the sun
      Dreaming, here I lay
      softly caressing only you
      will it be long enough I pray
      to let my love seep through
yet I know I am desperately alone
and you are not really here
but my heart, unable to cope
refused to believe love can disappear
the only one that can let me down
is myself.
A response to the fine poem Insecurities by Jenelle
Have you ever heard
how in the lone night's shadow
sings the wind in the bamboo groves
a dirge for the times long ago!

If roams the dark your eye
pause on the dancing strings
you would hear the fireflies' sigh
in flutter of pain's quiet wings!

Think it not a mere windy trick
in its blowing making eerie howls
gathered there the dead souls speak
of the times as old as the owls!

If ever in the dark you are home bound
can hear the groves mourn the long dead
their moans rising up in whistling sound
till all griefs at end of night fade!

If you happen to pass the groves by
when dewy tears sheds the moon
stop awhile to hear the souls sigh
mourning times that went too soon!
if you ever walk by bamboo groves at night.
ever find yourself pretending?
just doing whatever for whatever
so they hear the noise
this is how feeling nothing works
just the emotions
your dead eyes looking forward as you move
 Apr 2014 Jack Turner
"God is love."
Is He?
Because according to God,
the love I feel is a sin.
It's wrong to feel so loved.
Is God love when I write love poems for another woman?
When she holds my hand,
is He love then?
An understanding God accepts all love.
Is God love?
theology makes a muse

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