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Oct 2020 · 186
I'll Never Say it Out Loud
EmilyDidero Oct 2020
i'll never say it out loud
but i'll write it down

i miss your car
late nights
endless fights
wanting to understand you more

ill never say it out loud
but i'll write it down

as we miscommunicated
wanting so badly to not
i'm caught
wishing i was her

ill never say it out loud
but i'll write it down

i miss time with you
it feels i've been lied to
do i trust you?
do i trust You?

ill never say it out loud
but i'll write it down
Sep 2020 · 147
She's Who I'll Be
EmilyDidero Sep 2020
it scares me when i get this way
my mind can shut off
i block it all out
and it suddenly feels like the real me

no goofiness fills these bones
no laughter in this soul
just numb
automatic hardship

it's like i've been through something
my souls been trying to come to terms with the last 22  years
it's like i've been trying to scream
yet when i sit and think my mind can't stop
my mouth can't speak
my words are weak

i'll laugh it off
giggly me
that's who they know
she's who i'll be
Nov 2019 · 161
you're Mine
EmilyDidero Nov 2019
i heard her cries from the kitchen
like someone had died
she's screaming just to scream
my bones begin to shake

this is what love does to you
You saw me then
You loved me too

during fights she'd kick him out
i begged him not to go
"she scares me when she's drunk"
i whisper so she doesn't scream
he leaves

this is what love does to you
You saw me then
You loved me too

she's day drinking
passed out when i'd get home
800 miles away
i'd call him
asking for his help, when i knew he couldn't

my sophomore year
shot after shot
i can hold my liquor well
i don't care what it takes to be numb, i think he can tell

now i'm high every night
giggling in the back of jake's jeep
i never go home anymore
she calls me again & again

i begin to lie well
i steal her money, clothes, and change my grades
i'm desperate to escape
this place they all call home

this is what love does to you
You saw me then
You loved me too

stayed the night with jake
she's not calling me anymore
oh i think she's given up
i can feel him doing the same

This is what love does to you
You saw me then
You loved me too

my roommate's a christian
**** i can't cuss
slept in patrick's room
she’s asking where I was

i went to church that sunday
i watched them raise their hands
they're so in love with You
what do i have to do?

all my friends are christians
they’re calling You their friend
they're saying i can know you
i’m scared to love again

this is what love does to you
You saw me then
You loved me too

but now she calls you Father
and my heart's completely dropped
chills running down my spine
I hear you yell “you’re Mine”

this is what love does to you

You’ve chosen me as i am
consistent in Your pursuit
i’ve fallen madly in love

they think i’m crazy

this is what love does to you
Sep 2019 · 168
I Want to Trust You
EmilyDidero Sep 2019
to my anxious bones that don't trust You
and who You are
and all You do
I apologize

to my heart that pounds anytime I go to where I know You have called me
I apologize

to my shaking fingers that rattle back and forth as You speak through me
I apologize

I am sorry for my heart that doubts and pounds and allows the weight of feelings to effect my obedience to You

I know you have already forgiven me, but still
Oct 2018 · 197
Eugene, Oregon
EmilyDidero Oct 2018
my heart feels lonelier more often
my bones rattle far too much
my words have lost their touch
oh Jesus be Lord in my heart

i'm falling asleep at eight pm
waking up at seven
nothing feels the same,
oh Jesus be Lord in my heart

did i try to grow up too fast
i'm falling asleep to the thoughts of my past
i miss it all too much
oh Jesus be Lord in my heart

did i hear you wrong?
should i not have gone?
oh Jesus be Lord in my heart
Dec 2017 · 221
Made New
EmilyDidero Dec 2017
there's no going back
to the person you once were
or the stranger she's now become
to the life of the party- the girl who loved her coke & ***

there's no going back
to the life that you once had
your heart begins to pound
as you face your life- back within this town

you hug the girls who got you drunk
and you wish some nights "what if it was just one shot"
and that alone is all you've fought
that alone is just enough

to make your feet tremble as you sprint to the Lord
because the temptation hurts
your body still as the devil works

