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  Apr 2015 Emma Potter
Tiffany Marie
Beautiful and precise
Creative And smart
Lovable and loved
Liked by all
My Bestest Hello Poetry®  *Friend
Ember you are truley amazing
  Apr 2015 Emma Potter
Tiffany Marie
My poems are all about love and I wanting love
sadly most of them anyway...Am I pathetic?
Love is sometimes what the heart wants
  Apr 2015 Emma Potter
Tiffany Marie
I'M IN ARIZONA!!!May not be on everyday sorry!!!
hi may not be here every day love ya followers
  Apr 2015 Emma Potter
Tiffany Marie
Hey boys if your out there mesage me imma single pringle lookin to mingle.  

Message me if have interest
Bboboyboys imma holler

  Apr 2015 Emma Potter
Tiffany Marie
Beauty is life
Life is over powerful
Life encourages us
To points we never thought realistic
Short poem
For dead angel Android my followers plus others
  Apr 2015 Emma Potter
Ember Evanescent
Tiffany Gold
Is a kind soul
Like shallow whispering waters
Like winter shivers
And silver lining
and thin ice
here it is :) lots of editting
Emma Potter Apr 2015
A chance stands for an acronym
*A chance every one wants one
People want to be cared about be happy grow old be carefully erupted to escape from bad times to create good everyone wants a chance.Don't you?
Do you want a chance?
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