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Emma Jan 2016
Because sometimes home
Is not so much a physical space
As much as a psychical place
I felt the way the first nomad
Must've felt the day they
Decided to stay
Home became a person
Love became a man
So to the man that had dreams
Of Duke, alligators & playing God
Please remember her
Don't forget the girl that had dreams of saving the world
Don't forget you were her world
I was a nomad before I met you.
Emma Jan 2016
I lied to my mother about talking to you because last time I told her we talked, she cried.
2. My biggest fear is that no matter what I do, I won't ever get over you.
3. Everywhere I go, I find you. I suppose it's because I carry you in my heart.
4. I didn't believe in soul mates until I met you. You didn't complete me, you complemented me.
5. Sometimes I can't sleep because I'm thinking of you. Other nights I don't want to sleep because I know I'll dream of you.
6. You make my hands shake and my stomach hurt. I don't think love is suppose to feel this way.
7. I miss you even when you're not away. I hate it but it's always been that way.
8. Sometimes I think we were meant to be. Everything was right except our timing.
9. It's been two years too late but I still look for your face in a crowded room.
10. You felt like home but if there's anything I've learned recently, it's that home is so very temporary.
11. I never knew craving touch was a thing until I saw your hands.
12. You are the whirlwind of thoughts I could never put into words.
13. I write about you like you put the stars in the sky.
14. I don't want to forget you but somedays I regret you.
15. I don't always like you but I always love you.
What keeps me up at night is you.
Emma Jan 2016
This is not how I wanted it to be
At least not between you and me
He left and the roses died
Pain stayed but the tears dried
This is not how I wanted it to be
At least not between you and me
Two years ago we sat as lovers
Today we stand alone as strangers
This is not how I wanted it to be
At least not between you and me
I prayed the feelings would go away
And that peace would come to stay
This is not how I wanted it to be
Especially not between you and me
We sleep under the same sky tonight
I guess that's how I sleep at night
We sleep under the same sky, I guess that's how I sleep at night.
Emma Jan 2016
New Year’s Resolutions
1. Learn to love myself.
2. Learn to accept.
3. Learn to forgive.
4. Learn to forget.
5. Forget him.
6. Forget him.
7. Forget him.
8. Forget him.
9. Forget him.
10. Forget him.
New year, new me.
Emma Jan 2016
With love
Comes pain
Just like clouds
Let go of rain
I've always been scared
Not of the loving
But of the leaving
Left scarred from the times
My heart has been broken
You were the first risk
I had taken in a while
I think what made me do it
Was the denial
That somehow this was different
We were a
never ending North/South cycle
I soon forgot where I ended
And where you began
I told you I loved you
But it sounded more like a goodbye
I hope that someday
You understand why
I hope the cycle stops.
Emma Jan 2016
You see, forgetting you
is not a one time thing
it's a constant daily battle
stop thinking about him
remember the times
he stood you up
remember the times
he broke your heart
remember the things
he said in his anger
remember the way
he left you all alone
remember how
he gave no explanation
oh but remember
the roses he brought you
remember the late night conversations
remember the first time
he told you he loved you
remember the secrets
he confided in you
no, stop
remember what's good for you
remember he's not good for you
remember what you deserve
forget him every day
every morning when you wake up
and your brain wants to bring him up
remember the nights you spent
crying on your bed
remember your best friend
cursing his name
remember your mother
cursing herself for not stopping you
remember your brother
cursing himself for not protecting you
remember the days at the hospital
the pills, the drops, the shots
remember what is best for you
he is not best for you
remember that
and forget him
every year
every month
every week
every day
every second
if that's what it takes
2016 will be a better year.
Emma Jan 2016
A man is not a blood bank
A place to **** out
The pieces of self esteem
You could not get from ourselves

A boy is not a mirror
One to tell you
Who you are
Or the price of your beauty

A man is not an escape
From reality
A call away from danger
He is not a rescue button

A boy is not a measuring tape
To see the heights of our potential
He will look at you with cold eyes
That will throw the balance off

A man is not a blood bank
A rescue
An escape
A man is a companion
An equal
A friend

So stop looking for blood
In brittle skeletons
You don't complete me.
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