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 Apr 2019 eccedentesiast
I don't want to cry today
I don't want to hurt myself today
I don't want to live in darkness today
I don't want to hate myself today
I don't want to hate others today

I don't know why,
But I know

I want to smile today
I want to be kind to myself today
I want to bask in the light today
I want to love being myself today
I want to love others today

I don't know why today is different
But I'm so glad it is
May this be a record to remind myself on the bad days that good days do come
 Apr 2019 eccedentesiast
I ruin everything.
Including me.
I can't be better.
I can't raise the bar.
I've already destroyed it.
See what I did there?
People have such high expectations and they keep 'raising' them.
It's annoying.
Raise the bar?
Destroy it, you mean?
 Apr 2019 eccedentesiast
 Apr 2019 eccedentesiast
She cracked my edges
And left me broken
Wore my strength down
And finally destroyed me
 Apr 2019 eccedentesiast
Justify yourself to me
What gives you rights
To just hit me down
And then build me up
To repeat the process
 Apr 2019 eccedentesiast
Carelessly you push me aside
From the depths I will arise
You’ll pay the highest price
One that may cost a life
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