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Emma Potter Apr 2015
Im only very young and my life us just beginning.But I go to school in shapleigh a small school.And one day while eating breakfast in the cafĂȘ a boy around my age walks in and next thing i know i ask him out and we are dating then i find out he likes soccer and i would always play a game with him and then i found out the sad and hard to deal with part.He was cheating on me,I'd liked him so much i was heartbroken.To get him back for it I dumped him and he never got me back.
True story
:'( :'( :'(
Emma Potter Apr 2015
The evening sun sets and the pinkish blue sky shines brightly on a feild of crops in which overnight grow a flowers bloom in the mornings every person even in the smallest towns see the sunshine and the wildlife and animals during their daily business routines men and women drink their coffee read the daily paper and prepare for work meanwhile the children prep for a long journey to school as the towns and cities arise from their nightly slumber the sun shines brightly upon their day.
The sun is like a camera it follows it watches it onlooks the whole entire word from a distance in the sky and galaxy it is quite amazing.

— The End —