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4.1k · Mar 2014
Beyrouth, Beyrouth
Ghenwa Mar 2014
As I stand in the flashing city lights,
I feel the earth move under my feet.
This is my home,
My beautiful home.
As the world stumbles upon
the horrors they see on TV,
I stand still,
My home,
My beautiful home.
I whisper to myself,
Everything will be alright,
I whisper to you,
Like a mother singing a lullaby;
My dearest Beyrouth,
One day.
One day, you'll see your wonders,
One day, your children will be here
One Day, they'll come back,
For you.
Beyrouth, Beyrouth,
You old soul,
You beautiful mind,
Stand still.
We are here.
as i see the horrors on TV, i have realised that we never show Beyrouth as the beautiful town it is but as the horrible things that have been done there. I wander endlessly in this city and could spend every second of my life there.
Ghenwa Jul 2016
Before you talk behind my back
Know, that I am a human being
So are you

Surely, I am
flawed, messed up, broken, scarred
but I bet, so are you

You and I arr very different,
whether I know you, or not,
whether you know me or not
my ***** laundry, is mine
and so is yours
and I bet that you wouldn't like it if anyone
aired your laundry without your knowing
or approval
or created laundry, that was not even there

your jealousy, is not my problem
your anger isn't either
surely, i understand
people react in different ways

but please,
before you go around talking behind my back
know that i am human
that i have feelings

and i bet you do too
2.7k · Jul 2014
Ghenwa Jul 2014
There is a fine line between love and hate,
Because both are very powerful feelings.
There is fine line between making perfume
and making poison,
One chemical ingredient, dosage, etc.
Changes the whole solution
And if I'm right,
Poison can never go back to being perfume,
and roses cannot turn red again
and the only thing I'm sure of
is that I can't go back to being young,
And they dare say that your young years are the best,
I'm not.
I'm the poison of my generation,
The perfume gone wrong,
I'm as toxic to myself as I am to others,
May I remind each one of you
of the burden I am,
on your shoulders?
May I remind you that the world turns a way
and I run the other.
And this, my friends, is toxic
I'm like a hamster put in a cage,
on the verge of death
My toxicity,
is the burden of the world,
It spreads like water in the sand,
It spreads like the plague
Toxicity is much worse than death,
It is painful
And consuming
Like a role in a play
In which the curtains never close.
2.6k · Dec 2013
Ghenwa Dec 2013
“So this is the end of you and me
We had a good run and I'm setting you free
To do as you want, to do as you please
Without me”

I just look up the sky and stare at the fireworks with such passion.
They fascinate me.
Sometimes it feels like they’re just like us.
It feels in one moment that they’re eternal just like us.
We’re somehow, somewhere, eternal.
Just right then in the middle of it, it feels eternal,
then everything all the little sparks that we felt
all the sparks that we were
fade into the darkness
and we realise that just as those fireworks
we die,
we fade into the dark,
we’re remembered for some time and then we’re forgotten.
But some of us are an eternal spark,
eternal firework
just like the first firework in history
or the biggest fireworks ever made,
we’re eternal,
we’re remembered,
we’re important,
never forgotten.
We’re just like those fireworks,
sparks that die.

August the 16th 2013
this was written for someone whom i thought meant the world to me.
2.1k · Jan 2014
death is at your doorstep
Ghenwa Jan 2014
Do you remember summer?
When one day you said you could be happy?
Are you happy with yourself right now?
Broken hearts and faded hopes
Do you think you got somewhere killing everything?
That ever loved you
Killing the love you had for others
Do you think you saved yourself?
Raising your walls so high
With roses and thorns protecting you
Every flower you had
Is every flower you gave away
You created your own grave
The one no flowers will be on
The forgotten one at the end of the cemetery
You wanted to be immortal
You forgot to be what made you immortal
So cry from where you are
Because forgetting will be your blessing
And being forgotten will be your curse
You’re scared of two things;
Death and forgetting
You’ll die
You’ll forget
You’ll be forgotten
No one is immortal
Everyone fades somewhere
Into the darkness

