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 Oct 2021 C
Orange Popsy
 Oct 2021 C
Her eyes were fiery
While her lips peeled away
Her sun was setting
But her colors never fade
When she bites she is bitter
But when she smiles she is sweet
Like a nectarine emblem
She’s the fruit of life’s tree.
 Nov 2020 C
I wish
You'd Listen Closer
To the Songs That I Play
'Cause the Lyrics Speak
The Words I Fail to say.
i wanna be cheesy. DONT JUDGE ME
 Nov 2020 C
Im verborgenen Dunkel der Dualität
kämpft sich die Materie ans Licht,

umarmen sich Gase und Felsen zu Planeten
dringt der Sämling durch Erdreich und Steine

Überleben, um jeden Preis – heißt das Spiel,
auch wenn die korrekte Gestalt zur Ungestalt wird
Inspiriert wurde diese Prosa vom Yijing,
einem über 5.000 Jahre altem Weissagungssystem, auf Basis diverser Strichkombinationen, dessen Hauptaugenmerk auf die kausalen Abfolgen der Natur gerichtet ist.
 Nov 2020 C
Iron Heart
 Nov 2020 C
My heart is iron
It feels no emotion.
No amount of sadness or happiness can effect it.

It wasn't always this way
It used to be fabric, flimsy and unstable
Always letting those annoying emotions hurt.
I was nothing more than a baby

But I changed after those words
My heart turned to ice, hard and cold but crackable
And I wouldn't settle for crackable
So then it changed to iron.

My heart is iron
And I am proud
But the iron is only a cover
For a beautiful diamond
A poem slightly about bullying. It is also a true story.
I am dedicating this poem to those who have faced bad things in their life and are still living the best they can without giving up. I am thanking them for still being kind, even without showing emotion.
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