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17/Transmasculine/Nowhere    A system of chaotic queers writing from the heart about their pain and their lovers <3
Melancholy of Innocence
Planet Earth    Philo-poetic fable of love. Its our journey into self-discovery about true meaning of love. Poems of LOVE for Z Facebook: melancholy.innocence Twitter: melanofinnocent Instagram: melanofinnocent
kalica calliope delphine
26/F    ॐ celestial being. infj. word prophet. magical thinking enthusiast. recovering addict. 8 years sober. gsf. dream weaver. midnight songbird. tangent queen supreme. wayshower. knowledge seeker. …
Lior Gavra
My new book, "BitterSweet," has hit #1 New Release on Amazon's Best Sellers List, I hope you can grab a copy! Sample stories in the …
24/M/South Africa    Writer | This is ancestral, past-life reading; this is meditation & prayer; this is future telling. always becoming. The undying soul in a decaying case. …
Ben M
21    i see you in my dreams, kissing girls who are not me cjw
Dagoth I Am
I am a musicain. I spend most of my time lost in my delusions of grandure. My writing is kind of all over the place, …
Jennifer Humphrey
Virginia    I am 46 years old. Forced into early job retirement due to disability, which ended my 10 year career I write to purge my body …
United Kingdom    "Don't cover my eyes for my fears are trapped beneath my eyelids.. And for each fallen eyelash is a wish for greater freedom." © Sia …
Impeccable Space Poetess
Life♡Love    I'm no good at BIOS etc But~this is SO--GOOD:);):)<333 ...thanks for posting xour lovely poems... ❤ IMPECCABLE SPACE POETESS
Christi Michaels MoonFlower
I hope that my writings touch others as Poetry and Timeless Prosodies have touched me. aka: MoonFlower "Fluer de Luna" Currently recovering from a traumatic …
22/in my mind    living in a nest of hatchling stars, taking flight.
Merhaba Şiir
İstanbul    Eschewing all her thoughts, perfect integration is not it?
Allison Wonderland
19/F/Smallville, KS    I
19, British, aspiring graphic designer. Despite never going on to study poetry past the age of 16, I still love to write to express my …
Vanessa Gatley
27/F    share some of my work, if you like FOLLOW BACK love ya keep writing rock on Message lot of people who have seen my work …
25/F/Building galaxies within    I've been here since 2014. I was 14 then. Now I'm 25, back here posting more. Come follow my journey :)
Perfection is a disease of a nation - Beyoncé And I've always liked that about me, that I know what I am fighting for - …
Forgotten Heart
My words may not always be eloquent, but they are true. Writing to purge my soul rather than to please another is cathartic. Enjoy my …

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