Pick yourself up
And forgive yourself
1.8k · Dec 2013
Ghenwa Dec 2013
winter dust
i have lost you along the way
deep down below my feet
from my hands you fled
i know i'll find you again
i know in december
we'll meet again
1.8k · Jul 2013
hospital bed
Ghenwa Jul 2013
some people cry
and others laugh
black and white
flowers and balloons
all lay on a hospital bed
four walls
sounds echoing of the dead and the living
under the white sheets lay
happiness and tragedy
1.7k · Apr 2014
Ghenwa Apr 2014
let me introduce you to my dearest friends,
sweet serenity
pain and passion
desire and love,
sadness and melancholia
the weight of the world bringing you down
the thoughts about yourself
your fast heartbeats
your breathless minutes
the time you think it's over for you
when you close your eyes
you're ready to say goodbye
the feeling of never being good enough.
i have those vices, i have those problems
end up crying in the middle of the night,
hoping no one hears a sound.
trying to make everything better by believing
it would get better
giving myself hope
when there could be none.
i have died so many times
inside of my head
i have tried too many times
to get out of my head
but it never seems to work
now let me introduce you to my worst enemy;
ticking by so fast,
taking every breath of mine
ticking too slow,
when pain knocks on my door
letting the nights of happy moments pass by
and the night of suffering endless
but a second is always a second,
and a minute a minute
and time will tic-toc
till you run out of heartbeats,
happy or not
but it's all in your head
when you take your moments too fast and too slow,
it's all in your head when time passes by so quickly
it's all in your head when you die before you do.

but is what's in your head real?
because reality doesn't exist
and nothing else does,
everything is how we create it and see it
nothing is too real to our eyes and nothing is too surreal.

i know i think too much,
maybe it's because i think too much
that i have so many vices
and fears
but to get rid of those,
you'd have to give up thinking,
would you?
1.5k · Sep 2013
Dear darling
Ghenwa Sep 2013
be the best version of you
and every day

dear darling,
you made me a better me
you make me a better me
i find no lies in your smiles
i find no tears in your eyes
though i wish i could dig inside your soul
deep down inside your heart,
the way you dig deep down
in the dead land of my feelings
where no flower grows to survive
and no human can find home
you built a home deep down
you make the sun shine everyday
because you brought back the light to my day
because you make me smile to this day
words cannot express how thankful i am
not even this poem
you find no wrong in what i say
i find no reason why
you always know what to say
i don't know how
you're everything i am not
we're not opposites
we're not similar
it's different
we're just kids
two kids
we understand when others may not
it's like finding a place you belong
it's like turning the lights on after a long time in the dark
haunted by the thought that it might not last forever
a home is not easy to let go of
i don't want the sun to set
i've been missing it
like the waves miss the shore
like the old man misses his youth.
dear darling,
don't go
please stay
and wait for the sun to rise with me
stay through the stormy nights
be the anchor to my sinking ship
we don't have forever
we have a few decades
even less
and my dear darling,
each second is precious
to show you
that i appreciate you
as you are
as you will be,
the amazing person you will be
to my very dear friend, José. I am so grateful i have you in my life. You came in the storm and changed it to light. You know me so well. You're the solid rock i land on
1.5k · Jun 2014
To my beloved Grandmother.
Ghenwa Jun 2014
I regret not saying goodbye to you
Or seeing you before that happened
My last hello could have been my goodbye
I hadn’t seen you in a month
I did talk to you on the phone
From far away, I thought you were okay.
You said it loud and clear
“Those are my last few days”
And I would say, of course not
It was delusional
How we think that life is infinite
That someone is immortal
I don’t know if I said that to console you,
Or myself
I don’t know, now remembering
If it was okay not to cry when you really,
Were gone.
I don’t know what it’s all about;
What do we do with it?
I don’t understand.

They described you to me,
On a hospital bed
How sad, how surreal,
So pale, but rosy cheeks and a smile
Are all that I could see.
I didn’t want to visit you in that same hospital bed,
You were in a few months ago.
I was scared I wouldn’t believe it.
I had already gotten to the point,
Even before you were gone,
You were gone
I knew it was going to happen.

I knew I wanted to speak at your funeral,
But didn’t
I knew I wanted closure.

In a grave they dug you.
4AM and your last breath was taken
On a Saturday, I woke up to wear black
To hear my brother cry
For the very first time.

Sitting in a hall where all people cried
Came up to me to tell me
“She’s really gone, isn’t she?’
And I would nod in patience and hug her sisters, her children;
My uncle, my aunts,
My father.
My father whose reaction I didn’t understand
His mother, just gone,
Not a tear in his eye.
In black he was suited
And in black I remain

I did not cry, because I couldn’t.
Was he not crying to be strong?
After all, he was strong.

