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deep pools of blackened water
staring at me in the night
fear running up and down my spine
but I won't give up
without a fight

you can ogle all you want
but I'm not stepping aside
icy eyes looking me up and down
yet I won't give up
without a fight

my blood runs cold - breathless
determined to win this war
yellow stripe turning solid brass
and I won't give up
I'm back for more

deep pools of blackened water
staring at me in the night
the fear is now up in flames
and I am here now
ready to fight

I won't back down to you
nor step aside you see
my hair is now inflamed
and I am here now
for victory

backing down was part of the past
my will now is quite strong;
your icy stares don't scare me
I didn't give up
before casting you
back to where you belong
The more I thought about it... it went like this: It began a dark poem.... intentions of being afraid.... but once I began I was determined... felt it was time to stand up ... for those that cannot fight... for those that were mistreated... for those that have suffered ... so I shot back instead
It's never to early for the sun to rise
for the Lord has it all planned out
as I look across the horizon
and see the rainbow colors
that bring the sun to the surface
I stand in awe
it's beauty is breathtaking
it's none other than a miracle

It's never too soon for the sun to set
for the Lord has it all planned out
as I look across the horizon
and see unspoken beauty
that fills the land and skies in color
I stand in awe
it's beauty excites me so
it's none other than amazing

Sunrise, Sunset
beauty ever prevails
look with the eys
but see with the heart
I'm longing for Spring, and desire
to see the bright colors again.
Let your voices flow through the skies
and reach mountaintops afar
let others know you are singing
hallejuah because He has made you
who you are!

Let your hearts sing and shout 'Glory'
and tell others about what's true
let loved ones hear your heart sing
hallejuah because He has made you
out of love so true!

Let your voices rise above the waters
and soar above clouds far away
let others know He is inside you
as you sing ''Hallejuah! Let us rejoice!''
and bend down to pray.
We are asked to pray together so our voices can be heard. The Bible teaches us ''Wheresoever two are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them.''
Remember this, pray, and remember you are loved.
oh sweet heavens
God is good
taking care of our angels
as they come to you
wrap her in your arms
hold her tight
hear her heavenly voice
sing Hallejuah

beautiful smile
most giving heart
sending us love
from purest heart
gone now from us
but not forgotten
In Memory of Trudy Ann Embrey
''Innocent Angel''

she was heaven sent
we all know that
the brightest eyes
the sweetest smile
most tender cheeks

she was here briefly
came; passed us by
the cutest laugh
the kindest heart
most loving child

she was beautiful
then and now
the coolest kid
the alltime best
innocent angel
In memory of Destiny May Callahan
soaring above the clouds
feeling the wind
getting the feel of the world
beneath me
light as a feather
free as the eagle
gentle as the wind

soaring above the planes
rain upon my face
falling now
gently on my beak
free as the dove
gentle as a kiss

taking flight over trees
mountaintops and hills
calling out
gently speaking now
wise as the owl
courageous and kind
the falcon speaks
I Know My Work Is Done

I looked down in pure amazement
And watched my son arrive
Counted all his fingers
To make sure he was alright

I would sit with him for hours
And rock him through the night
And I wondered how the child I held
Would somehow change my life

He would place his tiny hands in mine
So I could guide him on his path
Would not be afraid to tell his friends
How much he loved his dad

I remember him requesting me
At all his high school games
And when he'd see me in the stands
There'd be a smile there on his face

I would give to him all he needs
To help him grow into a man
Made sure he knew to show respect
And to lend a helping hand

He would ask for my opinions
On events within his life
And wanted me to stand with him
As he married his new wife

Now he looks down in pure amazement
As his new born son arrives
I watch him counting fingers
To make sure he is alright

I know now how he changed my life
As I watch him with his son
I can see the love that they share
And I know, I know my work is done

Carl Joseph Roberts
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