And he makes your mind do horrific things
He makes you wonder why you believe
and why do you live the way you do
and what if you did it in secret and no one knew

but there's no going back
to that person you once were
there's no going back
because she's been made new,
& you're no longer her
Nov 2016 · 257
EmilyDidero Nov 2016
I can't write anymore

It's been months since my last poem
and my fingers cannot tell you why
this writing has left my heart
my eyes begin to cry

As I fail with every word
every letter just fills up this space
my words have become meaningless
I seemed to have lost my taste

Although the passion still sets within
as I type I shake beneath my skin
My hands tremble getting it out
I lean in as if I ought to shout

My body rocks back and forth
I want to write the same
My fingers tap the keys
the touch has completely changed

I can't write anymore
Apr 2016 · 275
EmilyDidero Apr 2016
A me that doesn't involve you

A person with no thoughts
A person full of shots
and gin

Consumption of feelings for a person that never could begin

A person with a mind
That you could never relate
A person with beliefs
bigger than our fate

A person
Something you may never know
Because you fooled me into thinking you cared
I didn't think you'd ever go

But now that you have,
I thank you for leaving how you did
Leaving me with endless thoughts
I always knew you were childish but you've proven you're still just a kid

A kid who made me change
Into a me I never again would want to be
I sit here
A me, that doesn't involve you
For now it is different, but soon, I will be happy too
Mar 2016 · 390
Sad boy
EmilyDidero Mar 2016
I see you standing in the corner, head down as if you're full of shame
Hours have gone by of you standing on your phone, wondering who's minutes are worth more than your own
I watch as you speak to only the people you know,
you post about travel although you have no where to go

You talk about adventure and I love it when you do
Although you've not once yet shown a non- judgmental side of you
Adventure is not about money and pictures to post at night
Adventure is about the different smells and the "too pretty for a picture" kind of sight
You talk about this person you are, but I think it's who you want to be
I pray every night for the happy boy you are soon to be, selfishly I pray you keep me around so I too can someday see
Jan 2016 · 314
Going Through the Motions
EmilyDidero Jan 2016
Everything's changing before I had a chance to experience the feel of it all

It's second semester of my senior year and I find myself wondering where the time has gone. I'm only 17 years old although I remain in this exact spot- the spot of wonders. Wonders on where I'll be this time next year- also ten. Wonders on who I'll go to prom with or where I'll travel next. Wondering what my dad's been up to- we haven't been talking much, why? I wonder about my best friend and the secret he's holding inside, I wonder if he needs help, I wonder what's making him so sad. I wonder if I could tell you every person that I've met; first name and last- then pick who's stuck around. I wonder all these thoughts- then I get a little lost.

Everything's changing before I had a chance to experience the feel of it all

Because I question my religion at times, and what happens when we die? Will this all just be forgotten- or do we become angels in the sky? Will I grow up to be a writer, will I meet my husband soon? Is he someone I've already met? Thoughts like these are always running through my head.

Everything's changing before I had the chance to experience the feel of it all

A year from now we will be settled into our dorms- finishing up our first semester of our freshman year as college students. Will I be cheating my way through classes or finding my own help? Will I be filling up my nights with people whose names will be forgotten by Saturday? Or Sunday breakfasts with someone I love. Will I even still be around? Will my sisters be there to talk? Will I even have a child, or a marriage that will last. Will I do what I've always done- reminiscing on the past. Wishing I could go back- it's something I've always done. Wishing I could change, who ever wrote these rules' is no fun.