My mother stood in the middle.
I remember she was crying.
Not her mother, maybe.
But her best company for 20 years,

I remember every bit of it,
Every second,
Every time I ran out trying to tell myself,
That it couldn’t be real,
Every time I stood at the grave,
With the family name
Every time I didn’t really have a choice,
But to smile.
I tried to show how I felt,
But it’s not like that.
It’s not easy trying to be strong,
It’s not easy saying someone got taken away from you.

16 years with me,
And on the 1st of September 2013,
I could hear the bells ring in the morning.
8AM here we are.

*Because I never got to say goodbye, because I never got a chance to show you how much you mean to me. I’m really sorry for  not being there when you probably wanted me to.
May you sleep in ever peace. Rest your shoulders and close your eyes for heaven has taken your soul to pass.
1.5k · Jul 2014
You, are greatness
Ghenwa Jul 2014
Today, my mother gave me a hug.
It's wasn't just one of those hugs,
it was a hug that said
'I am proud of you'
It was a hug that said,
'you're a woman now,
you almost made it through'
And as the years passed
I never thought I'd be where I am now,
I am just trying to find myself.

Today, my family said some nice things about me,
it was nice,
because I never would have thought,
that I'd be the person I am now,
I never thought,
I'd be able to go through it all,
the shyness
the bullies
the scoliosis
and still be alive
But guess what?
I am.
I am alive and kicking
like a baby wanting to get out
during the 9th month

I am alive and kicking like a soccer player
who desperately needs to win a match

I am alive and kicking like every drop of blood in my body
kicking through my veins
and keeping me the way I am

And if I could send a message to who I was,
I would say
'You might not think much of yourself today,
but tomorrow, you will be proven wrong,
because you are worth it,
you are worth a fight,
you are a fighter
and you will fight to be a great person,
or at least to seek greatness in yourself
and in everything you do'
1.5k · Dec 2013
i am not beautiful
Ghenwa Dec 2013
i'm not beautiful
never will be
i'm not smart
you can't say that to me
don't tell me nice things
i am none of them
i am horrible
a monster
a human
i can't look at myself in the mirror
and when i do
i see eyes
showing disgust
i see them shaming
what they're looking at
i don't want you to tell me lies
let me drown and die in the truth
the harsh truth
i am not beautiful
i am not being humble
i am not beautiful
and never will be
not physically
not in soul
1.5k · Apr 2019
8- dedication
Ghenwa Apr 2019
hard work makes a woman strong
hard work and dedication go hand in hand

Dedication is loyalty to something great
Something greater than yourself
Some greater passion you build up inside

Dedication is sweat and tears
Sleepless nights scarred fingers

Dedication is the light at the end of the tunnel
Dedication is the feeling of accomplishment
The happiness of having accomplished something great
1.4k · Dec 2013
Ghenwa Dec 2013
as i drowned myself
in the depth of my tears
flooding the land of my thoughts
i have lost everything i ever owned
i could almost say
that death
was my middle name
and as i walked
between faces
i would hear mumblings
and it sounded like screaming to me
i was going insane
i did not see the sunshine
i couldn't bear the thoughts
of never being good enough
my hopes were limited
and my dreams were slowly fading
and i was
within the sounds
1.3k · Apr 2018
Ghenwa Apr 2018
As Midas discovered what he thought was a blessing turned into a curse
As if all he’s turned to gold was now stone.

His lover’s touch cold
His lover’s eyes empty it became scary
His lover’s body like a statue that haunts him in the middle of the night

Midas learned the hard way that greed is a very ugly thing
Lost everything he could ever have
The possibility of something
Midas would starve

Midas would be no different really than Medusa
Midas Medusa
Medusa Midas
1.2k · Dec 2013
to the artist
Ghenwa Dec 2013
i like artists
artists of all kinds
artists of words
artists of colour
artists of thoughts
they're the civilisation
they're the world
they're the visionaries
the children
the lovers
the hearts of gold
an artist is the one with the voice
the radiance of the sun
the summer in your eyes
the lover in disguise
the hurt in the dark
the tears and the smiles
an artist hides deep down
the one who lives in pain and shame
they say artists will never survive
i say artists are the reason we're still alive
this is a poem dedicated to every single artist there is out there
1.1k · Apr 2018
Ghenwa Apr 2018
I think I wrote this 30 times not knowing how to explain or shape the sentences but here goes nothing

Pop, one pill in the morning.
This one will make you happy

Pop, one pill at lunch.
This one will make you numb.

