I fear that when I die, I’ll forget who I am.
I fear that all of my memories will wash away
And never return; that they’ll be left to die
In the midst of space, that they’ll drift to another world.
I fear that I’ll forget that I loved people
As much as I loved the world
That I loved watching sunsets
More than I loved sleeping
That I loved to think with words
More than I loved to think with images.
I fear that I’ll forget my loving parents
Who loved me for my what I’d become
I fear that I’ll forget my siblings
Who loved me for what I’d done
I fear that I’ll forget my friends
Who loved me for what I’d loved
And I fear that I’ll forget how to breathe,
For it reminded me I'm only human.
I fear that I’ll forget my life
And that time will swallow me whole
That it’ll bare its glass-edged teeth
And bite down on my soul
I fear I’ll bleed profusely,
But that my blood will be black
I fear I’ll reach out longingly
As my mind will shed its light.
That I’ll become a paragon of nothing,
That I won’t be able to stay.
But everyone must die, that’s true,
It’s the one thing we all see.
Though people can’t come to terms with it,
It’s an inevitable end for all.
But don’t focus on death, no,
For you’ll surely lose your way.
Instead, focus on making more memories
Because they’ll save you from the gray.