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One Trojan
can stop an
Sometimes I wish I
had never met you
Then again,
maybe that wish is being
made by someone who
wishes that all her wishes
didn't revolve around the very
one she can't wish away
You were never to blame
For it was I who wrapped
myself around your finger
The warmth there pleased me
It was I who chose to eat
Off the palm of your hand
Everything tasted better there
Shared on Hello Poetry on February 2, 2016
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
We are inherently weak
deep down inside
we never feel strong enough
So we tether ourselves
to things we think are strong

We look for the biggest tree to climb
to hold us way up in the sky

But it isn't until the tree starts swaying
That we question if maybe
we shouldn't be so trusting

We forget to test the strength
before we put up our own weight

Leaving us in a great plight
when things don't go right
because we didn't have an escape plan
we trusted what looked to be strength
looks can be deceiving and so can words. The only thing that truly matters is action.
A faultless poem
inkless, without erasures
written in fixed glances
in agreement
a matchless pact

Each verse, a touch
a breath, a gaze

suddenly, their storm
ink runs intense
crimson hearts bleed
bodies collapse

their surrender writes an end
a kiss
their thirst, a perpetual desire
to rewrite with fault
they call it a draft
and find a blank page
Write me a poem, he said. So she takes his hand and...
I called the lone parrot passing over my head

from the blue
i won't fly to you

it said

forgot the love i gave?

but you made me your slave
to repeat your chosen line
to voice your chosen tune
my life was not mine

so from the blue
i won't ever fly to you

she affirms the parrot escaped

but i know one dull afternoon in March
she let the bird fly away
being too weary of the chosen line.
I wish upon wishes
I wish all the

If wishes were horses
than beggars would ride
This is something we've known
for a
long long

But still I put
wishes on stars
go along
for the ride
whispering out to the great unknown
listening and wishing
another story untold

of all the wishes
I could bestow
I wish for that peace
we all
to know.
If wishes were horses is a 16th Century English nursery rhyme
Once there was a cutie.
A boy with a really nice *****.
Sadly, he lives cross the state.
When I just want to take him out on a date.
But until then, I'll just think of him in the nudey.
for MM. this is a terrible limerick *****
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