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Thomas W Case
56/M/Clear Lake    American writer and poet. I have a YouTube channel where I read my poetry. Here is a link to my website. My books …
M/My Library.    It never occurred to me in this life. But it slips through now and then. Feel free to message me; I’ll get back to you …
20/F/Tokyo    こん。I'm Arisa.
Mohan Jaipuri
60/M/India    All poems are my inner voice and are protected under copyright laws.
Gift Ono
23/M/Nigeria    Verses dance in the ink of my pen, A poet's heart, words my den. In the symphony of lines, I find my voice again.
22/F/Texas    Hey there! I'm just a law student that enjoys putting certain emotions on paper... on in this case on a screen(?)
CE Green
33/M/California    Wondering Allowed, and Wandering Aloud
Rob Rutledge
For a so called 'Writer' I have no idea what to write here.
Imran Islam
31/M/🍁✓Lure Pot ✓🍁    MY BooKs [] and I develop websites, design and format Amazon Kindle books
18/F    Dreamy girl lost in reality
Aljoy Ombaogan
23/M/Davao City   
F/California    All original work is my own, and copyrighted by Medusa, and A. Wild. unless otherwise credited. Medusa painting by S. Christian, my dear friend irl, …
Mark Tilford
Louisville ky    Thinking - always
Jasmine Reid
19/F/Australia    i write bad poems most days
astrid. prose poetry. "all things wicked and divine."
Megan Yocom
27/F/North Carolina   
F    Follow my writing on Commaful:
Tj kwame
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