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Gourab Banerjee Jul 2016
It's the session of love
"     "    season of rommance
"     "    monsoon
Today my heart seeks to kiss you
My arms wanna hug you swiftly
Reasonless thought I know
But,how to forget you!
Still now,I really don't know
Don't know yet how to feel alone
How to say "I LOVE YOU"
Till the day the monsoon showers on Earth
I'll love you
After all,I'm a monsoon lover
A lover of You
Only of YOU-Written on 06.07.2012,Friday
Gourab Banerjee Jun 2016
Soul less sole
So lonely in the whole
None to guide
How to survive?
Moral of life
Walk alone
Dream alone
Love is fake
Relation nothing but joke
So,be alone
Be happy-Written on 17.06.2012,Sunday
Gourab Banerjee Sep 2016
Every girl is a sweetheart
Of her honey
Every daughter is a princess
For her father
All men's aren't butcher
There're also some human
And,I swear they're the majority
I'm one of them
Would you mind marry me?
Gourab Banerjee Aug 2016
Today is the day for prayer
     "     "   "     "     of blessings
I'm not talking off any festival
And,oufcourse there's none
But,still it deserves a celebration
A celebration of emotions,words,thoughts
Celebration of touching a glorious feat
Of achieving a desirous goal
An achievement of passions
Defeating all those negatives
Winning over all poor circumstances
It's a milestone established off willpower
Ultimately where there's a will there's a way
And all above if you want then you can
If I can so you too
Be determined
Be confident
There's nothing in this great existence
That can stop you
From achieving what you want
Just ignore success
And run after the excellence
Indeed,success'll follow you.......-Written on 25.08.2012,Saturday
Gourab Banerjee Sep 2016
Once life
Seems to be
Being far from you
But,as time flooded
I became matured
And,I realised
May be
You're cruel
To leave me alone
But,life is too much
Giving me company
Whether I need it or not
How can I make it believe?
I'll beter to be die!
Far living with a lie
That you're my
You'll be only my-Written on 06.09.2012,Thursday
Gourab Banerjee Sep 2015
Once life

Seems to be


Being far from you

But,as time flooded

I became matured

And,I realized

May be

You're cruel

To leave me alone

But,life is too much

Giving me company

Whether I need it or not

How can I make it believe?

I'll better to be die!