Pop, one pill at night.
This one will make you sleep.

Pop, another, whenever.
This one, will calm your heart,
Make you get out of bed in the morning,
Make your work harder,
Make you concentrate,
Make you
Make you
Make you

Alice feels jealous, her pills make her larger or small
But not happy.
But Alice doesn't know,
After every pill,

Alice feels, but I don't

Three hundred sixty-five days and some other dozen
After pills
Slowly but surely
I started feeling again
Sadness had a taste
And so did food
Laughter had a meaning
and so did tears.

And If you ask me what I remember of that time,
I'll tell you, not much.
It is no way to live, when you live numb
When you should feel things, but you don't.

When the struggle is no longer sadness, but the lack of it
When it is not finding happiness, but not feeling it..

Another three hundred sixty five days and some dozen
I feel things on my own
Get out of bed on my own

After pills,
I pray nothing gets in my way of feeling things on my own.
945 · Dec 2021
Ghenwa Dec 2021
It is in the midst of insecurity
weakness and pain
that I found my voice
resonant, loud
not lurking in the shadows
It is in the darkest of times that my creative soul emerged
embraced me in its warmth
and gave me a sign
a forever reminder
that I can carry a world with words
that my hands were made to create
a forever reminder
that insecurity will not eat me up
it will not consume me
it will not overpower me
my power lays in words, needle and thread
most importantly
my power lays in a burning passion for what i do
a burning passion that will not dim nor fade away into the uncertainty of insecurity
920 · Mar 2014
Dangerous Affliction
Ghenwa Mar 2014
Do you see him behind the camera?
So handsome,
Painting you delicately,
Looks right into you so passionately,
Effortlessly puts his hair back
I could see how nervous he was,
by just the way he walks
here and there
around the room.
Do you see the way he looks at you?
Yes, the way he looks at you,
Like you're some work of art
Not in picture
But in flesh and bone
Every look is every touch
every touch he places on your body
Do you see him?
So flawless behind that camera,
Rolling his eyes every time he asks you to stand still.
How he just looks to the side
Do you see how badly I've fallen for him?
Am I a liar? A sinner?
But am I a tear on his cheek?
I have fallen for every part of his brain,
Every perception of his,
Every look I wish I was given.
Dangerous affliction,
Beautiful affection,
Locate yourself into every breath that I take,
Hold me by the neck
And deprive me of oxygen
Glad my last breath,
Was in your hands.
To Ryan
900 · Apr 2014
midnight madness
Ghenwa Apr 2014
i have always loved flowers
remind me of myself
a heart and a soul
a burning fire
and fades at night
sleeps below the gloomy fogs of springtime
i always loved sleeping in my garden
bottle of wine in hand
wishing someone would come and help
i've always loved sleeping in grass cause in a big world, i didn't belong
i always loved wine
because it made me say beautiful things
even things i wouldn't say
i always loved tulips as they shone into darkness
i always loved roses
because i touched their thorns to remind myself of pain
to remind myself i still take breaths
896 · May 2014
thank you
Ghenwa May 2014
here we are, facing our fears
here we are facing the crowd
hearing the laughs and sounds
trying not to cry
trying not to frown
here we are
after so much time
the lights shut down
time stands still
i could hear the sound of my heart beat
i could feel the sweat dripping down my neck
i could feel the shivers through the actors
and in the blink of an eye
it's all gone
goodbye fear
goodbye tears
hello to the people

see, i never thought i would do it
see, i never imagined a team like that
i never saw anything quite like this
strangers, maybe
never again
this, now will be of our best memories

and i would like to address a huge thank you
to a guide, a brother and a friend now
for getting us back down to earth as we were just laughing our way through it
as we were so rarely taking things seriously
for listening to our most insignificant stories
for guiding through this journey
for standing our complaints
for not getting a stroke (pun intended)
we thank you from the bottom of our hearts

it has been a great pleasure working and spending time with you guys
i will never look at you all in the same way ever again
and it's definitely in a good way

