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382 · Jun 2015
HRTsOnFyR Jun 2015
And dog-tired
I crawl across
Broken shards of rainbow colored glass
The tranquil morbidity
Of the montage Of
Is both daunting
The web of veins
That fills the space
Between your heart
382 · Aug 2015
Chorus of Mind
HRTsOnFyR Aug 2015
A cricket is steadily chirping at the edges of suburbia,
A rythmic monotony so subtly harmonized by the nearly inaudible pitch of a low buzzing transformer.
An occasional droning of engines and rubber wheels on pavement joins the chorus, while the soft chattering of neighbors descends from a nearby window, mingled with laughter and microwave buttons, and the wind pushing through the leafy branches of backyard trees.
I quietly listen to the sounds that surround me, eyes closed, mind arrested in a state of suspended animation. I search for the sacred place of silence, where thoughts become nothing more than colors and symbols. A place where fear and sorrow and regret cannot exist. Only a sense of being. A place where the cricket and the power lines and the wind blown trees all gather within me, become me, and I become them. No separation. No categorization. No insecurities and no self inflations. Where no space resides 'tween the You's or the I's. Every man has this place, this power inside him. Every man is the Saviour who creates his salvation.
Be the calm you seek
379 · Dec 2015
HRTsOnFyR Dec 2015
She falls in and out time
Flys about like the winged feet of Mercury
Riding upon the flickering flame of consciousness
Navigates the chattering currents of light
She buckles down, leans into the wind
Only to finds herself host to a house full of ghosts
She dines with them,
Pours another glass of wine with them
All the while she feels the undeniable weight of their chains
Through their hollow smiles, she sees them crying,
Yet she says nothing...
For she cannot help but to relate.
All she can do now is laugh
At the absurdity of her quiet, casual observations
For time reveals that there really are
No greater demons
Than the ones that reside
Within the sum of her own reflection.
She dresses herself for the evening ahead,
Once again, she'll be attending the annual masquerade ball.
Everyone there wears a disguise of his own design,
Yet rarely is it one of his own choosing.
So today she won't be at the mercy of some unseen spectral stylist.
Today she takes a watchful eye,
And faces the shelf of faces herself.
Careful not to choose a mask that is too gaudy,
Nor too wild, nor too frighteningly cruel.
Because she already knows that nobody can leave the party until after midnight anyhow...
So she might as well dance.
379 · Jun 2015
blossoms on the vine
HRTsOnFyR Jun 2015
You can't rock this,
cause I'm a cold piece...

Take a look in these eyes,
You dont know me!

What the Hell
You think you'll show me?

I was running this game,
Fought through the drama and pain,
Moved out at fourteen.

These streets don't promise me peace
Just whisper lies and defeat,
Punk people pushing their beef...
Caught up,
addicted to greed,
This bad wolf's
All that we feed.

But purpose powers my mind,
Cleared out them devils inside,

They'll never own me!
So many lessons on Hell
This cold world's
thrown me.

I pray that God hears my cries

Feels like my soul might just die,

My heart, she weeps
with my eyes...
No colors gracing my skies,

As if the sun just
won't rise,
Like earth's been drained
of her life.

But then God gave my reply,
I'm stuck on saving some lives,
Can't keep on wasting my

Should be out sharing
my shine!
You share a big love,
like mine?

Lets puts more blooms on this vine...

While peace and beauty
Lay root,
Thier fragrant petals

We've been too mindless and mean
It's time to Feel
 'fore we think

And know that            Hope holds the key

        To happy hearts,
           healthy beings.

