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  May 2015 Emma
kaylene- mary
He died on the bathroom floor
The tiles cracked beneath him
Split the earth right down to the core
Poison slipped from under his skin
And drained his body of blood
He lay there like a bag of blistered bones
Smothered by a world I knew as mine
With my name scarred to his hips
I tore the flesh from my spine
Warmed him with breath
Wrapped him up in suppression and regret
Clawed through my veins and held him down to rest
But his blood still leaks from purple lips
Dissolving through my chest like arsenic kisses and acid trips
He has a tongue made of razors and it's lapping up my sweat
Sometimes I think it's just my guilt tugging at my throat
Other days I know it's him -
Spitting out the currents in an ocean for the blind
An eye for an eye, and he'll finally have me confined
  May 2015 Emma
"I can't believe you did that...." I said.

This isn't your typical love story, this is what happens when you love, in reality.

I never regretted being with you,
Because each time when I'm with you,
I would feel so lucky and brand new,
And I just want to speak the truth,
I remember that night with you,
Under your warm arms too.

"Remember the time we met on the island?"

I saw through your eyes right then,
Looking so vulnerable and,
Do you remember when,
You look so weak with tiredness in them,
Back when we were just friends.

"Now remember when we went to MAC together?"

We used to yell at each other day and night,
You would throw sarcastic comments to prove yourself right,
But with my parents you act polite,
And later on we'll get back in a fight.

"I never told you I loved you, never had, never will."

Those were your exact words,
Those that led me towards,
Tears were in my eyes blurs,
And now I knew what you were,
Then I knew what you preferred.

"I'm sorry I loved you, I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you to stay"*

You left me all alone,
You left for the flight,
You were long gone,
You didn't want a relationship,
You didn't want a long distanced one,
And because you didn't,
I'm here begging for your presence,
Begging for you to come back,
But you left,
you just left.
I hope you come back, I hope you'll come back to me.
  May 2015 Emma
you placed flowers in my heart and bees in my stomach
Emma May 2015
I think that young love is so sad. Whenever I see kids who are really in love, not the fake cookie cutter ****, but the real, deep, passionate kind, it makes me sad. I begin to get sad for them because even if it is the real, deep, passionate kind, it isn't going to last into adulthood. I wish it would but I know it won't. Nothing lasts in the years where we don't care.
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