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  Apr 2014 Farida Salem
Joshua Haines
You're back.

But I'm not really here anymore.
  Apr 2014 Farida Salem
Why is black and white? I've always wondered about this... why my colorful photographs are required to travel back in time. How does this effect the poetry in any way, shape, or form? But I understand the wisdom of this design now. And it sets a great metaphor for all of the people of the pen involved in this truly noble motion, this secret society for people with passion, talent, and troubled minds and souls. Hello Poetry is black and white not because it has to be monochromatic and modern, but because us poets fill these pages with enough inovativeness and color already with our words, ideas, thoughts, songs, senryus, ballads, heartbreaks, insecurities, that adding literal color to this website would be overwhelming. These soft undertones of gray, black, and white may be considered drab and depressing to some, but to us poets it represents timelessness. And this is probably why we are all here. Hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or even yearly publishing poems. Because we all know we are not going to live forever, and we are so entirely insignificant in the broad scheme of things and of the universe itself, that it is a bit comforting and helpful to have this coping mechanism or soft blankie to calm our fears, that this literature we write, however insignificant it may be, is absolutley permanent. And that maybe someday it will be remembered so a small bit of us may live on. Tom Riddle knew the needs and wants of man kind before anybody else realized it. Maybe he was just trying to cope with the fact that he is insignificant. These poems are all our Horcruxes so *viveamus per camenam nostram.
^^^let us live through our poetry
Farida Salem Apr 2014
When you feel the pain
Through every bone, every vein
You decide not to hide
And instead, you walk with pride
Is it worth it?

When you climb a mountain
So certain
You will fly
But you don’t, and people cry
Is it worth it?

When you see it in their eyes
Beyond the doors, behind the lies
And you finally choose
To stop staring at your shoes
Is it worth it?

When you've been on the other side
It can be hard to decide
Consequences may fill one with remorse
But it’s up to you, of course
So tell me now, is it worth it?
  Apr 2014 Farida Salem
Atiyeh B
You were in my dream last night
Woke up not feeling so right
Woke up feeling like I had died
Wishing I had never cried

Thinking someone must have lied

Closed my eyes again in despair
Knowing this whole thing wasn’t fair
Wishing time could repeat itself
This time with me being my own self

You ask what my dream was about
All I tell you is it was full of doubt…
I say I was hurt and put to death
With you taking away my last breath!
Farida Salem Apr 2014
Today, I tried to comfort my 13 year-old self,
But there was nobody there, nobody listening.

It's so cold over there,
So lifeless and sad.
And come to think of it,
I'd rather be mad.

She cries in the middle of the night, hoping one day things would be different.
Then wonders "what if" and suddenly she's indifferent.
And there's nobody there, nobody listening.

I try to make this life as vibrant as can be
For her to finally see
That this is as good as it's gonna get
And that there's nothing she should regret.

But still she storms off in the middle of the night,
"Is anybody there, anybody listening?"

— The End —