one last thing:
thank you
871 · Sep 2013
always in memory
Ghenwa Sep 2013
woke me up on a saturday morning
dead and gone she was
'may she rest in peace' she told me to say
shock took over me
tears wouldn't come out
tears were hidden deep down
inside a rush of feelings
and knifes stabbing my heart
it was hard
she was gone
after all this time
yet so early
sickness took over her
struggles ended
black we were wearing
tears all falling
if only cries could bring you back
if only love could bring you back
i don't believe it
i can't believe it
i can't see it
she's here
everywhere we are
the smell
the presence
the voice
couldn't be gone
but someday in your life
you'll have to learn and let go
because nothing last forever
and we're the first to fade before our own eyes.
to my grandmother who passed away yesterday morning
861 · Mar 2014
Lack of Colour
Ghenwa Mar 2014
Dear lover,
I found you alone on a sidewalk,
on a rainy september day.
I found you reading poetry.
We both liked poetry.
This is probably why I'm writing to you.
When I was a child,
heaven was a dream,
a star, very far from us.
Dear lover,
After that day in the storm,
After I walked with you,
hand in hand
on that sidewalk
and we danced
to the teardrops falling from the sky,
I have realised the beauty of things.
After that day in the rain,
you were happy,
only for a short while.
But every night you'd cry
and call.
'i love you'
All is grey, have we lost everything.
goodbye rainy day
goodbye new dawn
Dear lover,
beauty dripped from your eyes.
You are sunshine
and rainy day.
846 · Dec 2013
a confession
Ghenwa Dec 2013
i cry too much
and i find myself in a lot of trouble
i am not pretty
or at least i don't find myself pretty
i don't feel comfortable in dresses
i don't like the way i smile
and i most importantly
don't like my history
i don't like the way
everyone let me down
i don't like the way
i let myself go down
i don't like it that i let myself
sink into desperation
i don't like being alone
but i didn't have any friends
i don't like the way i have been treated
and i don't like that i'm too nice
i hate that i could forgive
but never get forgiveness
i hate that i was a friend
and that i was used
i hate that my life turned to be this way
i hate that i was a creep
i hate i was the one with a condition
i know
that i hate
i never loved myself enough
to let anyone love me
818 · Dec 2013
letting go
Ghenwa Dec 2013
took all the chances i wanted to take
but still something's missing
and i seem to end up with a heartache
over a drink or two i find myself reminiscing

i am endlessly lost in the depth of my soul
my happiness doesn't want to show
i'm a sweater with holes
a basket-ball you throw

life takes life from me, one blood drop at a time
and time is my worst enemy
silently commits its crime
and there is no remedy

but my only wish is to die happy
and happy i shall die
in the arms of my beloved one
801 · Jul 2013
you're human my darling
Ghenwa Jul 2013
with a small smile, i said to him
the truth is gonna hurt you
words are gonna wound you
missguided souls are gonna haunt you
but darling,
you're human.
and after all
let it go my love,
because one day,
in the storm
i'll be here to keep your feet to the ground
i'll be here to watch the sunset with you
i'll be here to watch you go when it's time
i'll try to keep going.
i'll let go soon enough
i'll have to say goodbye, the way i said hello
because after all we're human and i have to let you go
789 · Mar 2014
left behind
Ghenwa Mar 2014
do you ever feel worthless?
because i do.
all the time.
have you ever head someone say
"you're never coming to anything"
have you heard them say
"poor parents of hers"
behind your back?
because i have.
and it *****
welcome to the inner-workings
of my mind.
do you feel sorry for me?
because i don't
nothing really matters to me anymore
i have forgotten what feelings were
it's so easy to ear a mask
my true friends
they're here
i don't need your pity and sorries
darling, all i need,
is to be left alone
left alone to close my eyes
left alone to forget,
to forget to breathe.
784 · Feb 2014
fix me
Ghenwa Feb 2014
bruises all over my face
scars all over my arms
i promise i haven't hurt myself
i tried to let myself sleep
for eternity
i closed my eyes
and hoped blood would flood
and breath would run out of me

will you just come and fix me
or will you just press on my fresh scars
will you just say that i'm beautiful
you don't mean it
and i never needed to be fixed
i wanted to go
but you made me stay
and i blame you
for my endless misery
781 · Aug 2013
"forever halloween"
Ghenwa Aug 2013
"just this once, just for now,
you can be anything in the world"

and we hide behind our costumes
kings and queens
monsters and demons
we hide ourselves from the reality of ourselves
where the words don't mean a thing
and appearances mean even less