Far living with a lie

That you're my

You'll be only my-Written on 06.09.2012,Thursday
Gourab Banerjee Oct 2016
My dream
Whatever in night or in day
She's with me
May be conciously
May be unconciously
But,she's my shadow
Wherever I go
She follows me
May be it's my fantasy
But,I can't deny
Except her I'm nothing
Whatever I'm
Is only for her love
Love you lot
Miss you too
Take Care
Be Happy
Keep Smiling-Written on 31.10.2012
Gourab Banerjee Sep 2015
At times
Its hard to pretend
At times
The sense seems so vigil
At times
The sight become so vague
At times
I felt a few drops
Not like rain
Rather like stampede inside
It beats
Like never before
It happens
Only once
When there's
A beloved in pain.
Gourab Banerjee Aug 2016
At times
Its hard to pretend
At times
The sense seems so vigil
At times
The sight become so vague
At times
I felt a few drops
Not like rain
Rather like stampede inside
It beats
Like never before
It happens
Only once
When there's
A beloved in pain.-01.09.2015
Gourab Banerjee Mar 2016
A better world
You do expect.
A sigh of relief
I really want to offer.
Am I really so harsh
Even I can't enter the premises of your heart.
Even I believe the cloud will be dispersed someday
Someday I can offer you.
A better world
Less of anxieties
Lots of hope.
I really wanna present you
The world where
Men 'll respect you.
Not for anything else
Because you're women.
And,you deserve that ! - 17.03.2015
Gourab Banerjee Jul 2016
For me you're eternal
It might am not there
That day
Breathless my cold frame!!!-25..07.2016
Gourab Banerjee Apr 2016
I drink words
Smoke with music
Yes I'm addicted.-02.04.2015
Gourab Banerjee Apr 2016
She broke into tears
It's a long break in fact
Although a few months
Still even more than ages.
As history repeats
And span never matters.
The greatest tragedy of mankind
I realize again
A woman has no country of her own.
I believe it sounds interesting
So a glance to the fact.
A bit of story-telling
Lot of truth......
Let's go.....
She's just nineteen
I (MAY OR MAY NOT WE) fall in love.
Am wandering if not I'm dreaming
No,it's true.
The days are passing like fairy
None the less but.
Certainly a heavy shower with a blow of wind
And,nothing is as before.
I lost her
I felt as a black cat in a dark room.
The days are the best
The moments we spent were timeless.
And,the second stage enters
Another guy with,
Again she's in lust(or love)
Am not pretty much sure.
But yes she's happy with.
This time much more than the last
Am not wild as such this guy is
And,she's loving him.
She sunk & sunk and sunk so deep
The unexpected happened.
Although,she's not aware at that beginning
The days are passing as usual.
But,just hundred and twenty days(4 months)
She realized she's also resembling Mother Nature.
And,the very moment is there
My voice is trembling while listening.
She's just 19,the guy is 28
A doctor by profession
How can his wisdom permit him.
Did he really forgot the oath
He must taken while entering the profession
Or it's something beyond professionalism
It's all about the dictatorship history.
Whatever it may be
I really can't define actually.
All I do suggest her is change your state
Towards a better land.
And,she also determined.
Far from the native place
She's journeying towards a land of unknown.
All I wish her is Good Luck
Adieu mah love...!!!-18.04.2015
Gourab Banerjee Jan 2016
I know
The coming days
Will draw me gloomy!
But,so what?
I'm not for you
The universe knows the truth
So,you must do.
Let's immerse the uneven
Might be someday
Will meet again
Will never loose the blue!!!-02.01.2016
Gourab Banerjee Jun 2016
Had a dream
You're with me.-28.06.2015
Gourab Banerjee Jul 2016
A lame Spring
I'm wandering
When we can witness
An Autumn again.-05.07.2015
Gourab Banerjee Feb 2016
Wounds of brutality
Scars of inhumanity
I can't bear more
Your prayers get failure
Sorry you all
Wish you all the best-Written on 29.12.2012
Gourab Banerjee Aug 2016
A Heart within
Betrayed & devastated...!
What else more
Dry tears on the shore...!
Waves stuck day & night
Alone I'm never as before...!-07.08.2013
Gourab Banerjee Sep 2016
That bright sunny
My widened vision met
His destiny
Heart of capital witnessed
Two melted hearts
Diluted deep
Might a safe distance
They kept within
I held her hand
With all my existence involved
I felt the ecstasy
No words are enough
I opened my eyes with full of surprise
Felt none the else
As she's by me
Thru the ages
In no time
I took shelter,under her warmth
She's motherly
She caressed me
Just like am a kid
The very moments
Gazing at the blue sky
I uttered like never before
The infinite witnessed my confession
The proposal duly accepted
The luckiest among Adam(men fraternity)
The father of heaven(Jesus)
Showered his blessings
And,she's mine forever
Amen ... <3 <3 <3 !!! -12.09.2016
Gourab Banerjee May 2016
Amongst all
I left untold
Like the dew drops
On a dry leaf
An Autumn evening
A path all alone
Wandering for a trespasser. - 12.05.2016
Gourab Banerjee Feb 2016
Racialism is ****
Cast ism is ****
Inequality is ****
Lack of Education is ****
Who says...........!
Only ****** harassment
Is ****
Sorry,I can't stand by
I'm independent
I'm educated
I'm an Ignited Mind-Written on 29.12.2012
Gourab Banerjee May 2016
Some losses are Natural
Yours is too!
But,the cruel truth is
It's irrecoverable!
None can fulfill the gap
There's no way!
