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 Jan 2015 Deenah
Gul e Dawoodi
When*   I  wake  up  and  get  ready
For  a  new  day­  to  start
You  kiss  my  forehead  and  call  ­me,  "My  son!"
Mother  I  know  you  love  me
­And  I  am  your  only  star
I  know  you  are­  afraid  to  lose  me
And  father's  heart  throb­s  too
But I  have  to  go  outside  and  Learn­  something  new
I  see  those  protectors  who  ­beat  the  blinds
I  see  those  protectors  who  ­beat  the  children
I  see  how  they  protect  ­us
And  perform  their  duty
Mother  don't  be  a­fraid  of  this
To  die  is  my  duty
You  can­  not  protect  me  outside
They'll  beat  me  too­
If  I  fight  for  my  right
O  Mother!  Hug ­ me  tight
Because  God  knows
This  might  be  ­my  last  *night!
Protector here means Police.
Pakistan's so called Police is also no less than terrorism itself.
 Jan 2015 Deenah
Jamie King
I'm tilted and insist that you know I am grateful now here we
an alliance. Let's see ourselves onwards, be borne by our
fondness-in accord, be our love for the colloquy.

Spry, exuberant. We are free spirits draining oceans of ink, bathing in rivers of lies to find the truth while saturated by pride.
We are propelled to propinquity, as we seek for a better prospect while drowning in propensity.

Our hearts bleed onto the paper,
wanting more love of passion
to spill out endlessly,
so others can relate
to share this burning fire
Deep within our souls.
we seek endlessly for acceptance and relatability,
with someone who we can feel
safe to share these wonderful feelings,
feelings of want from our vulnerable hearts.

In sharing our vulnerable hearts,
I becomes We
the divine flame burns brightly, guiding lonely souls
to meet heart to heart on this happy road of destiny
a stream of gratitude flows from our bloods, and we discover that we write to connect
to the divine source that empties us and fills us.
1 Gwyn
2 Jamie king
3 Cat aka catbrd
4 Silas
One poem four Poets. please comment and repost get it out there this one is for lovers of poetry. What do we have if not passion?
 Jan 2015 Deenah
Gul e Dawoodi
How*  does  it  feel  like
when  you  carry  a  ­bag  full  of  books?
I  hope  that  it  doesn't  feel  like  a  burden  as  it  looks­,

I  wish  to  study  just  like  you,
scamperin­g  towards  the  school   before  the  first  bell  in  a  crew,

But  you­  know  what  I  do?
infront  of  your  school  ­I  sit  and   polish  your  *shoe!
Education is the right of every child.
Earning money is the responsibility of parents.
 Jan 2015 Deenah
 Jan 2015 Deenah
Today, a man asked me if I'm happy. I thought about his question for a moment. I mean, there's nothing wrong with my life. I have a great family, I adore my friends, I'm going to a college I love, yet I still feel empty. I told him "yes" anyway. He looked me straight in the eye and said, "I know you're lying." I thought my facade was convincing, but I guess I'm losing my talent.

 Jan 2015 Deenah
 Jan 2015 Deenah
We danced toward
each other's wounds

with gentle step
and touched inside

and now the bleeding
has resumed

and all this blood
is hard to hide.
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