Everything's changing before I had the chance to experience it all

Help me understand if I'm living my life wrong. Am I passing the time too fast? Is it the fact that I look at future time as if it's already passed? I've prayed for help to change my habits- praying for some answers. I pray and pray and pray- although I'm still just left with these wonders.
Dec 2015 · 350
My Shadow
EmilyDidero Dec 2015
This person keeps following me,
She wont let me out of her sight
She follows my every step, turning left and right
This person keeps following me

But she must be tired by eight
Because when the sun goes down, she's gone
She must not stay out late
Although I could be completely wrong

Maybe she's out until three, dancing away the night
Maybe she's begging for him back- attempting to make things right
Or perhaps she's hiding something she doesn't want anyone to know
Is she addicted to something identical to the sight of falling snow
This person keeps following me

When the clouds cover the sun
She disappears as well
As if the darkness reveals all her secrets
Running like she's got something to tell
This person keeps following me

She's doing as I do
Making the same mistakes
Actions that only take and take and take
Although she'll never know my thoughts
Cause when I'm feeling sad my actions don't show this feeling
I've tricked myself into believing
And she too, has fallen for my tricks
Dec 2015 · 335
Give it Time
EmilyDidero Dec 2015
I shouldn't be missing you anymore,
but that doesn't mean I don't
I miss you being my person
I want to tell you this, but I wont

I wont ruin the happiness you've finally found
I won't be the ruckus in your white sound
I'll watch from a distance
because us becoming close has been off ever since

Since the night we let the truth come out
the night you convinced yourself to shout
your feelings for me and what they had meant
You learned your lesson not to vent

Because as usual I ran to my go-to
Shutting you out and cutting you off
Leaving you speechless which was more than enough

Your silence made movements in me I didn't think I could make
Jumping to conclusions was my forte
I assumed you'd leave like they had all done
So I left you to wake up alone to the beaming sun

And the bright future it had planned, for you too
The future you deserve, now I wish I knew
How home's been, and where you are
I miss you but we've always worked better afar
Nov 2015 · 356
EmilyDidero Nov 2015
I grew up believing in travel and love,
Airplane tickets and a little shove
Out of the house by 5:00 AM
and a whole new worlds by 12:00
From mountains and bikes to casinos and smoking
From schools projects to ***** joking
A whole new world this was
Although I loved this world simply because
It's sky remained the same
And when I looked down, it wasn't out of shame
But rather to thank the surface beneath my feet
And the sage scented air I'm so thankful to breath
Nostalgia comes with this world of mine
This child within me continues to shine
Because I grew up believing in travel and love
I grew up believing in someone wiser than I, up above
Nov 2015 · 826
Summers at the Cabin
EmilyDidero Nov 2015
The smell of the lake brings me back to you,
summer's at the cabin, the lake seems to have lost it's blue
And your pictures proved a point, of how happy we really were
Your pictures proved a point that your cancer couldn't cure

Because as the pictures continued, your hair started to go
As the pictures continued, I watched the faded blue lake grow
Our love became so much stronger, it had always meant so much.
Our love was something big, now I crave your touch
I miss crying in your arms, when something wasn't right
I miss falling asleep with you, holding me so tight

I'm scared of forgetting everything I know
I'm scared to say goodbye, scared to let you go.
But I felt a sign with you today,
Maybe this is you telling me- people aren't meant to stay
R.I.P Grandma, missing you
Nov 2015 · 434
Most Important Person I had
EmilyDidero Nov 2015
The thought of seeing you so soon, makes me want to rip my heart out and let the blood drip out of this room

On the other hand,
The thought of seeing you so soon, makes me want to jump into your arms like nothing has changed

Except everything's changed
You never call and it's been so long anymore, it's not strange
You've moved on to a better life, leaving us in the dust

You make me so mad
******* for leaving us
******* for not caring
******* for telling me to stop staring
You said it was rude to fight and shout
But you don't know the first thing rude's about

I want to hate you,
And I want to show you the ****- show I'm in because of you.

