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Dec 2016 · 1.1k
Dee Sanchez IV Dec 2016
It's 12:35 and I'm missing you
In a way, I am missing you all the time
But it's worse here because the sky is bleached
And the heavens has no stars that shine.

This thought scares me
For there's nothing that makes me feel nearer to you,
I hope you're up still
looking at the empty sky just like I do
Feb 2016 · 700
Dee Sanchez IV Feb 2016
Blue is the color of darkness illuminated by light
it is the bright hue of sky
that colors the blackness of space
and the dimness of my soul
that I once have
before you bathe me with your radiance
and gave me hue and value

Blue sits on the borderline of what’s dark and bright,
of what’s cold and soothing
scary and calming.
it is the fulcrum of change and equilibrium

Blue is imperfect
but that’s the way I like it.
for it somehow reminds me of us
the struggle we faced, face and will face
and though we may be scarred,
we will see through it all
and let our hearts pump love
to our veins impeccably
reminding us to never let go
don’t ever let go
no matter how badly the sea of life is churning

blue is the color of darkness
but its not of sorrow
blue as defined by my heart is the color of happiness,
of hope,
of solitude
and of love

~ 要
inspired by the words and theory of color of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Feb 2016 · 561
Dee Sanchez IV Feb 2016
I see no flaws in your face,
nor in the way your shadow paints my skin,
The way your hands clasp my cheeks
and your tongue slips between my lips
I see no flaws
no flaws at all
on how the way you love me
Why is the world so base?
why is it so insensitive?
why is it so selfish?

Love is limitless
who are they to bound it?
claim it,
selfishly devour it for themselves
without giving a fair share to our hearts?
Why is the world so clueless
about the fact
that I need you
and that this need is not simply a call of the flesh
but rather a desire to have you forever in my life?
to have snuggling beside me
when the nights turn so cold to bear.
to have you cooking for me
and me singing for you
to have you by my side
drawing your perfect architecture,
against the light and shade.

are we really contradiction?
‘cuz you are my addiction
I don’t want to give you up
I will never give you up

~ 要
        an effect of contrasted light and shadow created by light falling unevenly or from a particular direction on something.

— The End —