you can be anything, anything in the world
anything you want to hide
and everything you want to show
you can fake it, honey
and make believe

put that costume on
and make believe the world is at peace
put that costume on
and forget about the sorrow
make believe it's gonna be okay
when it all gets worse
776 · Apr 2014
Guilty Pleasure
Ghenwa Apr 2014
i want you to twist me around like your worst nightmare
i want you to whisper in my ear all the bad things you'd do to me
please put your hand in my hair and pass it on to my neck, my arm, my waist.
please whisper in my ear
and don't tell me you love me
i know that's a lie
yes you'll leave in the morning
i know it, i know you too well
i'm addicted
you leave and i come back
kiss me like you've never kissed anyone before
throw me up on a wall
and say her name
so i kick you out
and cry myself to sleep
while i slowly crawl back to your side of the bed
and smell the sheets
while i knock on your door
and you pull me closer
what a word
pure pleasure
more and more
guilt crawls through me
but i want you so much
765 · Oct 2013
forever isn't forever
Ghenwa Oct 2013
disbalanced and lost i don't know where to go
wearing your scarf, the one i made for you
you haven't called in days
and i don't want to be a bother
so i just sit by the window
watching every drop of rain fall to the ground
the way i fell in and out of love
the way i packed up all of my books from your house
it hurts to see you fade away in memories
when every shirt i have is yours
and every picture on my wall reminds me of you
when every song that comes up on the radio
is our song
the one i danced to and sang to like i knew the words
when you were tapping your fingers on the steering wheel
or when the smoke of your cigarette flew around the car
or even when i was stuck in the moment believing it would last forever
751 · Oct 2013
40 days
Ghenwa Oct 2013
hello? yes, i can hear you.
how have you been?
do you like mars and jupiter?
how was your vacation on the moon?
when are you gonna send me postcards?
will you be back soon?
are the stars as pretty as they say they are?
do they shine as bright as we see them?
you know?
your room just got darker
the eyes of the broken are now hopeless
things have changed
and i'm begging for so many answers that i will never get
don't hang up on me!
grandma?? grandma??
746 · Mar 2014
Ghenwa Mar 2014
I am bound to sadness,
like Dorian Gray,
was bound to his beauty.
It seems to me, that every time I try,
It gets harder to turn back,
to the person I used to be.
Innocence disappeared,
and this world is a cruel place to live in.
All it does is just break me down,
bone after bone.
I have become addicted to sadness,
because happiness doesn't seem normal.
But what's normal anyway,
when they say it is the best of worlds,
but we know nothing of others,
or when it's simply not true.
I die everyday a little.
I cry a little more everyday,
into ashes those tears will turn.
Best friend and worst enemy,
loneliness and sadness,
come together as one.
This is probably what I deserve,
and how I should live
and die
741 · Apr 2018
Ghenwa Apr 2018
Red lipstick with vanilla smell
Red lipstick with vanilla taste
It’s not the only reason you crave my lips
But the feeling of safety we give each other
It’s not just vanilla but time stops and it’s only you
Everything is you,
Now vanilla lipstick reminds me of you
I keep you on my lips not to miss you
You love vanilla on me
You make me love vanilla
739 · Dec 2014
he died twice
Ghenwa Dec 2014
here she is sitting in front of the tv
like a kid waiting for their gift on christmas morning
she was waiting for his name to come up on the screen
to us he died twice
once when they said the plane he was on crashed
and the second time today
when they brought what remained of them to their country
to theur loved ones
to their families
and what's worse than that
is that my mother lost a friend and a cousin
my grandpa lost a son to him
and my uncles a brother
seeing them on tv all so preoccuipied
i realised that we were no better
that we are all destined to the same thing
what makes us different is the way we live this life
because we don't choose the moment we're gone
we could be gone in a plane crash
we could be gone in a bed while our health is still intact
but we choose what we do of our lives
and i'm choosing to make most of it
i'm choosing what i can and i will
because hell is a place on earth and
hell is in each of us
hell is each one of us
we are the ones who remember
and we are hell to others
depending on what we remember of them
and i choose to be remembered as
kind, loving, passionate, compassionate, human
and this is exactly how i'm gonna be
719 · Mar 2014
Ghenwa Mar 2014
my mind is an ocean
and i am lost at sea
my boat doesn't float
and there is no mayday signal to send
they say the captain goes down with the ship
and if my body goes down
my soul will leave it be
sleep in the middle of the ocean
with the rest of the treasures
lost at sea
708 · Sep 2014
Ghenwa Sep 2014
Since you've been gone
My couch doesn't smell like you anymore
Maybe it hasn't for a long while
And maybe the smell was in my head

Since you've been gone
My phone went off
That's how it was before you

Since you've been gone
Roses grew back in my garden
Leaves fell off the trees
And maybe I'm still waiting

I waited and maybe I still am
But in the meantime there's nothing I can do
But mourn the broken pieces
Try to find them all,
Lost somewhere along the way
And assemble them back together.