But I'll always run back
Because you were once the most important person I had,
You were my dad.
Nov 2015 · 380
Something New
EmilyDidero Nov 2015
I can picture how it looks
A small room, a bookshelf with no books
A staircase going up, with rooms filled with who knows what
And a staircase going down filled with people who no longer know their way around

They're bumping into one another, and I find myself doing the same
kissing all the wrong people, trying to remember my name

A year has passed and so have I
The phase of partying until 2:00 has left me high and dry
Because I find myself awake for different reasons
dreaming of my future as I change with the seasons

Passing through the hot and cold,
passing my classes- doing as told
I've changed who I am now
Although that life will always be apart of me
My interests have changed, but I hope you can still see

The small room with a bookshelf and no books
The staircase going up, with rooms filled with who knows what
And that staircase going down filled with people who didn't know their way around
I hope you still see me, and everything we once used to be
And know I still care, even though I'm no longer there
Mar 2015 · 423
EmilyDidero Mar 2015
I couldn't comprehend the words you spoke
Because my mind was distracting me with words of hope
And I used to believe it'd be okay
But to this day
who knows
Because I've taught myself to be just fine
To travel all paths, not the straight line
I've been told what I'm expected to do
But lately I wonder if that's the difference between me and you
Because you follow what they say
you listen then do and respond "okay"
Yet I put up a fight and make my own rules
Hoping the road will build itself with no tools
And I may be lost for now,
But I think I'm finding myself
And to you that may mean something else
Which is what I hope
Feb 2015 · 363
That Reminded me
EmilyDidero Feb 2015
I saw you today
I see you everyday, although this time you saw me too
And I think your eyes and mine both knew
The feelings were there, and I think they'll always will be
Only, I'm not sure we'll be around to see
The day either of us says another thing about it
Because we've tried too many times,
To force something we've always believed was there
something we've always believed to have shared
We've tried so many times
That we gave up, because why keep going when you have no luck
And I believe some day I could have fallen in love with you
That's not me being dramatic
I would have fallen in love with you
Because the words you spoke were innocent and the truth
Your eyes were every color, mixed into one shade of blue
And those blue eyes showed me everything I know
They taught me just how to let go

I fell for someone who didn't fall back
And I didn't know how to react
Until I thought of you, and how I managed to get through
And I may still be hurting, yet I think I'm done with the cursing
Because I'm no longer mad about the days you couldn't come
Or the nights you could, when we would only talk some
I'm no longer mad at the fact that when I said goodbye, you let go
I'm not mad at you for respecting my answer, I just hope that now you know
Nov 2014 · 366
EmilyDidero Nov 2014
It's horrifying how much I can tell you already mean to me
It horrifies me that someone can come in and make such an impact in such little time
This scares me because if you can make such an impact in such little time, what impact will you leave when it's time for you to go?
Nov 2014 · 428
She Doesn't See
EmilyDidero Nov 2014
I hear the News on downstairs, because my mom is so focused on what's happening everywhere else rather than in her own household.
She doesn't see the suffering her daughter goes through as she suffers to save relationships that slip out of her fingers in the blink of an eye
She doesn't see the cuts on her wrist as the blood drips down the stairs, along with her daughter who slips by the kitchen quick enough for her phone to ring, another excuse to avoid what she can't bring up in conversation herself
She doesn't see the threats on her daughters phone as she lie awake at night reading her texts on the phone bill because she'd rather snoop on her social life, than ask herself because she knows she's embarrassed
She doesn't see these things because she chooses not too see them, she doesn't see them because her mother saw all her insecurities and she's scared that this will all some how make things worse
Little does she know, she's all that girl has anymore
Oct 2014 · 318
EmilyDidero Oct 2014
She wondered where she'd be years from now
She wondered if she'd have everything she'd ever wanted
Even though she knew she wouldn't
She was realistic
Almost too much
When he told her he wanted to be with her forever
She let go, so that she could prove the impossible- wrong once again
She proved to it that the sun came up every morning and when it was time to go to bed, the sun was shining somewhere else, visiting different people

