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  Oct 2016 izzi3
i remember looking
into your eyes
every night,
before i close mine;
like how i remember
the glow-in-the-dark stickers
when i was a child
back in my old room:

it was a mesmerizing
that i
fell in love with,
that made me feel so
i was in bed last night, sleeping in my sisters' room, and they had these glow-in-the-dark stickers on their closet doors, right across the bed i was in. i felt like i was stargazing. my nights and sleep have never been any better until last night.

but nothing, not even stars, can compare to your eyes.
izzi3 Sep 2016
i wonder how the air tastes
when you're free
i wonder if it tastes sweet
like honey
or heavy like this feeling in my heart
that's catching in the back of my throat
and pricking behind my eyes
tears feel imminent but at the same time
everything aches and I just

izzi3 Jul 2016
smoke catching the back of your throat
me with my tea and you with your coat
a sleepy town in a valley of clouds
up here, you can hear every sound
blissful happiness
izzi3 Jun 2016
as an alternative to makeup
having bloodshot eyes really
brings out the twinkle
in your iris

as an alternative to whispering
sweet nothings to each other
in the darkness, scream
hatred at the sky
based on a tweet from a friend, only added one stanza, may still add to it
  Apr 2016 izzi3
we both had two different painting styles. he was into calligraphy, the bold and gentle strokes of black ink on white paper; i was into watercolor, the translucent colors slowly spreading to a gradient on a Canson. we were two painters with brush styles of stark contrasts.

three objects. a flower arrangement, an antique vase and grecian sculpture. we were asked to pick the most eye-catching one out of the three, paint it in our of style of representation. and so we began.

him: what will you be painting?
me: i can't tell, you might judge me for it.
him: alright, but promise me you'll show it to me once you're done.
me: okay. same to you too, then.

hours passed, and while i often discreetly glimpsed at him, he caught my eye sometimes and would make funny faces or just softly smiled at me. i could not deny that my hands were shaking as i dunked my brushes into the watercolor jar and continued to finish my painting.

him: i'm finally done. this is a masterpiece.
me: i believe it's the same for me too.
him: should we count down as we turn our boards to each other?
me: nothing better than a surprise of what's the most beautiful thing out of all the objects before us.

we flipped our boards to each other's viewpoint, and we were both shocked to be looking at ourselves, a painting of ourselves, one done by the other. he painted me in black and white, a figure-ground influenced painting, strong in lines, simplicity in its finest state, rendering me bare and raw. i painted him in pale colors, a positive reflection of him lighting up life, and soft shadings to give depth to the meaning of his existence.

after knowing this and scrutinizing our works, his cheeks turned pink as the pink on my palette, while i covered my eyes with my hair as dark as his ink. we burst out laughing and blushing at the fact that the most beautiful object before our eyes was each other.

sometimes, i wonder if he's my muse, the art or the artist. and i felt like a watercolor jar at that exact moment, as if brushes soaked with different colors were being dipped into me all at once, the tint, hue and vibrancy bleeding into the clear liquid, getting murky. it was like those colors are my emotions, and with every emotion mixing, my thoughts get murky. i guess this is how it feels to be in love with all forms of art at once.
wjh, you, and loving you, is the definition of my art.
you and only you are the meaning of my muse.
you and just you are the artist
izzi3 Apr 2016
it's been three hours since
i even thought about trying to find sleep
in this muggy room that swirls with my own hatred
and the wind is still tapping
its gentle fingers against my window
and it's dark outside but
at this point I think I've accepted
the fact that sleep will not
be visiting me tonight.
here I lie exhausted and uncomfortable
hoping that if I wish hard enough
maybe my dreams won't be
so afraid of me
izzi3 Dec 2015
sometimes I just
need the comfort
of knowing that
you are there

knowing that you
are waiting and
listening for
me; always there

even if you
are actually
half the world
away from me

you are waiting
for me, always
ready to guide
*from my back pocket
dedicated to a wonderful friend
much love
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