We got this!
Trust and believe...
Our Faith is all that we need.
This was an attempt at a rap. Not sure how it sounds if you aren't reading it to the beat in my head... So I apologize if it's a difficult read, lol.
369 · Jul 2016
Traveler (10 W)
HRTsOnFyR Jul 2016
Mind is where my spirit lives while in between dreaming
HRTsOnFyR Jul 2017
I followed a black jack rabbit
Through the wormholes of his brain
Taking pictures of his nightmares
As I tasted all his pain
His stories, meant to scare me,
Meant to fill my heart with dread
Only caused me to look deeper
At the scars between our heads
He never really meant to show me
All the things that I did see
For the tough skin he'd been growing
Now, transparent as the sea
I watched the brackish waters
Tumble through his web of veins
So alive and full of creatures
Waving wildly in his mane
He spoke of sweet devotions and a love as pure as gold
Yet I couldn't shake the feeling that my heart weren't his to hold
His words could not bring comfort if they didn't ring out true
Like a script resounds of duty,
This love weren't mine,
That's all I knew
366 · Dec 2015
Without a White Horse
HRTsOnFyR Dec 2015
My hands reside in a state of quiet contemplation
Whilst my mind rattles the very foundations of my emotionally charged cage.
This poker face eloquently hides the scores of sharp, smoldering daggers
That lie lodged in the fabric of my sweet, shivering soul...
They serve as a searing reminder of the cruel cacophony of my youth;
The burning heart of my innocence.
I have grown to accept the irony.
There is no white horse...
No shining knight of honor and valour.
Only a succession of lies
And a procession of sly, sneering eyes.
364 · Aug 2015
break the spell
HRTsOnFyR Aug 2015
So tired of feeling helpless,
So tired of feeling low,
With a past this dark and loveless,
It's the only way I know.
I've been bent
And I've been broken.
Fell from the rooftop
To the floor.
Now I'm restless,
But I'm hopeful,
Tho sorrows stirring in my soul.
As I tumble through my darkness
Crying softly to myself,
I only wish
that you could hold me,
I think your love
may break the spell.
360 · Jul 2017
The Anonymous Stylist
HRTsOnFyR Jul 2017
The man on the corner stopped her short,
Signaling through the window at a pile of hats,
To a crisply woven straw fedora and satin bowtie,
He winked the remark, "I think that hat there, it was made for you, mam."
And then off he went  down the crowded walk.
Perplexed I was as I carried on for nearly three blocks
'Fore I got the nerve to turn on back,
The enthusiasm for what he said had quite convinced me,
Never mind the fact that I'd never been much into hats.
The sloping brim curved above my brow with true perfection
And the satin folds gave the bright black bow such a shiny light,
The maker's name was a Peter Grimm, near a small white rabbit,
And it brought to mind how the month before she had felt her clocks blow,
And her soul fell a-flying down that rabbit's hole,
When the baby left, and the world turned darkly unfamiliar,
And she had no pill that could turn her back to big again.
Just her tiny, tumbling figurine of selfhood,
Behind an ever shifting mirrored wall of dreaming
Lost among the lines of the angry mind of the old Red King,