She met different people and heard their stories
She listened and dreamed until she was fulfilled with life and love and warmth
She listened until she could no longer hear
From then on- she watched until suddenly she could no longer see
She could not see and she could not hear
So from there she talked, she told her stories as well as theirs
Until one day she was empty and felt there was nothing more of her
Nothing more to give, nothing she could receive
As she lay on the bed she felt a warmth near, as if someone had been with her all this time. She felt as her hand had been lightly grabbed, she felt as it rest their, in this other souls palm. She felt herself holding hands. She felt love. And she knew she had proven herself wrong- there was a forever. Because this feeling was indescribable, this feeling was more than anything she could see or hear. This feeling was love, this feeling was forever.
Just a quick little something random
Oct 2014 · 378
A Month Ago Today
EmilyDidero Oct 2014
I wrote about you exactly one month ago, today
September 22, I wrote the words, I'm no longer scared to say
The words spoke out I miss you's and I'm sorry's
Wishing to have you back

A month ago today, I was at an all time low
Missing you more than ever, missing the way you spoke
Your words made me sound better than I knew I'd ever be
You spoke of me as if you were proud
You spoke of me highly
You spoke
And it's safe to say I've
Sep 2014 · 283
EmilyDidero Sep 2014
I'm not saying I'm suicidal
But if a train were to come quick and you dared me to jump, it's fair to say I might take you up
I'm not saying I'm suicidal
But if you handed me a gun, bullets and all
I might pull the trigger emotionless as I fall
I'm not saying I'm suicidal
But then again maybe I am, because my words have proven me wrong once again
September 25, 2014
Sep 2014 · 307
EmilyDidero Sep 2014
But sometimes I still get sad
When I think about the way we acted, when everything was fine
Remembering your voice, at three in the morning, not awake enough to tell the truth but yet you'd never tell a lie
Words that spoke infinities to my soul, or so I thought

Sometimes I still get sad
When I think about everything we were, everything I thought we'd always be
I think about the friendship, we held tighter than our pillows while we lay awake, alone at night
I think of how it's something we risked, but deep inside we knew it was something we'd never get back

Sometimes I still get sad
When I think about you
I think about you often though,
So when I say sometimes, know I mean always
September 23, 2014
Sep 2014 · 282
EmilyDidero Sep 2014
I remember the first time I lost my innocence
I tried a bit of ***
I didn't like the taste, but they told me it'd be fun

So I continued drinking more and more
until I couldn't remember anything before
And my head was spinning rapid
Yet you continued to call me "kid"

And I wanted to mean more than that, I wanted to be grown up
So I took a hit and coughed a ton
until the moon looked like the sun

And I thought to myself what fun is this?

I tried thinking to myself I'd made it like the rest
I believed I'd fit in, with not only the great, but the best
I thought these thoughts until my head got lost
And the visions were blurred and my words were slurred
I couldn't remember where I stood, not understanding how this felt good
Because everything was bad, and suddenly my emotions turned sad
Because what's "good" about having no control of what you do
What's "good" about not knowing the sky turns dark when it's no longer blue
But maybe this was you showing me who you were
Maybe you were just a sky to me but I'd never seen this side of you
When the sun went down, and suddenly you were no longer blue
September 22, 2014
Sep 2014 · 574
My Advice
EmilyDidero Sep 2014
Try waking up early, when no one's awake
Drink hot black coffee even if you don't like the taste.
Try something new, breath it in, embrace

Embrace where you live, even if it's not all that great
There must be something, appreciate before it's too late

Appreciate the laughter you share with new souls,
Appreciate the 3 AM talks with important people, don't ever lose touch

Keep in touch with everyone you meet, no matter how it ended
Whether it be a fight, a move, a death. Talk to them, never forget

Never forget the girls you'll meet in the bathrooms,
too drunk to pronounce their names
Never forget their beauty,
Even though they held their heads in shame

Shame on you for lying, but know these things happen.
Shame on you for pushing away those you should have never let go

But let go of those who bring you down, let go of those who don't love with everything they have.
Let go for the better, but remember to let more in then you do, out.

