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gabriel ackerman Apr 2015
I'm so sick of these people
I'm so sick of it all
I'm So sick of the lying
I'm So sick of trying
I'm so sick of the ignorance
I'm so sick of the hurt
I'm so sick of being used
I'm so sick of the arrogance
I'm so sick of the caring
I'm so sick of myself
I'm so sick of it all
But mostly of all
I'm so sick of the ones who made me fall.
I'm sick of it all
gabriel ackerman Apr 2015
Why don't they get it?
The senseless hurt with no remorse.
The silent tears and all the lies.
What's the point of it all?
I try to stop it but it brings me down.
You might think you understand.
What im feeling deep down inside.
Not because what they did to me.
Because of what I did to myself.
I can tell.. you don't get it either.
There are very few who do.
Very few who care enough to understand.
But not about me.
About them.
You may think you know what I am talking about. But doubt that.
gabriel ackerman Jan 2015
I'm screaming inside..
can't you hear it?
all these happy people only make it worse
they make it hurt more.. just put me a hearse
I feel so alone.. like I have no home
your reassuring words only bring more pain
I'm screaming help me yet no one comes
maybe it's finally time to say "i'm done"
gabriel ackerman Jan 2015
they say i'm an insane crazy person
you would be too if you've seen what I've seen
death is my friend
ill be with him till the end
I flew with angels
and fought with demons
every day my heart feels like its bleeding
I try to escape this world i'm in
you can see it these words how morbid it is
I laugh in the face of death not only because it doesn't faze me
its my friend even
they say im evil but don't take me the wrong way
i'll take a walk with god and have a talk with the devil both in the same day
maybe that's why it hurts so much
so conflicted inside my mind up in a bunch
I'm an angel and a demon you decide which you see
you'll know your choice the moment you look inside of me.
I am insane
gabriel ackerman Jan 2015
People always ask me "what's wrong"
I tell them I don't know and they don't believe me
but that's the truth there's no deceiving
I'm all alone what more do you want
People ask if i'm ok
I say "I'm fine just a little tired today"
that's the truth don't you see
I'm tired of the pain
tired of this never ending rain
tired of always trying too hard
tired of never being good enough
i'm tired of no one understanding
gabriel ackerman Jan 2015
don't you know i'm dead inside
can't you see it in my eyes?
don't you hear the screams of hell
the pleas of heaven to go somewhere else
to cold sound of endless night
endless rain and endless fright
never any dreams only nightmares
of course you don't why would you be there
I'm dead inside, these things are only a whisper of my soul
it's blackened now darker than endless night, or a ocean made of coal
I tried my best to stay alive
I cried for help as I died inside
no one came, the ones who were there left
alone in the dark I silently wept
finally my soul withered and dry
shriveled up and finally died
so now I'm nothing but a shell of a man
who needs this shell I ask myself
who needs to live when there's no one else.
gabriel ackerman Jan 2015
Don't you get it
I'm never good enough
not anything
but I'm bad at many things
I feel like I have no home
there's no place for me
life's like a race I always lose
you couldn't understand the pain
you were never left alone in the rain
I'm so hurt inside
id rather not live this life.
i'm so tired
so tired of ife
so tired of wondering when the hurt will end
call me stubborn never willing to change
it's because i'm alone, that's what made me this way
you say you understand, that
you've felt this way before
but it wasn't the same for you
death wasn't knocking at your door
so once again I sit alone in this empty room
wondering why I live...what to do
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