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these shallow glimpses we share
as days grow long
the scattered thoughts swirl and bury themselves
in crevices of this old house
to be re-awakened perhaps
when we are many years gone
what can we salvage of this eternal bond
while the Sun buries itself behind the Oak
that we've watched grow from the kitchen window
since the days when our hair was thick and dark
and the smell of fresh cut wood was present
what words can I say to bring tears to your eyes
tears that would come from but a glimpse
that shouted my fervent love
we are captives of our timeless, undying, unwavering hearts
yet all that remains of this diminishing soul
would disperse like the final slivers of light
should I lose you
In the moment
I embrace reality
The realization of breath
In harmony with
The world around me
I believe the sun
Shall continue to shine
And Gaia
Shall continue to revolve
On into the night
And beyond my beliefs...
Traveler Tim
I believe my truck is still out in the driveway
Where I parked it.
Don.t mean it's there.
I was a dense forest of untold desire,
Love embraced me as the roaring wild fire
The gleaming embers in your kohl lined eyes lit,
I wouldn't ever think of putting it out my dear
Burning in the sanctifying fire of your love
Chanting aloud the mantras of fire sacrifice:1
Wasn't it bliss itself; a new avatar our love takes hereafter.
The embers are still aglow in this forest's treasure chest.
Fire sacrifice: Is the Vedic (5th cen BCE) Indian ritual of offering butter and many other select purifying material to fire chanting "Idam na mama"(This is not for me,meaning it is for the well being of universe)as a means to create harmony between human beings and nature (by purifying environment) and also the harmony within human body and between members of community, who involve in the purification rites.
If I am happy
To be content;
Am I still content,
Or must I now strive
To maintain
So many words,
So many meanings.
But not
Love and Hate,
The simplicity
Of strong emotions
That need no delineation.
'Tis true what they say,
May your glass be half-full,
I discovered the same
In a quaint Irish pub.

On leaving that evening
I pulled on my mac,
The wind was wet
And pushing my back.

Pushing's surely
An understatement,
It drove so hard
My face met the pavement.
And I could hear Molly singing:
And the road rose up to meet him.

There was no sun
To blame for my face,
The burn on my skin
Was a shameless disgrace.

The road home that night
Was all downhill,
But with the hard rain,
All seemed uphill.

There's plenty
Of work
For this man's hands,
For the luck of the Irish
Is a tourism scam.

As for being in heaven
A half hour ahead
Of Ole Lucifer knowing
That I'm ten minutes dead;
I'm sure he'll be keening
At the foot of my bed.

Dad always said
Being Irish was grand,
If you're in North America
And not Ireland.
Repost: Happy St. Patrick's Day.
You drowned my soul with hope
you're my spring
I guess
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