Let in the girl with purple hair, who seems to be a little off.
Let her in because soon, she'll teach you to be tough

Be tough against the one's who peer pressure
They're not worth your time
Be yours before you're there's, and I promise you'll be fine.
Advice for my daughter one day-September 22, 2014
Sep 2014 · 267
EmilyDidero Sep 2014
Down a cliff that's made of hills
Up and down, as my body experiences the various chills
Up as I let out the truth of how I feel
Back down because you deny the words I speak
Up once more because I believe I've let you in
Down because again you've proven me wrong

Lies left and right, as if I'm full of secrets
Secrets only the words on the paper can prove
Because I myself have lost hold of the truth
Lost hold of who I thought I knew
I've lost hold of my life and not a soul in the sky
Could lead me back to who I was

This emptiness inside these bones have left me with nothing to hold
It's left me with the loneliness, left behind my soul
I'm an open book with nothing to read for the poems are fading and the writings are weighing
down my confidence, as I compare it to others
Down this hill I go, and I don't know how to get myself back up
September 5, 2014
Aug 2014 · 224
But Now
EmilyDidero Aug 2014
The tables have been turned,
And all of a sudden I'm doing the hurting
My mind tells me do it
But my hearts been constantly turning
Away from you, every chance I get
Because becoming close is too much of a threat

Could it be, the words you spoke were just a lie
Maybe "Okay I understand" really meant goodbye
And maybe "We can still be friends" Was simply the right thing to say

All I know is I may regret what I've just done
I may have hurt the one who made me feel wild and alive
I may have hurt the feelings you've always kept inside

All I knew was what you chose to say
All I knew was what you chose to do
All I knew was what was in the present
But now..
Now I'm hearing what you kept inside
I'm feeling something that's never touched me before
Now I know how much you cared for me
How did I let something so special slip away?
The Tables have been turned
August 27, 2014
Aug 2014 · 770
EmilyDidero Aug 2014
Forgetting the way, your touch made me feel
Losing my thoughts, not knowing what's real
Did I make up the way you made me fall?
Was it all in my head? This big loving hearts turned small

You've moved on quicker than I ever have
Your rebound was love, beating me and the above
Why's it so hard to just walk away?
You weren't any good, considering you didn't stay

But now you're sending her flowers,
You're sending a lot
You're sending even more than I would have thought
But judging the fact that you've lied in your past
I can't tell what's all lies, don't know if it'll last

However it works, I'll say I wish you the best
But my words don't mean ****, you should know what comes next
I'll cry and I'll beg, for you to come back
I'll get down on my knees, I may even attack
This happiness you seemed to have found
In this girl I assumed was just your rebound.
July 10, 2014
May 2014 · 273
EmilyDidero May 2014
I can't focus
you're all that keeps my mind straight
You're all that keeps me in line
Please don't leave,
stay so things don't go blurry
May 2014 · 559
A Different Perspective
EmilyDidero May 2014
He killed someone innocent because he was simply "in his way"
He gave up one's life because he was "having a bad day"
What more is there to do then let him feel what he's done
How else will he learn, the pain he caused that innocent man's son?

He may sit inside Jail, but he'll be breathing and alive
He may not have anything but he's still living life
What gives him the right to earn what he took?
What makes it okay to live as a crook?

But once you **** him he's free, he doesn't have to worry about the nightmares he'll see
But imagine his family at home
Their feelings on this man who's alive in a jail room of stone,
And that could be good, knowing he's suffering as he always have should
Or maybe that's bad because they dream of the dad they once had
Maybe that's bad because they have nightmares of him escaping and doing even more harm than them being just sad

Well escaping is rare
But what happens when all the jails are filled, with inmates and such.* Prisoners who think they deserve even this much

What happens when they take advantage of this- the life that they're living, the time that we're giving

They're the monsters who ruin so many lives, they pull us in and we're handed the knife.
Because it's not them that we're freeing, it's everyone else.
*To know the monster is gone forever is all to them that helps
May 2014 · 4.7k
Death Penalty
EmilyDidero May 2014
Shouldn't one be punished enough by living through the dead?
Shouldn't one be punished enough by never again sleeping in their own bed
One should be punished, not freed