Even the Superior
Can't do!
You're immortal
Man is mortal
So you leave us!
But,your soul is evergreen
A true Artist you're!
You'll never die-
We'll keep you forever
In the core of our Heart!
Will never let you go-
Still miss You
Love you lot...<3...!
On the same day 3 years back we lost Ritu Da(Rituporno Ghosh);a tribute to the timeless soul.....
Gourab Banerjee Oct 2016
Never given a thought
Never been in a brothel
At times there's a raise in the breathe
Hyper tensed I felt to be true
But spirits are ever higher than of an animal
An animal with no senses
Spirits are nowhere
I feel like break into tears
But that violates masculinity
I never give it a second thought
Its not that manly for me
I can't be ever in a brothel
A lady for love yes I insist
That never influenced to be an animal with no sense
No am never been in a brothel
A lady for a lifetime is all I pray for
A queen for crown less king
To be Princess of a passionate father yes that's me.-14.10.2016
Gourab Banerjee Nov 2015
And the night ends
I strip you off.
You moan I laugh...
And the eternity knows
It all begins long since ago.-25.10.2014
Gourab Banerjee Jul 2016
I'm not the flowing Ganges
That you would wash your hands
And go!
I'm an Ocean
Either you've to see
Standing side by
Or do come and dive!
Prove yourself
Don't try to justify!
I'm what I'm
Because,I'm as I'm!
A path to walk
A destiny to discover!-25.07.2013
Gourab Banerjee Sep 2015
As the dark disperses
And the fog gonna deeper.
Our bond becomes much intimate
Me & my solitude.........!!!!!!!-22.09.2013
Gourab Banerjee Sep 2016
As the dark disperses
And the fog gonna deeper.
Our bond becomes much intimate
Me & my solitude.........!!!!!!!-22.09.2013
Gourab Banerjee Sep 2015
I know
You were
At the end...!
I realize
You don't...!!!-27.09.2013
Gourab Banerjee Feb 2016
A cup of tea
And,a fresh newspaper
Turning page by page
My eyes get stuck ed
Avalanche kills jawan's
Certainly my blood gonna cold
Yesterday,I'm talking to a friend
It's holiday of mine
And,as usual for all of us
As because,it's Sunday
I asked him
Do they also enjoy holidays?
Alas!his reply is negative
And,he also made me remind
That if they take rest
Entire nation have to be unrest
And,I realised what's commitment
What's dedication!
" love!
Really,the job of them
Mayn't make them billionaire
But,we all should hats off
That they pay own life's
To make us smile-Written on 17.12.2012
Gourab Banerjee Sep 2016
I wonder
Skull in a book !
Everyone tries
Why not me
Without insisted I start!
****** – where all it starts
Ends at death !
Faded with wild Manly passion
Day & night
Hungry belly
A little grain - a little water!-12.09.2013
Gourab Banerjee Aug 2016
"0" by mah watch
I've entered
Standing still the walls
Did they ever asked me
No,they don't.
Did they ever asked me
No,they don't.
Did they ever asked me
No,they don't.
And,so more
To the infinite
They only reason
They're so close to me.-09/08/2014
Gourab Banerjee Mar 2016
Life can't be in barricades
Emotions are ever countless
Limitations are there
Provision lies
But when mind is free
Nothing is strange
Part of Nature
Everything around
Choice is yours
As because beauty lies in eyes
Beauty of mind
Forever priceless....~Written on 23.03.2013
Gourab Banerjee Apr 2016
There's a common trend
Of human nature
That we often
Or almost always
Hurt those
Abuse those
Who're our most beloved
Although,we're not intended
But,situations/circumstance're so
We lost our temper
Later,we felt sorry
But,it's too late
In some cases
Because a broken heart
Isn't less than a broken glass
Yes,Relations're far precious
Than any other possession
So,take care of it
Be Happy
Let Happy-Written on 06.11.2012
Gourab Banerjee Sep 2015
The days left behind
The lanes left across-ed!
Memories & memoirs
Dark & deep!
Only you
Just You're there!
Just for You
I'm so alone!
My solitude
Your Love!
What the bond can't
That the Solitaire do.........!!!-09.09.2013
Gourab Banerjee Sep 2016
The days left behind
The lanes left across-ed!
Memories & memoirs
Dark & deep!
Only you
Just You're there!
Just for You
I'm so alone!
My solitude
Your Love!
What the bond can't
That the Solitaire do.........!!!-09.09.2013
Gourab Banerjee Jul 2016
Beauty isn't about exposure
It's not off secrecy
Beauty defines itself
It's not about fantassy
Beauty is defined by the beholder
Nothing else hell matters-Written on 27.07.2012,Friday
Gourab Banerjee Oct 2015
Whom am I?
To hurt anyone!
Whom am I?
To curse anybody!
And not only me
You too
None of us have no power
To rule over someone
To insult anyone
To play with another's modesty
With anybody's feelings
All we're equal
Whatever one can say
Do the best
Speak the truth
Everthing seems to be beautiful
Change yourself first
Because,charity begins at home
Rectify yourself
Being charitable to ownself
    "     beggar to else-Written on 04.10.2012
Gourab Banerjee Oct 2016
Whom am I?
To hurt anyone!
Whom am I?
To curse anybody!
And not only me
You too
None of us have no power
To rule over someone
To insult anyone
To play with another's modesty
With anybody's feelings
All we're equal
Whatever one can say
Do the best
Speak the truth
Everything seems to be beautiful
Change yourself first
Because,charity begins at home
Rectify yourself
Being charitable to own self
    "     beggar to else-Written on 04.10.2012
Gourab Banerjee Sep 2015
Never compromise