I maybe will always be yours
Somewhere somehow
In this world or in another

But right now
I am mine
I am no one's
I'm as free as the wind
I've broken free from everything
And I could leave right now
empty handed with no regret
or tear in my eye
Maybe alcohol will get me through this
And maybe it will **** me
But does it matter?
Because we're all gonna die
693 · May 2014
Ghenwa May 2014
some night i just stay up till 4 in the morning
i don't know why
but i like the sound of morning
i like it when the sun just starts to rise
and i like the smell of the ground
and when the very first rays of light
caress my eyes
that is when, i know
i can sleep quietly
beneath the sounds of the city
beneath this world
broken beyond repair
634 · Nov 2013
daydream away
Ghenwa Nov 2013
have you ever felt
the weight of the world?
heavy on your shoulders
bringing you down
no return from the fall
no sunshine after the storm
no light after the dark
just tears running down your face
the street lights are your refuge
and loneliness is your best friend
your cigarette accompanies your letters
your poems
your clothes
bringing you down
rock bottom
and i wish i could see your face right now
that sinister grin
the sad look in your eyes
627 · Oct 2013
Ghenwa Oct 2013
they say i'm good with words
but i was never good at anything
i chained myself to the thought
of being left behind
and it haunted me
until i learned to let go
when i found out
that words
are the strongest weapons
the most hurtful swords
they build and break
guess i'm friends with words
they say what i think
tell me the truth
make me feel okay
622 · Apr 2016
Ghenwa Apr 2016
She, was in love
Like all of us
And like all of us
and in a storyline manner,
fell out of love.

Pretty usual you may think
but here's what the story is

To me, she's pretty shy but very outgoing at the same time
She may be a character from your favorite romantic comedy
She's a wildflower, reckless and powerful
But you probably won't see that
She's got a certain fire in her eyes
and savors life like a little kid savors ice cream

At the bottom of a glass
A little bit of liquid courage
maybe to forget
maybe to move on
or maybe in revenge

We all convince ourselves that we're so over it
But deep down
in your heart resides a little dust to be cleared off
in your heart there's a room for person who's not there anymore
in your heart, someone intoxicating your whole body
like the bad apple in the trunk

But what you should know is that it's not too late to find the bad apple
what you should know is that you can clean up the room
refurnish a house
make it a home
for someone else
but more importantly for yourself

love yourself first
and when love comes knocking at your door,
open it with a smile
and say please come in,
I've been waiting for you

*and that's a beautiful, tragic , love

and she deserves all of the love in the world
Poem series dedicated to my dearest friends
This one is for you Dina
617 · Apr 2016
about losing a friend
Ghenwa Apr 2016
have you met someone
who coincides with your personality so well,
you'd think you're the same person?

the same person in two different bodies,
the same soul and feelings,
belief and fear.

have you met someone you shared so much with
but then again
nothing at all

for two years or ten years

this is a story, about losing a friend

but first of all,
here's the back story;

six years old, two little girls
who didn't quite fit in

they were bound together
by being complete opposites
the bully and the bullied
the weak and the strong

they grew up together
but apart
wouldn't talk for days
come crying in the middle of the night
to one another
or just tell each other a happy story

but friendships
need care and love
to grow
healthy and strong
and there was none

one of the little girls
grew older
grew stronger
left the nest
but was left behind
and tried not to turn back
oh so many times
but couldn't

she's decided
she won't go back to a dark place
she won't put effort if she's not getting anything in return
because a heart can only pump so much blood
it will one day get tired
and eyes can only cry so many tears
one day they will dry

she tried
but it is no longer what it was

and well
the other six year old girl
she just left
careless and reckless
never looking back
never asking
never answering the endless phone calls

