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  Feb 2021 Donna
Sarita Aditya Verma
Ignited incense
Sandalwood fragrance lingered
Two doves flew up, free

  Feb 2021 Donna
Shaun Yee
Sitting by my window side,
Gazing at the starlit night,
I saw a tiny glow,
A little shimmering light.

It darted here and there
And its brilliance grew,
I watched entranced and felt
Such joy and then I knew

It was not a firefly,
It was no earthly light,
It drew so close to me
She came into my sight.

Just a fleeting moment,
I felt she could not stay,
A kiss she blew to me
Then my fairy flew away.
  Feb 2021 Donna
Dr Peter Lim
Dawn yawns o'er river

faint winter morning sunshine

quiet sailing boats
  Feb 2021 Donna
Salmabanu Hatim
falling autumn leaves
teaches art of letting go
time is the healer.
  Feb 2021 Donna
Shaun Yee
Enjoy life to the fullest
Set some thoughts for tomorrow
Then live out the rest today
I remember my favourite comedian
He was crazy and acted daft
When I was on the downside
He would put an end to that.

He had a funny way with words
And could often tell a tale
He always drawed attention
His humour it never failed.

He could have been a big name
In a movie or on the stage
And if he chose to be one
I am sure he would make the grade.

He never had to try hard
He liked to play the clown
No one found him annoying
He was fun to have around.

He was full of innuendos
And he almost crossed the line
But he never was affensive
He wasn't that way inclined.

Then that was many years ago
Now he's gone and that is sad
He was my favourite comedian
I should know he was my Dad.
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