But the hat felt safe, and perhaps she'd even felt a wee bit taller,
Inches feel like miles when dimensions move beyond the realms of normal time.
Plus the ornamental headwear offered comfort,
And put a snap back in her step for just a beat...
With a silent thanks for the unnamed haberdashery advisor,
She and her hat with the ******* sash,
And the rabbit stitched in,
Bobbed along the seams of Seattle streets
With a joyful heart and a big broad grin.
357 · Dec 2015
Hollow Hands
HRTsOnFyR Dec 2015
I am slowly becoming mute,
A wary fool moonlighting as a practiced mime...
Trembling hands make feeble passes,
Mixing the oils on the canvasses of life...
Talk is cheap, mostly hollow
We're all but ghosts trapped in a dream,
A tortured marathon of reruns
I reawaken, yet again, to these old scenes.
354 · May 2015
HRTsOnFyR May 2015
I laugh at myself
How was I so naive?
To fool my own body
Just so it would breathe...
Now it thinks I'm alive
And yet, how could that be...
When my soul surely died
Whence it knew you'd left me
354 · Sep 2015
To Exist
HRTsOnFyR Sep 2015
I seek not to control
Only to understand
I seek not to perfect
Only to empathize
I seek not to impress
Only to exist
HRTsOnFyR Jun 2015
Come away oh human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping
  than you can understand.
346 · Nov 2015
Just a Dick
HRTsOnFyR Nov 2015
Sometimes I wish I had a *****.
Then I could be just another mind...
An equal contribution in the room.
Instead of just one more object to posess,
One more possession to opress,
One more distraction
on which
They can obsesss.
"You've always been a **** to me," he said.
Sweeter words had never been spoken.
HRTsOnFyR Jul 2017
The greatest power I have ever truly witnessed is kindness
335 · Jun 2017
Mother of a 7th Sun
HRTsOnFyR Jun 2017
She no longer fears death,
For she would rather be with ghosts
Than live with zombies.
When Rainbows turn from Divine promises
To sky clad signatures of death from babies,
She's almost sure that Hell itself must be
A better place than this...
334 · Jun 2017
Nature's Medicine
HRTsOnFyR Jun 2017
Getting the dust of a Lily on the tip of your nose
Or contemplating the delicate way that the Ivy climbs this wooden post
Is a sure way to renew and re-inspire the fragile soul
329 · Jul 2015
Dreams about You
HRTsOnFyR Jul 2015
Many minds
Have lived
Through time,
And dreamt of
Other Worlds...
And that,
My Son,
Is how many galaxies
There are
... Or so I would like to believe ;)
326 · Jul 2017
Confused Little Hearts
HRTsOnFyR Jul 2017
Her soul bares the scars of the lightning bolt's burn,
Is it innocence lost,
or innocence returned?
326 · Oct 2015
Flame Eternal
HRTsOnFyR Oct 2015
Release the wire!
Go tumbling down,
Free fall through the ages.
I AM the Fire!
Commanding flames
I burn with the Gypsies,
And shine among Sages.
325 · Jun 2015
HRTsOnFyR Jun 2015
  I've been doing lots of  *
          crying lately.
  This kind of thing appears
        to come in waves.
   Perhaps that's the minds
way of preserving it's own
It's my suspicion that time
    will only open up new
  dimensions of heartache,  
         long before
        we ever feel
     the effects of it's
      healing processes
       * Ω .Time. θ *
  That's one of the worst

