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 Nov 2016 amerhakim
Bianca Reyes
I'll never have the chance
To tell you that
Your favorite poem of mine
I wrote it for you
Shared on Hello Poetry on October 27,2016
Copyright © 2016 Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
 Nov 2016 amerhakim
Being the black sheep of the family
Is all well and good until winter comes.
The grass is frozen, food is scarce
And those stomachs don't stop rumbling,
Ever wailing to be appeased,
Unaware and uncaring to the icy conditions.
They're not monsters, no.
They huddle together for warmth;
Snow dusting their coarse wool
As they stand, determined to make it through the cold.
But their stomachs scream like dying beasts,
And the ache is so prevalent in their empty bellies.
No fat to chew on, time passes by so slowly,
And that black sheep is starting to look like the odd one out.
It doesn't look like food,
But it does seem just enough like an other
To smother any guilt that may linger
At the bottom of a recently-assuaged hunger.
They're not monsters, no,
Because the black sheep was never one of them.
Families stick together, folks.
 Nov 2016 amerhakim
Bianca Reyes
You broke my heart
Shattered it into a million words
I'll arrange them into infinite poems
Until I piece it back together
Shared on Hello Poetry on October 28, 2016
© 2016 Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
 Nov 2016 amerhakim
Keith Wilson
I dreamed
I was
At Birthwaite
I awoke
I was

Keith Wilson, Windermere, UK, Oct 2016
ask a stranger if they’ve wanted to die,
and if they answer no, they’re lying,
the inevitability of death has many
turning blind eyes to dying
or the thought of such circumstance
is a circus dance on a tightrope
with living in sights ahead
and death below,
it has people trying to balance in place,
rather than walking forward,
and a visually manifested
tunnel vision view on life
is hard to come by
unless you’ve come to terms
that when you die
there’s going to be a bit of happiness,
the tamed lions you know
are bound to turn on you,
and the trapeze is bound to fray
like the limbless man
who will eventually
wobble away,
and the only thing left
is a ring of fire and
the crowd is gone,
and falling off the rope is
almost inevitable.
 Oct 2016 amerhakim
Bianca Reyes
Our love is a poem
The one you think up
But you never dare write
Shared on Hello Poetry on October 26,2016
Copyright © 2016 Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
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