Shouldn't one be punished already by inhaling the  jail air and exhaling their sins?
Shouldn't one be punished already by taking away everything they need?
One should be punished not freed

And shouldn't they suffer from what they've done?
Shouldn't they live every day wishing they had somewhere to run?
One should be punished not freed

But killing the monster is quick
You see, the things the monster did were sick

But the monster only did what you're doing
It's different the monster killed for that and this,
We're killing for our justice
Justice means to  have peace, and genuine respect for people not death because it's easy

But an innocent man was killed on the street because someone was too drugged he didn't even know the difference from grass and concrete
So lock him up and leave him to suffer
Show him pain and teach him to be tougher
Let him think in silence, let it hit him at once,
let the pain that he caused affect who he was

Why give him the chance to change what he's done?
Why give someone who's gone mad only a hit and run?
Because everyone deserves a chance to change
We're the monster's by killing the mistakes that make them strange
May 2014 · 647
Snow and High School
EmilyDidero May 2014
High school is like the snow,
Everyone knows it all- they've seen the places I've walked
They know whenever I fall

They'll watch my tracks and judge- of where I'll go with life
They'll see the ****** snow and wonder "Where's the knife?"

So they'll gather up their friends, and find a story to tell
Saying "She wanted to die that night"
When in reality she's battling a cancer fight

And a few steps past the blood, they'll see jagged foot prints
Thinking now "She's gone crazy"
When in reality she was dancing because her life was too short to become lazy

And the prints will stay with her forever, because the snow never lies
The story could be different you just need a non-judgmental set of eyes

Now they follow her steps to a hospital bed
Watching the liveliest girl appear dead

And nobody knew she was fighting this cancer
Nobody asked
They only knew what the tracks told
And from there they judged because they were foolish enough to believe something from the heart of cold
May 2014 · 15.0k
EmilyDidero May 2014
Society's strange,
Throwing out judgments that make us want to change
You'll skip a meal to meet their expectations
A few more after that to see how far you'll go

They'll ask you why you're not hungry
And you'll make up some excuse
They'll take the words slipping off your thin cold lips,
as you look at the food on your plate but instead choosing the water in small sips

They'll catch on to the weight you've lost the past few months
The food you've tossed along with your old-beautiful thoughts
They'll seek to find you help, and you'll turn away believing this is "natural beauty"

Weeks go by and you're suffering more then ever,
You see yourself as something this world would never
Society's strange,
Throwing out judgments that make us want to change
Believing the judgment is hard to ignore,
But never seeing yourself as beautiful is more un-healthy then my words before
Apr 2014 · 5.3k
Pale Blank Face
EmilyDidero Apr 2014
Pale blank faces all scattered around
Pale blank faces can make the ugliest sound

Your pale blank face wasn't pale at all
See, your pale blank face made me fall

Your eyes showed the judgement of a 4 year old kid
Honest but sweet
Your smile was big so charismatic,
I could run off this world and you'd be one to believe this was real tragic

Your eyes and that smile are all that keep me here,
Because honest but sweet isn't much of a fear

And that big charismatic smile is all I can see
My eyes closed in the dark but smiling for I'm lucky to breath
Apr 2014 · 421
EmilyDidero Apr 2014
I thought I could make you want to live,
I let you take everything I had to give

I believed I could save you
I thought you believed in being saved too

You've put your mind to see, you're broken
And it scares me to think your heart will shrink from the sadness it's been soaked in

I pray you'll gain the strength you once had,
to build up your courage, take away the sad

So I'll walk away now, leaving you as you are
Praying my walk out doesn't leave another scar

Because I'll never know how to save you,
And I wish so badly I could
So I'll pray to the stars, and I'll pray-you to be happy
But I'll leave you as you are, as I always have should
Apr 2014 · 399
EmilyDidero Apr 2014
You've got me sitting in coffee shops writing about you,
Rehearsing the next time I'll see you, even though I know it will be nothing compared to what I expect it to be

