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A strip of barren land
Stark, forbidding
But I sat there and watched a flower grow
Bringing a bright splash of colour
To this dead land
Bringing a bright splash of hope
To a world sinking into the darkness
Kiss me on the cheek.
But baby girl,
If all you want to do is just lie beside me...beautiful, that's just divine!
Place your head next to mine, close your eyes, and that too is just divine!
Stay with me.
Your father loves you!
Beautiful, crawl next to me...for your lying next to me is just divine!
A message to my one year old daughter in bed.
Look into our eyes.
We are broken.
We have had enough.
We cannot even stand ourselves.

Our eyes say it all;
The distant empty gaze,
The sleepy bags,
And the hollow look.

We dream.
We aspire.
We desire;
All a chasing after the wind.

A better life seems is the goal,
Only to suddenly end;
And with us the aspirations,
And the dreams unrealized.

We know it is coming;
Anytime now,
For we are a fragile state,
And wither like the rest of nature.
Something i always think about.
If you ask if I can sing, I can.
If you ask me to, I will.
I may hesitate, but I will do so.
My issue is with my need to impress.
But if you ask me to, I will.
I will sing, because I can.
I can sing.
Fifteen and questioning everything, I said, I don't believe in you.

If you are real...Touch me. Speak to me. Give me a vision.

Is this not how it works?

If I obey, will you not...Prosper me? Bless me? Make me known?

I was confused. I misunderstood.

If you are never to physically touch me, nor audibly speak, or ever give me a vision...You are the realest thing in this universe to me.

Though scientism rule everything around me, my faith in you keeps me; poor but my soul prosperous, broken but blessed, and known by heaven.

God, you are the realest!
After I read that a once close friend converted to scientism from faith this came to my heart.
Carrot arepas on the table,
Busy hands in the kitchen,
Little feet run amok across the house,
And my mouth is full.

They are delicious,
She is the ideal wife,
They are curious,
And are a part of me.

Venezuela gave me their food,
Also her,
Between us both we received them,
And God is the gift giver!
Arepas are a delicious treat from Venezuela/Colombia.
I cannot,
Absolutely cannot,
Add a single moment to my life by worrying!

In fact...if I were to worry my mind to the point of stress I could perhaps subtract myself.

I could,
Absolutely could,
Subtract myself from this life by worrying!

Therefore, I musn't worry my mind.
Even if in the next moment I were subtracted life it shan't be from worrying.

Tis' better to go quietly than with a whimper.
This resulted from reading and meditating upon Matthew 6:24-34.
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