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Luna May 2016
You held my hand but chose to love her
Maybe my grip wasn't strong enough to make you stay
It still hurts. Why does it have to be my bestfriend?
  May 2016 Luna
Got Guanxi
You been suicidal so long now,
that you forget what it feels like
to actually want to die.
  May 2016 Luna
DaSH the Hopeful
As talent drained from every inch of my mind
I found reading other's work only made me jealous
                   I started to feel unpopular
          Not enough ideas left to create anything at all. Not a single drop of inspiration.

      As all of theses emotions and realizations mixed together

I became okay with copying your work.

       I can imagine you slaving in the dark
Racking your brain to find the perfect words to finish the last line

       Lucky for me I have it all right here, completed and ready to post
     Finished and polished and prepackaged with a message I didn't think of but everyone will commend me for.

    *I hope you enjoy it.
Not actually plagiarized. Just tired of seeing others plagiarize on here.
Luna May 2016
Perhaps in another life
I will not be staring at the moon
Whispering things I should have told you
Or beg you to stay

But instead I will be
Lying cozily in your arms
And I'll be the one answering
Instead of the one asking
Luna May 2016
"I'm back"

Standing on the door, uninvited. I don't know how he found out where I hid the keys.

"You think you can get rid of me? I'll always be a part of you."

I couldn't move.

"You can't **** me unless you **** yourself"*

A sly smirk painted on his mouth. Next thing I know, I was in his arms again.
It's a cycle I can't get out of.
  May 2016 Luna
Camron Elliott
I told you that I didn't want to be hurt again
I told that I wanted years not months
You didn't listen and still hurt me
You decided for months instead of years
Now I sit in my dark bedroom during midnight
Now I sit there and cry myself to sleep
How did I not see that it would end soon
How did I not care to notice you didn't like this
Where can I go to find happiness again
Where do I go to have trust again
No where is good enough for me
Not my family or my friends
I know that when I speak to you I am happy
I know that my depression worsens after I start talking to you
But I can't seem to stay away from you
I try and force myself away but it isn't enough
Now my heart feels like it is being shredded in the center
Now I feel broken pieces in the core
But you just laugh it away and make up excuses
But I have to keep seeing you
You call me friend which is what you want
You never thought to ask what I want
Every time you call me Friend
Every time my heart is being stabbed by pain
Now I am here crying away
Now I am here failing apart
Because of you and your words
Because I had fallen for you and can't get up.
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