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 Jul 2014 Lynn
pen sive
 Jul 2014 Lynn
pen sive
If art is defined as the expression of something beautiful or extraordinary,
then you, my dear,
are a *masterpiece
12th July 2014
 Jul 2014 Lynn
lawrence j klumas
First up, first out
Life in the street
Running in new Keds
Today marbles and stickball
Here's how we will do it
Back for breakfast.  Gulp.
Out to achieve.
First poem for Hello Poetry, especially written.
 Jul 2014 Lynn
Denzil Greene
My mind is cluttered with unwanted
thoughts and memories that trouble me, leaving me without a place to escape.
My mind which was once my safe haven, is now a corrupt and unpleasant place to be.
 Jul 2014 Lynn
Say It
 Jul 2014 Lynn
It could be various phrases
But I want to listen one from you
'I love you'

A happy look on your face
Accompany it with a sweet smile
'I love you'

If you are upset with me
You'll brilliantly smile when I say it
'I love you'

A tiresome day endured
Will end happily if we tell each other
'I love you'

Life will always be cute
When we will be together arguing
'I love you'
My HP Poem #630
©Atul Kaushal

— The End —