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(n). an excessive and abnormal love
and deep attraction to music and melody.
Tell me is it true,
That when I look at you

Tears fall down my face;
Scars are what they replace.

The last time I really smiled?
I'm unsure, it's been a while.

For comfort, I use a facade
Just to hear them applaud.

To hideaway the true inspection,
I sit and stare at my reflection.
I may look happy,
But I'm not.
I may seem strong,
But I am truly weak.
I can say I have friends,
Truth is I am lonely.
I might seem open,
But I'm a closed book.
My facade acts as a light
To hideaway from
The truth in the **dark
Each and every day;
I meet someone new,
Take them with me
To send them away.
They all knew me.
Knew me by name,
Yet they don't know
The one curse I carry.
No matter who I meet,
No matter who I like;
I cannot settle
I cannot love.
My curse is that;
I, the Grim Reaper
Must be forever LONELY.
 Mar 2015 lost in my mind
the longing is thick
and dark
my mind is spiraling

I'm falling down the rabbit hole
passing rainbow swirls and unknown trinkets
I see clocks but time doesn't exist

they're ultraviolet
these hallucinations my mind projects
it's ******* me in

I'm trapped
blues and reds and greens and yellows
objects and they're malleability

flowers and trees
are the blood vessels of the earth
give and take

my mind gets lost
or maybe I get lost
it's all just senseless ramblings
 Mar 2015 lost in my mind
I'm three floors above sea level
and everything's calm
there's no wind
there's no sense

I hear a ringing
I know not the source
it's constant
and firm
and has it's own wavelength

it seems to be traveling
it's slipping away
into the mist
it's gone
 Mar 2015 lost in my mind
the whisper of the wind
it's howling

the screaming of the passerbys
interrupting the captivating silence

the fogging of the glass
the haziness of the room

all brings me back to thoughts of you
Got 0 followers, but one tongue, and that's perfectly ok...

cause I got
two eyes
two nostrils
two hands
two ears
two ventricles

they all
follow me

all riders
on the one tongue
that speaks my piece

that finds poetry
on ***** streets
in closed places
and in the
if's of our lives
that makes writing
in one common tongue
so **** desirable
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