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 Aug 2014 Harrison
emily grace
my body's too old for this ****
my heart is too cold for this ****
**this text is too bold for this ****
 Aug 2014 Harrison
 Aug 2014 Harrison
I stepped outside the door and the threshold snagged my jean. The winter world looked lovely, the cold seemed so serene. The clouds preserved, in blanched waves, the times that I remember. A barren mess now fully dressed that makes me love December.

It isn't right that I'm so teased for just a month or two. But wait a year through hate and fear, I will again think well of you.
Why do bad things happen to good people?
Because good people can grow from it.

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
To distant lands
And open doors,
To bright white sands
On distant shores,
I must away.
I cannot stay.

Set free the sails!
We must make haste
To catch the gales!
No time must waste
To seize the day;
Anchors aweigh!
 Aug 2014 Harrison
Megan Grace
to look
at me like
i  had  been
plucked out of
the sky by some
magnificent being
just for you, like my
heart   was   n o t   an
abandoned  house, like
my fingertips could spell
out your  future  in the air
right before your eyes. god
what if i never find another
person  who will  love  me
the same  way you  did?
"i hope i can love someone
wholeheartedly again. not
because    i'm    simply
comfortable  w i t h
them but  because
they  are  really
what i want."

i hope my
love was as
for you as yours
was     for    me.
 Jun 2013 Harrison
I think there are some things
Of which a child should not be warned

Why place in them a mortal fear
That they need not yet learn

I remember the summer vacations
Spent at the ocean's side

Where I danced, splashed and dove
Never once thinking that it was cold

Now I return to the beach
And long for the good old fun

But I am held back
By the fear of believing it's too cold

I yearn to start over
To learn again in time

To live without fear
Of the small things that ruin me now

I want to run barefoot through the grass
But I can't let myself do so

I know too much
Of the dangers that may hide

These fears I have are often of situations
That probably won't happen

Yet I can't bring myself past
What I've been told that I now know

So don't ruin the kids
Let their wonder take control

Keep the world magical
Keep the fears at bay
At the first rumble of the thunder
You threw me to the grass
Kissing me deeply,
You knew you did not even have to ask
At the second dribble of rain
Your strong hands ripped my shirt
Stroking me softly,
I clawed at the cold, hydrated dirt
At the third strike of bright lightning**
You smiled at my body
Thanking me sweetly,
Our bareness was anything but gaudy
Follow me on Twitter @laniate
 Jun 2013 Harrison
That Girl
 Jun 2013 Harrison
My scars are simple, silly even
The result of shaving mishaps, stovetop altercations, mosquito bites, and the subsequent relentless scratching of said mosquito bites
These aren’t real scars
But I’ve seen true scars
I’ve seen that girl
The one whose mouth says she’s fine but whose eyes disagree
I’ve seen her, I’ve known her, and I’ve seen her real scars
Scars that aren’t simple
And not even close to silly
And intently watching her, I sit upon a wish:
That I could give her my scars instead.
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