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 Mar 2019 ash
Is it worth it?
 Mar 2019 ash
I take a pill
Every night
Before bed
And it keeps away
The panic
The compulsions
The stress
The perfectionism
The drive
The desire for excellence
The 4.0 student
Everything that was
Killing me
Creating me
So, now I have to decide
Is it worth it?
I don't want to feel like that, but now I've lost what made me special...

I either have to return to who I was or move forward as someone else...
 Oct 2018 ash
He can do it
 Oct 2018 ash
He is God
He can fix things in a second
Only if you can believe
Nothing is impossible to Him
He's waiting for your call today
Open up your heart to Him
He's more than willing to heal your wounds
He is ready to make a way for you
Reach out to Him
Do it now
Read from top to bottom and back up
 Oct 2018 ash
the words spilled from her mouth

here i sit,
as my best friend,
tells me
you have another.

i shouldn’t care.
but i do.

no matter how hard i try,
the poetry for you in which i write,
never ceases.
it just keeps pouring out of my soul.
it sometimes seems as if,
the poetry i write for you is what keeps my heart beating.
what keeps me breathing.

but now, what am i supposed to do?
do you think she will love you?
do you really think she will love you?
please tell me.

it’s hard to think of you with another
because we used to be so in love with each other.

it’s been a long time since we last spoke,
but it feels as if all the memories of us i have were just made yesterday.

you have another.
who will never,
love you in the way i could.

but my question for you is,
will you love her in the way you could towards me?
 Oct 2018 ash
 Oct 2018 ash
I say that I'm happy.
I say that I'm fine.
But shouldn't it be obvious that I'm not?

Of course not.
I've been hiding my pain for years.

I think I'm a pro.
Because I'm dying inside,
And no one knows.

Pain is hidden behind a smile.
Everything else, behind a wall.
 Oct 2018 ash
Ariana Bagley
I love him
I tell myself
I know that
We will be together forever
I don’t believe that
We could be separated
My thoughts tell me that
He’s the love of my life
Sometimes my heart lies and says
I could live an eternity
Without him
Like my friends say
“We’re perfect for each other”
And you can’t tell me
He’s not the one.

Now read from bottom to top.

— The End —