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In that moment
I knew the definition of broken
Of loneliness and that of despair

How quickly the wind swept you
Off yout feet
Until before I could react
You walked out of my life

No time had I
To grab your arm
Nor mend the holes
You simply left me to my own
Removed me from your contacts
Ceasing anything to do with me

It was then I realized the error of my ways
You showed me who I was
Someone who:
- Mistreated you
- Never loved you
- Always made mistakes and never made up for them
- Was no different from anyone else
- Regarded you as nothing
- Would leave you now and find someone happily tomorrow

- Is a monster...

Yet nothing I say now
Will bring you back to be
I say ill change but when have I ever
Its cold and dark without you

I miss you already...
Am I on your mind?
Ill never forget the day
You simple were
 Jun 2015 IvyB Xx
Untitled IX
 Jun 2015 IvyB Xx
Is *it so Bad That I  Told You
How I  feel

Maybe, I shouldn't have
Maybe, I shouldn't regret
Maybe, I should've waited
Maybe, I should've left

But this
things can't be left like this
I probably have said this more than
what a normal man have said
but, I'm sorry
You might say not
but I'm sure..
Things are not the same between us
 Jun 2015 IvyB Xx
 Jun 2015 IvyB Xx
"How long can you love me
and keep me by your side
before you are completely bored and fed up of me,
begging for me to get out of your life?"

"Honestly speaking, I have no idea."
“I would never be part of anything.
I would never really belong anywhere,
and I knew it, and all my life would be the same,
trying to belong, and failing.
Always something would go wrong.
I am a stranger and I always will be,
and after all I didn’t really care.”
— Jean Rhys, Smile Please: An Unfinished Autobiography
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