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 Jul 2014 민혁
Wide Eyes
Soothing soothing melody, soul-embracing lyrics
There was nothing her dimpled smile couldn't fix.
Her thoughts were joyous rainbows, her sorrows balloons
With every verse they burst and fell into ruins.

His smiling eyes stared only into hers,
In her head she could hear the delightful verse.
Their walks infinite, their talks ceaseless.
Like the rhythm of her melody- a pleasant weakness.

Curiosity, confession, chaos.
Silence in her mind and silence outside it.
Misconceptions, melancholy, mistaken.
She paid for her actions in tears.

Black balloons in the black sky surged one by one,
Her thoughts were rain in a sky sans sun.
Her departed dimpled smile nothing could ever fix,
Painful painful melody and emotionally deafening lyrics.
A poem about heartbreak. The same song that once symbolised happiness now makes her sad. The third para is free verse on purpose- to denote the chaos.
 Jul 2014 민혁
She's beautiful. She's an angel. She's everything we asked for.* I cried for the hopes and dreams of a future that was never mine. I didn't know any better, so I kept crying.

You can't run around like before anymore. Don't get your knees *****. Elbows off the table. Grow up. I brushed my hands of the dirt and picked myself up, because ladies weren't supposed to pick earthworms out of the grass. I picked up eyeliner instead.

I'm trusting you. Don't get into trouble. Don't do anything dumb. There's something satisfying about hearing the roar of an engine at the start of a July evening. With the wind in your hair, freedom at your finger tips, I could have done anything. But I shut off the car and went inside.

You're grown up now. You're an adult. You can't afford to make stupid mistakes anymore.  I was composed of keg stands, one night stands, roommates, 2am Taco Bell runs, first dates, caffeine, prayers, tears, insecurities, heart to heart talks, "just try it, it's fun, I swear", friends that turn into bridesmaids, broken promises and broken hearts. I can still hear the train's whistle.

I told you not to do anything dumb. I told you not to make stupid mistakes. I don't know what to tell you anymore. Here's a standing ovation to being immortal; hats off to the teary drunken nights and the existential crises. These are the days that we'll look back and wish we never wasted and I'll wonder why I let you wipe your muddy shoes on me.
 Jul 2014 민혁
Not Patty
 Jul 2014 민혁
Not Patty
if you were a drug i wouldn't have a sober vein left in my body.
Beyond those pages of yours are truths,
and lies.
In these binders are clues,
for this life.
Reap the rewards of a good poem,
and please,
don't be afraid to die over and over,
within these books.

Miracles turn yellow over time.
Look at how they crumple when wisdom meets
but only when it's right.
Young child of mine.
Indestructible only within my pages,
don't be afraid to come with me and die,
over and over again.

— The End —