    "     bargain

Begin charity at home

Love your own's

Love yourself at first

Bring self-respect

Being self-esteemed

Gather knowledge

Spread it among!

Being charitable

    "     Human.-Written on 27.09.2012
Gourab Banerjee Sep 2016
Never compromise
    "     bargain
Begin charity at home
Love your own's
Love yourself at first
Bring self-respect
Being self-esteemed
Gather knowledge
Spread it among!
Being charitable
    "     Human.-Written on 27.09.2012
Gourab Banerjee Jul 2016
What all you can manage is today
Focus on it.
A miracle never comes knocking
If you can believe
It can happen.
Even if you don't
Better to go for the possibilities
Than the future.-08.07.2015
Gourab Banerjee May 2016
What all I want
The privilege
To make love with you!
Where the heaven meets
The abode of silence!
The altitude of isolation
Meets the destiny
Of two hearts.
Your lips on my tongue
Will re-define affair.
Witnessing the universe
Dive into the hive of honey
In you;
Just you & me
My Honey
Be mine now & forever......!!!-20.05.2016
Gourab Banerjee Jan 2016
Isn't that a Blue Moon
Has enough light to discover each other.
Come to my arms
Be my Love...!!!-10.01.2016
Gourab Banerjee Oct 2015
Only can hurt
Whereas,silence & patience
Can bring the unexpected

How much dark it would may be!
Can never overcome the possibility of the rising Sun
Thickness of fog
Hardly can block the rays of Sun
As well false never can overcome the truth
Be faithful to truth
Be positive in odds
Believe the Superior
You're the best
Leave better,good,bad,worse,worst among the rest
Yourself you
Be the Best-Written on 01.10.2012
Gourab Banerjee Oct 2016
Only can hurt
Whereas,silence & patience
Can bring the unexpected
How much dark it would may be!
Can never overcome the possibility of the rising Sun
Thickness of fog
Hardly can block the rays of Sun
As well false never can overcome the truth
Be faithful to truth
Be positive in odds
Believe the Superior
You're the best
Leave better,good,bad,worse,worst among the rest
Yourself you
Be the Best-Written on 01.10.2012
Gourab Banerjee Apr 2016
Who knows
What to do
When it's odd
Is wise
And,who doesn't
Is spouse of wise
After all,age matters
Experience rather than
Think universal
Make it large
Be wise!-Written on 05.11.2012
Gourab Banerjee Sep 2016
Lot of pain in heart
Plenty of ink in pen
What else needed?
Be writer
Express yourself
Before the last call
Raise your voice
Touch others heart
Write it down
Whatever in heart
Write  it now
None seen tomorrow
Tomorrow always uncertain
Do it right now
May be die tomorrow
Who knows?
Who can say?-Written on 19.09.2012
Gourab Banerjee Sep 2015
Lot of pain in heart

Plenty of ink in pen

What else needed?

Be writer

Express yourself

Before the last call

Raise your voice

Touch others heart

Write it down

Whatever in heart

Write  it now

None seen tomorrow

Tomorrow always uncertain

Do it right now

May be die tomorrow

Who knows?

Who can say?-Written on 19.09.2012
Gourab Banerjee Feb 2016
You know what
I witness
Beyond the borders.-20.02.2016
Gourab Banerjee Jul 2016
12th July,1957-2015
A living being
A predecessor
The baton I'm carrying
With the surname
The man behind
Who deserves the celebration
Its his b'day today
58 years
A long journey in fact
Many more to come
Wish you many Happy Returns of the Day
Can't say whether I can utter it again or not
At times my conscience got choked
Still,my heartiest greetings to the soul
Happy B'day Paa....
16 years have been passed
We're apart
No archive to show
Or I'll surely show the world
Even I'm not an orphan.
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