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 Mar 2015 Hayley Swift
 Mar 2015 Hayley Swift

Why do you deny yourself
something you’ve wanted
for so long?

Why do you run from dreams
even when you see
they can come true?

Why do you ignore the words
coming from your heart
when it is pleading with you?

Why do you hide from happiness
knowing it is waiting
to bring a smile to your face?

Why do you abandon love
that touches every part of you
in its truest form?

Why don’t you do something
for you?

Why do I keep asking myself these questions?

Why am I asking you?
 Feb 2015 Hayley Swift
I am 16
And I have found love in a
boy who is 5 years older than me.
He tells me he loves me and I
lose myself in him.
He breaks my heart, twice.
We still keep in touch.

I am 20
I have found love in a girl
with curly blonde hair and eyes
like the sea. She holds my hand
and sings to me, kisses my forehead.
We haven't spoken in a year.

I am 21
I think I have found love.
He doesn't acknowledge what we
are in public and he thinks insulting
me is funny. He kisses me like he loves me
though, so I tell myself it's enough.
He moved miles away; I think he was
just as lonely as I was.

I am 22*
She's the one. Her hair is never
the same color and sometimes
she laughs too loud. She has scars
that she regrets, but she's doing
everything she can to keep going.
She is me, and I am in love.
I like you.

What? *I like you
No no no.
You can do way better.
That is too vague.
Put some.... pizzazz into it. Like this:

You are incredible.
I find it impressive that you can keep me talking for hours
And it doesn't bother you that I never seem to run out
Of things to say.
I think your hair is beautiful
And I love that you keep everything so simple.
Your smile shines, and I can't help but grin when I see you happy.
Oh, and you give the best hugs.
In short, I like you.
A lot.

...See? A lot better.



Why didn't you say that to her?!? Aaaaahhhh, stupid!
I give up! You're hopeless and you're never going to get her!
This is definitely a terrible, stupid poem. I am trying to give a brief, comical glimpse inside my head when I am talking to a crush of mine. It's stupid, but I wanted to write it, and I hope the experience of writing this poem allows me to perfect my technique and learn to better pursue inspiration. As always, thank you for reading.
If you're ever feeling sad
If you're ever feeling down
If you ever cease to smile
And you begin to frown.

If you're ever feeling lonely
If you're ever feeling blue...
Just know that I'm right here
And I'm willing to help you.
Often there are people all around us wishing to help us with whatever problems we may have, and we overlook them or shrug them off.
 Feb 2015 Hayley Swift
 Feb 2015 Hayley Swift
It was not my ear you whispered,
But it was my heart.

And it was not my lips you kissed,
It was my soul.
*~ r.s

— The End —