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 Feb 25 tabitha asiana
My love
Do you want to rip me apart
Just to prove
That I have
A heart

Tear me to shreds
To a single thread
To to see one
Tear across my cheek

Take your nails
Dig them into my chest
I wont protest

Take what ever you left
 Jan 17 tabitha asiana
Starry dark blue sky
Brilliantly sparkling stars
The beauty of the night.
I steer clear of chaos,
I see ‘em everywhere,
it’s quite naturally normal
these drivers unaware…

The anticipation warns
the arrival of a pending storm.
The karmic wheel repeats..
Chaos is life’s biggest thief…

must have gone astray..
their bitter made them gray..

Their vibration is very low
the dark side of the matrix
has snagged their souls..

Do yourself a favor
don’t let them pull you in.
Steer clear of the chaos
and all the special drama
chaos lends..
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Beyond my mind no description exists of who I am
Knife strikes to cut
Air does not resist
The target is the point
The pain the sharpest kiss
In the mist of late night solitude,
                 from a mislaid plateau,
                 with a suitcase full of sparks

She observes constellations
        reflected as little needy eyes,
                        peering down at her

They could be midnight directives,
       postcards from distant nebula
                            suspended in gaffa

       "Ne t'enfuis pas..." She exhales

Still she wonders:

        will her children grow to love
          their perfect machines more
                                    than they love
                  their imperfect mother?

"Ne t'enfuis pas" is a French phrase which means "don't run away"
 Jun 2023 tabitha asiana
The poet lives two lives.
One on the outside,
And one in their mind.

When you look in their eyes
You could see an abyss.

If you looked long enough
You could sink into it.

But most people don’t see it.

Take the time to read the words, though,
And you would know for sure.

The poet lives in two different worlds.
A little escape from the madness.
Or maybe, into.
I can decide if I will let go
and enjoy the moment
with the crepe myrtle across the way
and swing in the breeze with the sunflowers
if I will pull the shade of fear over my eyes
and attach to my feet the weight of worry.
 May 2022 tabitha asiana
My home is my living space,
my comfort space, my creative space,
an environment of inspiration,
good vibes, and memories.
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