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 Dec 2014 halfheartedsoul
We were infants
Trying to stand
Trying to talk
Seeing the world for the first time.
Six months and we grew
Learning, discovering
Looking for purpose
But still stuck in our minds.
One year and we were children
Believing we knew
All there was to know
But still filled with wonder.
Finding the first sadness
Peace in companionship
Hope for the future
And somehow life inbetween.
Two years and we were adults
Each others' first
"Happy," used so often
"Love," thrown back and forth.
In the cracks, underneath
Darkness spilling
Pain and confusion
Joining but tearing.
Three years and we were dead
Hope gone, innocence lost
Liquid life had taken ours
And pain was all it left.

But I am not
I live. And I realize that
Love was something you never gave,
There was no we, only me
And we did not live, or love.
Rather, I did.
I do.
 Dec 2014 halfheartedsoul
we are a paradox
we're the same soul,
but we come from different planets
we're made of the same flame,
but we burn in different ways
that's why you're both chaos and remedy to my heart
These words just come into my head
and flow out through my fingertips.
I'm struggling to write it all down
in between these **** rips.
Like waves crashing
it's overwhelming.
And when your head is full
it feels like drowning.
So pass it around
and come join me in the clouds.
Get a bird's eye view
on the storm, looking down.
The thicker the clouds, the clearer the mind.
Just make sure to open your eyes
Look all around you and take it all in.
Because it isn't too long before you're drowning again.
Work in progress?
 Dec 2014 halfheartedsoul
ignore the words
that scatter through my mouth

instead let me paint you a story across your lips
my tongue is the paintbrush that will reveal the secrets behind my scars

let me inhale the life that is within you
let our breath become one, allow my heart to finally steady

let's explore the rythm of each others' bodies
and i'll sing you the song that i can't ever remember the words to

instead of bleeding, let's exhaust our lust
and sweat out the bleakness that dominates our hours of the night

taste the desires that linger within the gaze of my eyes
they speak more than my words can ever say
 Dec 2014 halfheartedsoul
For centuries
my weary soul's
been swallowin' grey-faced spirits whole.

But the porcelain broke
between the lips
I feel dusky fingertips.

I have short moments,
one brief farewell
before I place my sins in hell.

Stranger please--
lend me your ear,
I've become what I most fear.

I know there's no
such thing as ghosts
but I have seen the demon host.
 Dec 2014 halfheartedsoul
do not date a girl
who writes.
she will internalize
carve poems
into your eyelashes
instead of
kissing them,

she will analyze you,
calculate age
from the rings
your coffee cup
instead of refilling it.

she will memorize
the way your
lips curl around steam,
but not that you
take it
two sugars,
no cream.

she will read your
palm instead of
holding it
against her chest.

she will not
when you leave,
because she is
romanticizing it.
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