All the things that he never
   * to do...    
321 · Sep 2015
My Sweet Edwin (15w)
HRTsOnFyR Sep 2015
He makes me smile from a part of my cheeks
that I never knew existed
320 · Oct 2015
Just Old Time
HRTsOnFyR Oct 2015
Like heart;
Love; Sun; Soul.
Just old time.
Sea eyes.
Dark life mind.
Sky soft white pain.
Water rise.
Light feel.
Blood, self power.
Past fell.
Broken beach waves.
Wild, cold spring.
Smile away.
Green hands lost.
Closed place.
Slowly grown end.
Mountain hearts.
High angel, walking pieces,
Man lives.
Pink meadow grasses.
Face knows flesh.
World left.
Earth night, deep shadows trail.
Weigh true sweet child.
Island gold heat.
Winter quiet.
Yellow, beneath summer thoughts
Lies lips.
Dreams dance .
Long red breathe.
Death stands.
House God.
Good fall.
Darkness hands hope's path.
Dead wings.
Spirit blue tears.
Tired silver blossoms.
Loving waters.
Bright baby high
Feels black.
Lines edges.
Infinite, scarred.
Snow, ancient,
Carried glass.
False crystal channel.
Flume inside.
Moment, existence.
Silent wet body.
Kiss, break,
Watch, tangle.
Forgotten arms came.
Star, moon, human, steel.
Fear stands,
Truth cut, truly small.
Courage, emotions
Touch rivers; Souls.
Rains think.
Leaves kindly leave.
Finally catching gentle songs.
Bleeding ocean tides.
Wind completely crying.
Growing spent.
Stream's edge.
Currents softly.
Big mountains.
Frozen pulse.
Hell colors surface.
Large, low, bent.
Nearby wire forest
Blooms patch
Amidst errant branches.
Little gray clouds whisper tears.
Fates made marvelous things.
Air holds familiar dreams.
Searching wind's,
Eye's of thought,
Star minds echo, shine.
Remaining rays
Reflect endeavour.
297 · Aug 2015
Lost (22W)
HRTsOnFyR Aug 2015
A writer without words
Is like sky without  sea...
No mirror below to reflect her,
She exists, but can never be seen.
297 · Oct 2015
HRTsOnFyR Oct 2015
The red pill makes you happy,
And the blue one makes you numb.
Now a half a swill of *****
'Till the noises start to run...
Pick a peck of primo powder,
Grip a rock to gain some ground,
Ride with the wave,
it gets you higher,
Crash hard and fast,
embrace the ground.
HRTsOnFyR May 2015
To lose a child is like being declared legally dead while you're still on life support.
Your chest rises and falls.
Your blood moves, your heart beats.
But you've grown cold within.
Your body is empty.
Your spirit is gone.
I once believed that a pulse was some unspoken, undeniable proof of life.
But it isn't a guarantee of anything.
Believe me. I have seen it for myself.
And it ******* killed me.
Now my chest keeps rising,
blood moving,
heart beating,
soul bleeding,
mind screaming...
Yet no one seems to notice that I am dead too.
Almost a month since you left us... My sweet little angel... I wish it had been me.
289 · Apr 2015
HRTsOnFyR Apr 2015
Emotions tangle inside me
Like a twisting patch of briars,
I draw blood on the thorns
And search for you in the thicket,
But I cannot hear your voice.
I feel your body calling
Yet I cannot find the source.
From somewhere at my back
I can feel the eyes undress me,
I stand naked in the shadows
While their hungry minds assess me.
They have always come for me,
Though few are brave enough to stay.
I stand alone among the rains,
And the demi-gods, they prey,
Yet I am somehow unafraid
As every darkness leads to dawn,
Yes, every night must turn to day.
And so I only dream of you,
I trust you'll find me here again.
288 · Jun 2017
Untiled 10W
HRTsOnFyR Jun 2017
Man's highest ideals;
These are the Angelic parts of Us.
286 · May 2015
HRTsOnFyR May 2015
My glass was once half empty.
My glass was once half full.
My glass slipped off and shattered.
Now it's all one great big pool.
#tryingtoholdon #meaninglessness
283 · Oct 2015
Chaos or Craft(10W)
HRTsOnFyR Oct 2015
Does life unfold so fluidly, or marked and measured lucidly?
275 · Jul 2015
Shedding Some Skin
HRTsOnFyR Jul 2015
Through having nothing,
I stand to gain
Which I intend
to be
an awareness
and a
mastery of
My Own Soul.
This requires a level of
That I have been,
thus far,
unable to share
with my own ego.
So there will be a shedding
of skins...
But if I am Only
by and through
my heart,
Then what is supposed to
remain will remain.
What is supposed to occur
will occur.
And what is supposed to
ebb will ebb.
272 · Jul 2017
A Calm Bedside Manner (10W)
HRTsOnFyR Jul 2017
Disengage from power plays that do not end in ******
271 · Jul 2017
Logic 10W
HRTsOnFyR Jul 2017
I do not fear death,
So I can't fear you.
267 · Jun 2017
Untitled 2 (10W)
HRTsOnFyR Jun 2017
Why'd you only call me when it was half mast?
Also not original, a slight variation of a song lyric...
248 · Jul 2015
I Love You
HRTsOnFyR Jul 2015
If this doesn't change you,
In some Earth-shattering    
Then I don't think we're
  in the same story, friend.
246 · May 2015
HRTsOnFyR May 2015
Drugs are the cure for reality
  An escape from your problems and pain
    But in excess, too much of a good thing
       Will still leave you unkempt and insane
224 · Aug 2015
Infinity Included
HRTsOnFyR Aug 2015             .is
N.othing.     AND
E.verything.   is.
HRTsOnFyR Jun 2015
I've decided that God must need to send his brightest lights out into the darkest of nights...
Because that's where they are needed most.

I will try and keep this notion in my heart the next time I find myself stumbling through the shadows,
Wondering what I could have done to be this cursed.
Read a poem of another's anguish, and was compelled to comfort her. I didn't know that the words that were spoken unto my heart would be end up beingwords that I needed to hear for my own comfort as well
182 · Jul 2015
HRTsOnFyR Jul 2015
The silence without you...
   Is SO loud.
181 · Jul 2015
Just Smile
HRTsOnFyR Jul 2015
Sleep with Moon,
   Dance with the Stars,
        Rise with the Sun...

— The End —