and what's sad, is that sometimes
the biggest friendships in the world
fade to nothing
in daylight
613 · Sep 2013
Ghenwa Sep 2013
i haven't seen sleep for days
i don't know how tears still come out
my body is so weak
feels like i didn't eat for days
what's a home?
where do i go from now?
i'm too tired to think
i'm too tired to try
i will not try
i will not ask or speak
nobody listens
i think i'm leaving everything behind
i think i'm gonna go
my sight is blurry
my eyes are red
i'm gonna go
run away maybe
without any food or money
or anything else
i'm going to someplace happier
i want to be happy
i don't want to live here anymore
i am tired
i won't sleep it off
but i have nowhere to go
i'm going
this is it
i want to find a home
somewhere i belong
601 · May 2013
Ghenwa May 2013
facing each other
this is what they made of me
where they drowned me
my dreams and hopes
my fears and my lies
they drowned my ambitions and my happiness
so i guess this is it
what they call life
and you're just another one
another one
in their sick little game
their sick little machine
you're not the first
or the last
you're one in millions
manipulated dreams
this is what they do to you
and me
and everybody else
we're just actors in their absurd scenarios
we're just dolls in their hands
we're just unimportant to them
they **** us
one by one
but they already made us
all you do is die
day after day
unimportant, forgettable
that's what you are
and that's what your death will be
600 · Feb 2017
14th of Febuary
Ghenwa Feb 2017
I've dreaded that day for quite some time
The flowers aren't mine, they're hers
The smiles aren't mine, they're hers
The love isn't yours it's hers
and not only hers
but mine

Love that is real makes you forget
makes you depend
makes you forget
all of the lovers that have gone
makes you depend
when your heart beats louder than you hear
and when kisses are an escape
or a taste of chaos in your brain

love is the simple act
a simple act of feeling
feeling you
feeling through you

love is not the red red roses
but the long night talks to a silent television screen
love is the simple closeness and intimacy

a word you know nothing about
a word you judge you know
but intimacy is not only physical
but the way that I knew what you were going to say before you would
and catching the lie beforw it came out
and understanding your eyes don't lie

I hope you fall in love as many times as you please
but for what it's worth I'll never fall for anyone else
not for you
but for the thought of you and what it gives me
587 · May 2015
Ghenwa May 2015
he held my hand
and i felt a tear in my eye
as he said that i'd grown into a beautiful young woman
in a moment i felt like i was five years old all over again
he aged a little
but he aged well
there's Oum Kalthoum playing in the background
and i can feel wind on my face
yesterday he removed the wheels on my bike
and yesterday he taught me not to fear planes
and today he's teaching me how to drive
and tomorrow i'm scared i won't need him
to teach me anything
572 · Dec 2013
beautiful poet
Ghenwa Dec 2013
little girl,
six years old,
she thinks about her death.

she thinks how the world would be better off
without her.
she wishes upon stars
to find friends.

she knows she's not like the others.
she wrote the beautiful poems.

she was a smart kid.
she grew to be devastated,
by the reality of things.

she already knew that,
the world doesn't work
the way she wanted it to.

she was just sad,
all the time.

and as she grew older
she grew wiser.

today, this girl is seventeen.

going through a lot,
trying to be the best person she can

and in eleven years she did
what she never thought she could do;

be a beautiful poet
526 · Dec 2013
Ghenwa Dec 2013
i fall too fast
too hard
i get attached
and think there is no one for me in this world
other than him
then i get heartbroken
hurt bad
realise that i was wrong
there is
and it goes around
the same circle
the same feeling
another him
516 · Dec 2013
to my mother
Ghenwa Dec 2013
on a bed of rainbows
i was born
and i lived in the shadows
little sympathy had i worn

and to my guardian angel
i sing a song
'when i was unstable
you were there all along'

when i crawl into sickness
by my bed you'd stay
you taught me forgiveness
from the very first day

someday, when you crawl and fall
i'll be the one to stand for you
and we will recall
everything we went through
513 · Apr 2014
Ghenwa Apr 2014
I'll pretend I'm drunk.
That way, they'll excuse my sadness.
Tonight I drown in regrets,
in my shower,
in the blood on my arms.
Tonight, I'll laugh hysterically
at all the pain
at everything that hurt me.
my skin won't ever feel the same
my lips won't ever taste the same.
Tonight all smiles will fade away
Blame? Shame? Fear? Pity?
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