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  Oct 2016 Isabelle
Of all the places
she sought to hide
She only found one
safe place inside
in dancing images
where the poetry
  Oct 2016 Isabelle
I wonder what come across your mind
when you see me now
passing by acting like a stranger
as if we had never been in each other’s life
as if we had never grazed each other’s skin
as if we had never craved to be in each other’s side
as if I had never open up my soul for you
does it hurt you as much as it hurts me?

I wonder what come across your mind
when you are alone driving midnight
and finding the passenger seat empty
occupied by the ghost of me
‘you always take control of the audio player in every single car’.
do you just listen to the radio now?

I wonder what come across your mind
everytime you get into your car
buckle up for your ride
do you still hear the ghost of my voice telling you to put your seatbelt on?

I wonder what come across your mind
when you spend most of the nights watching movies
till 4am
losing sleep
are you suddenly reminded about how i always whine and hate when you do it

I wonder what come across your mind
when you open the backseat of your car
and find the yellow pillow that belongs to me
i used to hug it all the time
does it still smell like me?

I wonder what come across your mind
when our songs play on the radio
or the songs that I used to love
yet you hated it
do you skip the song now?

I wonder what come across your mind
when you find little things that are my belongings
like my handwriting of your name
across your books
carved it’s ink deep
on a piece of paper
leaving it’s mark
do you ever think of ripping it?

I wonder what come across your mind
when you are at the coffeeshop
that we once claimed as home
where you told me you missed me
for the first time
have you ever been there since our last time?

I wonder what come across your mind
when you look at your cup of coffee
the smell of it
and your first sip of your hot latte
does it resemble me?

I wonder what come across your mind
when you look at her
do you compare her with me?
is there anything of hers that remind you of me?

I wonder what come across your mind
when our memories suddenly surfaced
do you try to block it?
or is that the reason why you bring her
to places we used to go?

I wonder what come across your mind
when someone said my name between the conversation
do you think to yourself ‘I broke her heart’ over and over again
does it make your chest heavy
do you even care

I wonder what come across your mind
when you can not sleep at night
is there a part of me
that cross your mind?
are you sorry for ever hurting me?
are you even wondering what am I doing
or how I’m doing
do you ever meet me in your sleep
and dream of how I love you true
*do you regret for ever hurting me
Isabelle Oct 2016
Baby bump, little baby bump
She is so happy, very very happy
It is her first time to be a mom
And she doesn't want to be ******

She's excited to see her 1st born
9 months, it will take 9 months
Girl or boy, sure she will adore
9 months, it is only for 9 months

Everyday she talks to her angel
Sings a song or tells a story
She always wispher Mommy loves you baby
Wanting to reassure the little angel

Days are fast and the long wait is over
The gift of life is about to be unwrap
Little angel is about to be born
Little angel will bring smile to the world

The sky is beginning to light up
But there are still stars dispersed in the firmament
In the vast universe, a new gift carying her blood
She's so moved that she couldn’t stop crying

What a lovely sound she heard
The first cry sounded like an angel’s trumphet
The most beautiful melody of the moment
The music of the gift of life
Firts cry, confirmation of life and validation of her motherhood.
With every blink of my eyes,
with every beat of my heart,
with every breath that I take
it is reaffirmed to me
that we shall never be apart.

With every step that we take,
with every mountain that we climb,
with every move that we make
we are blessed to stand the test of time.

By Lady R.F (C) 2016
Isabelle Oct 2016
She writes about
      S A D N E S S
to console herself
to find another who can
     R E L A T E

Why she writes.
A heart so pure -
but you are continuously rejected,

you give your all -
more than could ever be expected.

You have so much love to give -
but you are never accepted,

instead, you are gazed at scornfully -  
you are thoughtlessly neglected.

You are left feeling hopelessly broken,
left-out, and ever so badly dejected,

but, still you smile,
even though your soul is bruised;
your state of being has now been affected.

By Lady R.F ©2016
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