You've got me listening to lyrics of my favorite songs,
only comparing the words to anything tracking back to you

You've got me mesmerized, rapped around your finger
You've got me looking desperate for only you

And I wish to God you didn't mean so much to me,
I wish I could let you go

But you'll always be apart of me
Whether I want you here or not
Apr 2014 · 1.9k
EmilyDidero Apr 2014
He's not everyone's type of cute, but he's mine
He's not the guy everyone's in love with, but I am
He's not that popular senior that knows everyone, but he knows me, and I'm so lucky to have known him
And even if I only know him for a little while more,
I can say he's him for a reason which is perfect
Mar 2014 · 351
First Impressions
EmilyDidero Mar 2014
Was I too shy,
Maybe I was too comfortably loud by the time I said goodbye

Or maybe it was in fact my looks,
Could it be, I wasn't pretty enough in your books

Was it the way that I talked,
Or everything I did
Made you want to leave the table
and forget the fact that I ever looked stable

Because I fall apart often,
And I'm fragile as hell

But you opened me like a book
And I read one too many chapters

Suddenly I've fallen
My imperfections have shown

And it scares me to think my cards are out,
The poker face you have is leaving me with doubt
Feb 2014 · 287
My Note
EmilyDidero Feb 2014
I've had dreams of the letter, I'd write soon some day
Words read goodbye, leaving my final say

The words that I've spoke, seem to never turn out
And the ink on the paper has left me with doubt

The writings were all, that kept me alive
They took my emotions, out from my inside

The paper looked ugly, filled with the secrets I wrote
And my head had an ache because of the lies that I spoke

But it's all I can do, and it's all you can read
The loss of my voice, the tears we don't need

So try smiling today, and maybe even tomorrow
But it's all I can do, to be free from this sorrow
Jan 2014 · 566
Spring Arrived
EmilyDidero Jan 2014
You were like Winter, you were cold and came too quick
But when Spring arrived, you had gone

Summer came soon after, the slowest season yet
I spent it missing the sweet thought of you,
holding me close as we watched the rain fall that July
But when Spring arrived, you had gone

And we watched the rain fall,
from 6:30 till 2:00
7 and a half hours of pure you
But when spring arrived, you had gone

And now I sit here, begging for the minutes back
All the screams, yells, and tears
Being this sad has always been my biggest fear
And that's what you made me, sad,
In Spring, when you had gone
Jan 2014 · 341
EmilyDidero Jan 2014
You keep running back and forth,
I can't get my mind to see why
because you've seen me cry
those night til four
you've seen me mad,
the days when home was bad
you've seen me at my worst,
yet you seem to come back often
so thank you for the days and nights
for the mornings and afternoons
but go or stay,
because I can't live to watch you walk away,
Jan 2014 · 328
EmilyDidero Jan 2014
The sun is out shining, but I lye there in bed
Holding the note of the words you once said
You told me my dreams were getting too big
And believing those words, I quit

Now I sit older,
Told I've grown and matured
Regretting my choice of taking your word

Because I'm still just a kid, on the inside
My dreams have been lost,
The inspiration has died

I've lost touch with myself,
And the dreams that I had
They see me as happy, I see me as sad

We put on this mask,
lie to the questions they ask
And we make up these lives,
we've always wished to have had

But some day that mirror will brake way too quick,
And our secrets will spread because people are sick
Jan 2014 · 390
She Told Me
EmilyDidero Jan 2014
She told me when I was too young to understand,
That lifes happiness does not fall in the hands of a man

She told me when I could comprehend the words she spoke,
The importance of travel and home

She warned me,
For when he was to say goodbye,
To stay strong and not to cry

She told me all these things,
Yet I sit here crying.
Because words are hard to believe,
Little did I know you could come back broken hearted from trying

— The End —