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 Feb 2015 emely
 Feb 2015 emely
I used to be afraid of what would happen if I lost you, but now I'm afraid of where I would be if I were still with you.

 Feb 2015 emely
Javier Garza
I love you, you were my match

Last I saw you, I hurt you badly
Out of jealousy did I snap
Very much do I regret it now
Every time I think of you

You make my heart ache with longing
One mistake was all it took to lose you
Until we meet again so I can say
                       I LOVE YOU
 Feb 2015 emely
Eric Scott Melton
I sit by watching the time
As the hours pass me by

Every moment
I’m without you

It feels like something
Has blocked my view

But I know
If I look hard enough

All I see
Is a day for us

A reason to live
And I will, I must

You are the reason that I breath

And I will, I must

For every step I take

And I will, I must

Because I cannot make

And I will, I must

Make sense of what is real

And I will, I must

I live my life for you

And it’s you, I love
 Feb 2015 emely
Jose Valdovinos
Is it wrong,
Taking a chance?
I think not.
For i rather fall
And get up,
Then not to try
And just fail.
Ive took many chances some good some bad but I have learned from them and thats whats making me a stronger person.
 Feb 2015 emely
I had never thought about little things until now, until I had become displaced and detached. Little things like the scratch of grass against bare feet and the little crunch noise that undoubtedly breaks the blades of grass... But natures green carpet always bounces back immediately. Perhaps the noise of tree branches, being tangled, tortured and embraced by strong southerly winds in the middle of a steaming hot summer, should have held more importance to me back home. The art of appreciation and great-fullness  is so easily lost amongst the concepts of time, greed and the incomprehensible human need to succeed.
 Feb 2015 emely
Susan G
I thought that I would always agree with that old saying
"Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all"
But recently you shattered my heart for the second time
And I swear to god I wish I had never loved you
It is the worst thing I've ever done
 Feb 2015 emely
Joshua Haines
 Feb 2015 emely
Joshua Haines
She looked at me and said,
"You should **** me
before you love me."
And so I did.

Her hands covered her *******
and she said,
"I want you to guess which breast
my father touched first."
And so I did.

The bones in her hands shifted
as she fixed her hair into a ponytail.
"You're going to promise me that
you're not going to try to fix me.
You're going to promise me, okay?"
And so I did.

Her lips would start bleeding
because when she lied
she chewed her lips.
She said, "I think today
will be the last day I live."
And I asked her for one more.

Dry blood sat on her inner lips
as she kissed me good morning.
Her voice softly cooed,
"I hope that isn't the last time
I kiss you."
And I asked her for one more.

She bled,
"All you write about are girls.
You never write about me.
All you write about are faces
without souls. What about my soul?
Are you going to
******* write about my soul?
Are you going to write another poem?"
And I asked her for one more.

Looking at me,
she ran her fingers
down her hips,
across scars,
and said,
"Too many men look at me
and see what they want to.
They look at me and see
broken picture frames
that they can repair
and put our faces into."

Our hands met
and our fingers grasped
at the pieces of ourselves
that were deeper than faces.
But it was only me
as she whispered,
licked my cheek
to my ear,
"Don't fall in love
with what you
think you see.
Just **** me."

And so I did.
And so I asked her for one more.
 Jan 2015 emely
I'm going to throw up I'm going to faint I'm going to hit the floor and let the blood pound pound pound in my head like a ******* drum like the one that our good friend Chris plays.
And I'm going to cry and I'm going to scream and I'm going to tear out my skin and my eyes will burn red like a sunrise like the sunrise we watched that morning when I gave you everything.
I'm going to hit the wall with my fists and yell and yell until my throat is raw and "why did I fall so ******* deep oh my gosh HOW WAS I SO STUPID SO. *******. Stupid."
I can't even type because my hands are shaking and my head is pounding and my chest is heaving and I'm going to throw up. I'm going to throw up.
this is possibly the realest thing I've ever written
 Jan 2015 emely
Joshua Haines
 Jan 2015 emely
Joshua Haines
Hard to miss, you can take me home.
I'd rather be anyone than to be alone.
Marlboro-stained teeth
have my lips controlled.
Don't mistake the chemicals
for our souls.

I move with the waters inside your ribcage.
Because when I drown in you,
it's the perfect place.

Softly, please, taking off our clothes:
I can see the kisses that have left holes.
You've been acid-washed
by love that wasn't stronger.
Take off your armor,
so you can stay here longer.

Your face is as cold
as the place I found you in.
You can let go of the hurt
trapped beneath your skin.

I keep warm in your fire that beats fast.
To be alone with you, it to be, at last.

Hard to miss, I will take you home.
You can be anyone, rather than be alone.
Remove your shoes, but not your heart.
You can stay here, as our world falls apart.
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