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Across the room
Eyes meet
Lips coyly smile
Hearts palpitate

A need for answers
A need to know
Who is that?
They gravitate

Greetings exchanged
Wonderments won’t cease
Grasping hands to meet
Her cheeks radiate

He sees her blush
His name he speaks
She softly reveals hers
Ahh to communicate

Her scent is wild
His own is fierce
They’re closing in
Moves to contemplate

This is the beginning
For there is no written end
Leave it to your imagination
Of what becomes their fate
I don't know what happened, I was feeling down and drinking
Seemed like a good idea. I cracked one open and off to the races
I went, through another binge that I've been there before time
After time again, just me and my selfishness hurting the ones
I love, all because I felt like getting out of myself and change how
I was feeling.
 Jul 2015 IvyB Xx
Neha D
Near the bust stop, around the bend,
where the bus route comes to end,
Is a lane with buildings replete,
the best of the lot being Paraclete

With round Victorian window panes,
and 16th century structural frames,
It is like a manor on a London street,
This beautiful empyrean Paraclete

Coated in demure pink and white,
and shades of cream, very slight,
a structure of cement and  concrete
Its a divine abode, this Paraclete!

And named after the Holy Ghost,
this building, is home and host,
To a boy, who made my life complete,
He is my advocate, my Paraclete!  

When I sought God and asked for aid
He sent me the best he had made
the boy, from across the street
a resident of divine Paraclete!

But how could it possibly be?
For this boy was younger than me!
Why would God, send to my aid
A boy who 3 years after I, was made?

God replied "it took time to create
for you, a well suited mate,
It took a while to complete,
Your protector, guide and Paraclete"

When all courage had been lost
And my heart turned to frost
my faith had nearly come to deplete
But was revived, by the boy from Paraclete!
 Jul 2015 IvyB Xx
sanch kay
you're my favourite novel without an ending;
a story i'll never tire of hearing.
let me know you more, and then some more.
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