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Lejla Hott Jan 2020
you got me
         won  de  r ing
if i
the one who held it up
was wrong
if  something
i did
was    wr o   ng
the reflection
     ol d    me
maybe a hurt soul
   no    cl u e
Lejla Hott Jan 2020
you left
not quite yet
you wont stay away
why you do you do
what you do
do you give up
the things
you feel the need to maintain
why do you
keep on
staying where it is not your place
to stay
do you think
it is okay to do both
leave and come at the same time
Lejla Hott May 2019
When you try so hard to be perfect,
And you fall right through the cracks,
When you try so hard to hide the pain,
but the tears keep leaving tracks.

When you try so hard not to be you,
And you very nearly succeed,
When you try so hard to hold your heart,
To stifle the ache and need.

The world is cold, it's a cruel place,
And you have only yourself,
You're just a page, in an ancient book,
On a lonely, dusty, shelf.

People may look, but they always find,
The thing that they want to see,
So, they may hear your voice, it's true,
But they won't hear the wounded plea.

You must understand the people,
All so very shallow indeed,
They'll attempt to make you better,
Just so they don't have to watch you bleed.

So, while your soul is shattered,
And your heart doubly broken,
You’ll hide behind a facade of smiles,
And words that are happily spoken.
perfect? we all are, in our own way. remember that.
Lejla Hott May 2019
Stor og stærk som en marmorsten,
Hans blå bedrageriske øjne.
Facaden dækker den pinefulde leen
Samt de enigmatiske løgne.

Overvældende følelse af ansvarlighed;
Forventningerne er høje.
Det skyller ind over hans dyster sind,
Han lader sig nu bøje.

Den urene og maliciøse ravn,
Omslutter hans inkurable krop.
Ølflasker i hans favn,
Stakkels fyr kan ikke holde op.

Svagt blinkende gadelygter,
Viser vejen til sandheden; livets fjende.
Den han med hele hjertet frygter,
Hvornår ville denne lidelse ende?

- Lejla Hott

— The End —