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  Nov 2014 Eagle Poetry
My soul is an old one
I feel it running through my veins
The remnants of a thousand years past
Each life is a different piece
That makes me who I am
My soul sings
Time after time
The age old melody
Same song
Different tune
And their harmonies
Creat the symphony
That is
  Nov 2014 Eagle Poetry
A piece of you
Reflecting back
The bitter words in your mouth
Too raw to speak
A poet is
Someone in pain
And someone in love
Someone who looks at the world
Through a kaleidoscope
Who takes a magnifying glass to each
And every
Word you say
And lets them imprint on their heart
A poet is
A star gazer
A dreamer
A chaser of
The improbable
But hopes anyway
A poet is
Tissue paper skin
A heart of glass
And a soul of titanium

A poet is
A sharp tongue
And a gentle kiss
She is a sob
He is a sigh
A poet is
The sun at midnight
Bright and
But cloaked in a darkness
They cannot shake
The brightest day
And the darkest night
A poet is
The human experience
A paradox
An oxymoron
So complicatedly

A poet is
A lover
Who refuses
To stop wearing their heart on their sleeve
No matter how much it bleeds
But rolls them up
So you can’t see
The blood stains

A poet
Is Poetry
  Nov 2014 Eagle Poetry
All I have to offer you
Is a handful of broken glass
But know that
Every shard
Is inscribed with your name
I'm sorry, love,
If sometimes they cut you
I'm a bit rough around the edges
But if you hold me to light
Just right

I'll shine
Eagle Poetry Nov 2014
made out of boredom and curiosity of how many way there are to prepare potatoes
  Nov 2014 Eagle Poetry
They'll sew your lips shut in pretty little stitches
To keep your screams quiet,
Because beauty is nothing less than immeasurable pain.
I hear you'll be grateful though;
Your face will be lovely
And because of your tightly bound lips,
No one can smell the way your insides will rot.
God, beauty is an ugly thing.
  Nov 2014 Eagle Poetry
ghost dad
would edgar realize
if annabelle lee's
smile fades away
thought of it in the shower. never actually sat down and down a haiku before. also i only write in lowercase because i hate capitalism.
edit: i lied about this being a haiku im sorry
  Nov 2014 Eagle Poetry
Shannon Delaney
"Are you from around here?"
You would have rolled your eyes at the city sky
Muttered something about Westernization
No stars in the sky
But baby, here they have the lights.

A man asked about you today
He said "and your lover?"
I told him you were long gone,
Feared the exposure of city lights
New York doesn't love me like you do
I said "my lover is a runaway fugitive"
Anything but the truth.
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