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I suddenly feel as if
I've never written before
but I sit down to write
words on paper
and they just flow
they're like running water
and just spill out
and pour upon mankind
and upon the tiny lines
that stretch across the page

I don't even know how
it happens but look
it's amazing
love, romance,
dark, horror
intensity, pain
heartfelt, needful
oh my gosh
the words are flowing
like an outburst
from the clouds above
a sudden shower
out of nowhere

exploring poetry...
how exciting!
written in 2 1/2 minutes flat
May your morning be blessed
as the doth rise
and may your smiles be unending
beneath the blue skies

May your love expand
and there be no end
I'm just glad to be able
to call you my friend
written @ 2:10 a.m.
on 3-17-2015
  Mar 2015 Debbie Jean Embrey
I like old glass
with bubbles

Pockets of breath
of the dead laid to rest

I break and I breathe and I taste

Their spices
and vices

Kisses from wives
Curses and verses

Songs of themselves
Wine of their wrath

Salt from their baths

Smoke from their fires
Sweet tastes of desire

Shared sighs and cries
Dead butterflies

r ~ 3/16/15
Maybe I should save it in a bottle and put a cork in it. :)
it was beautiful outside
the sun was shining
the warm heat came through
the windshield
the robins were singing
and life was at its best
and in a matter of seconds
as she pressed the brakes
the car wouldn't slow down
but kept going forward
she saw headlights
instead of the caution lights
and then just the tree
from whence her blood
had splattered
and her body was cast
spots now before her eyes
what happened she thought
the brakes..
My Lord...
Mama? Is that you?
I'm coming home
another angel now rests
in the arms of the Lord
her wings spread abroad
as she rejoices
in song and love
a life now surpassed
but with life eternal
through the Golden Gates
Inspired by Author Tony Sarch
Inspired by Author Tony Sarch
10:30 p.m. on 3-16-2015



i never knew that things could go so un-accordingly
i never guessed you would fall for a different girl
i never considered that i wasn't the one you wanted
i never realized i was never your world

you never asked me how i felt about us
you never acted like you didn't care
you never touched me in public though
you never wanted me, and that's not fair

im hoping that things could change between us
im wishing that i hadn't yelled at you
im begging you to still care, even if its only a tad
im  praying that what we had isn't through

*youre leaving me now that i know the truth
youre not even going to say goodbye
youre through with all i thought we had
youre not sorry it was all a lie
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