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  May 2016 Luna
Michael Blonski
Pour energy
into your

Write with intensity
so great
that if you held the page
from a mountain's peak
your words
would be mistaken
wow! I'm so honored to have been selected for the daily. I feel like there are far more deserving writers than I!
Thank you everyone for reading my work and all the lovely comments.
Please use the tags below to read some great works from great people :)
Luna Apr 2016
What more can you get from people that have given up on you

what more can you do if they still refuse to understand the things you're going through even if you tried so many ways, and used so many words to explain

what more can you hope for when you screams for help are seen as whinings of a small child

What more can they give you... except heartaches?
It's time to leave
Luna Apr 2016
everytime I see you
these words echoes:

*"how could you?"
10-word story
Luna Apr 2016
Whispers in a loud croud
Stolen kisses in the dark
Holding hands in secret
a vague, whimsical spark
That was us
We kept it on a hush

You were my light in darkness
To me, we were lovers
But the feelings weren't mutual
I was a stepping stone
Not your leap of faith
It crushed me to the bones

I remained your secret
And your bittersweet regret
Luna Apr 2016
Sometimes, I am haunted by you
But it is a relief to know
Your ability to haunt me only means
That you are a ghost left in the past
And nothing more than a distant memory
Knocking on my door
when the night gets too lonely

— The End —