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 Sep 2015 IvyB Xx
 Sep 2015 IvyB Xx
There's is no feeling
Worth expressing.
No reality
Worth addressing.
With all the thoughts
That I'm repressing,
The future
Is just depressing.
This world that
leaves me stressed,
Is just a
Popularity contest.
No future.
 Sep 2015 IvyB Xx
Andrew Siegel
The night before I killed myself I tried to sleep but couldn't. The mantle clock sounded second ticks long-handed. Loud, long ticks.

I climbed up on the roof. Sat on shingles layered in leaves I'd promised but never got around to blowing off. The neighbor's cat stared at me across the way. A look as empty and weightless as I felt. She meowed one plangent note before she left me there.

Dark mistletoe hung unused from lintels long ago. You and I we stood there not sure of what to do.

The night before I killed myself I built a fire. Fed it the notes you wrote.
Declerations of love turned to ash without protest. Your pleas were next, their ashes floating up in black and white.
Columns of supplication falling cold and grey.
You never want to see me again; I saved that one for last, just as you did.

The night before I killed myself I searched my contacts. Only a few remained and still it felt crowded, filled with intimate strangers who'd stopped calling long ago. I tried to count the people who might care, but I came up empty handed.

The night before I killed myself the moonlight spilled on lawns manicured through quiet dedication only suburbs can posess. I enjoyed it once. Now the silent solitude I sought ran screaming, chased by racing thoughts and guilt I could no longer place.

That night I tried to tell myself to live, while the last lights flickered in my eyes. Ash is what's left when the fire dies.
 Sep 2015 IvyB Xx
raine cooper
you will miss her the most
when you walk through the forest
holding the hand of a girl
who does not like trees
 Sep 2015 IvyB Xx
A Lopez
The accuser
Is really the

The prey
Always falls victim
To these predators,

And after their done ******
Us victim's,
And say they didint realize what they were doing.
How could you not know,
You are the predator.
Us victim's though,
We dust our feet
And get back up.
 Sep 2015 IvyB Xx
i don’t want to live without you.
it sounds pathetic
but i really don’t
i don’t want to live with
the emptiness of my world without you
i don’t want to live with
this hollow space in my ribcage
where your hands used to hold me
and your love used to fill me.
 Sep 2015 IvyB Xx
 Sep 2015 IvyB Xx
i mean
we can talk about
the weather or
summer plans
we can talk about
our families and
our schools
i would much rather talk about
life and death
and everything in between
i want to
spill out all my secrets to you
and i want to
know my way around your mind
i want to
tell you how i feel about things
and i want to
hear what you have to say about the world
i want to
hear you rant about your friends
and i want to
tell you what i do at 3am
i want to
reach the deepest parts of you
and i want you to
break down every wall i’ve ever built around my heart
i want to find intimacy
without it putting me
in a constant state of anxiety and discomfort
and i want to
find it with you
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