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FLESH Jan 2020
The stuff under my bed
It collects dust
But protected by monsters
1:59 pm
FLESH Jan 2020
He was angry
presently moving backwards
He blamed the serpent wrung around his neck,
gripping right with every
direction he took.
I had the world in front of my eyes
forever present.
I showed him the people,
Who is now, who has been, yet
He only saw their necks wrung tight.
He showed me their eyes
all of them burning.
He said no present can release the grip of its past
I saw their serpents winking,
But they hid their smug expressions
from an angry man
And he did not believe me

So I showed him mine.
My eyes glazed over, and for just a moment
He saw that even
could suffocate on command
under the weight of a past
It was then that he saw my serpent wink

There’s nothing more vulnerable than an angry man
realizing he’s been tricked into dying
for his past.
1:57 pm
FLESH Dec 2019
blood woman knew
the music ticking
in her drunks mind
was softest
while visiting his mother
In confusion.
Total good is closer to sore
living and red gratitude
10:37 am
FLESH Dec 2019
Life has been
over time

I have this raw drive, hot
from the yellow Sun,
and with feet still lazy
the Moon is pushing me
to run fast

Live enormously
Stop pleasing mean friends
Who reveal nothing sad
Their one lie is yet to be used up
FLESH Dec 2019
Last night I couldn’t sleep
I knew I eventually would somehow,
but I was worried about
My health again.
Things like
Will I die too young? Sometimes things
just happen that way.
I don’t think I’d be as ready to embrace
death as I think I would
But then again I’d be dead, remembering what I am,
ready to lose myself once more.
thats an ultimate embrace.
One turn.
I just think I don’t want my mother to cry.
I was trying to fall asleep
with this half worry about
death health and habits
I noticed a clock ticking
something I’d overlooked over my
2 day stay.
This was good.
A small light flashed. It flashed every 5-6 ticks
of the very loud clock.
I closed my eyes,
They sprang open, not ready to shut
just yet
I let them shut on their own.
I heard bells
It doesn’t matter
And then it came closer.
I dont let that bother me too much.
As I finally drifted I saw flashes
Of dark images.
Horrible things.
Things that made me ask “how do I come up with this ****? Is it the bells?”
I became a bit frustrated that
I was coming to irrational conclusions.
I tried to replace the images but they
Smeared themselves in blood
And ate their own heads
I hacked up their bodies with my mind.
I’m sorry.
I’m just trying to get some sleep.
Eventually I did.
I slept at the expense of my imagination characters lives.
FLESH Dec 2019
I’m on the train
Almost home
It’s hardly dark outside
with the amount of lights that are
I’m taking up a 4 seater, comfortable
Only im not enjoying
my soar throat
Which I kept shoveling smoke into
When I visited a friend
And we smoked together with our sore throats
Afternoon smoking after hydration
and a meal
Some lady left her headphones
in the seat across the walkway from mine
I tried to look around and see if I could find this woman without a face
No luck, but a man recognized my concern
And said “next stop, it’s LA”. Yes.
I appreciate his effort,
so I flash another recognizable
expression, gratitude with a smile
I Turn back around into my seat.
The table across from me is taken again by another stranger, but she doesn’t see what I see.
One more stop till home, then I promise to heal my throat.
FLESH Dec 2019

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